Tarot and astrology are two practices that often cross paths and complement each other. Is it possible to use tarot and astrology together? Some people might think they confront each other and must be used separately. In our article, you will discover how to create a powerful combination of tarot and astrology for self-relearning and […]
Beginners who are starting to familiarize themselves with tarot culture have many questions and discover tips and secrets of tarot reading with great enthusiasm. No matter whether you prefer to only pull tarot cards for yourself, or do a reading for someone else, being confident during shuffling and pulling cards is the must. To help […]
Tarot cards draw the attention of many enthusiasts as this tool is used widely for not only divination purposes. Many people turn to online services to get tarot readings on the go, considering the cards a great instrument for self-learning and gaining insights about life events. For beginners, getting a first deck of cards often […]
Nowadays the culture of tarot readings spreads widely as we live through turbulent times of uncertainty. More and more tarot readers make their services available online which enables accessibility to readings on the go to a vast number of people. Many experienced tarot enthusiasts rely on advice from cards to make choices in life and […]
Taking into account that problems kick into our lives non-stop, chances are even ten or more cards spread doesn’t seem to be enough to make things clear and combat the obstacles. But the good news is that (luckily!) we’re not flooded with all those troubles 24/7. And for these quiet times in life, three tarot […]
In the case of tarot, you can do a lot, even with a single card! That is how many cards are enough to get insight into your current relationship, get a better idea of what you feel about this or that situation, or come up with the best intentions for the day. There’s no need […]
Much has been said about asking tarots yes or no questions. The trick is that we all know the science behind this ancient practice: it offers in-depth insights and advice on all aspects of life. But…what if all you need is a fast, simple, and clear yes or no answer right here and right now? […]
No other feeling in this world leaves us with so many whys and hows. It’s always love that can do both – make our hearts beat like never before or leave us feeling completely down. Considering how powerful love is, it’s no wonder that a lot of people try to find answers wherever possible. Luckily, […]
You can use tarot for different purposes (to boost personal growth or just have some fun), but it’s still a great tool to self-reflect, find answers to the questions that bother you, and clarify all the what-ifs and whys. There are different Arcanas, suits, symbols, and meanings that you should learn to have an effective […]
Tarot reading is a powerful practice that goes beyond divination. For example, some people don’t do readings for others and use cards only for self-learning. Yes, you can do a tarot reading to discover your inner world! Learn more about the basic steps to do a tarot reading on yourself in our article. Why should […]