15 Key Questions to Ask a Tarot Reader for Guidance

Nowadays the culture of tarot readings spreads widely as we live through turbulent times of uncertainty. More and more tarot readers make their services available online which enables accessibility to readings on the go to a vast number of people. Many experienced tarot enthusiasts rely on advice from cards to make choices in life and learn more about themselves. At the same time, some people still have concerns about what to ask and how to choose tarot card questions. Considering that many tarot readers charge their service fee per question, the skill of asking good and actual questions is vital.

How to Ask Tarot Questions Correctly

It’s essential not only to know what to ask a tarot reader but also to be clear about how to ask tarot questions. Here are some pieces of advice that will give you a hint on how to correctly formulate your request to get the most out of your reading.

  1. Ask open-ended questions more often. Formulating questions to tarot is an art of leaving some space for wider interpretations. In this case, train yourself to ask open-ended questions. For example, if you’re asking about career outcomes, instead of questioning ‘Will I get a job?’ ask: ‘What qualities will bring me the dream job?’ Hence, you will let cards give you more ideas and insights.
  2. You can ask about when something will happen. Many tarot cards mean concrete periods and point at certain time-frames. Freely formulate your questions by asking about anything related to the near or far future. In addition, the suits of tarot cards also relate to certain periods. The Swords symbolize autumn, the Wands relate to spring, the Cups indicate summer, and the Pentacles are associated with winter.
  3. Break questions into small, concrete parts. To get the most out of a reading, you should formulate tarot card reading questions precisely and break them down into smaller parts. Hence, you will get deeper interpretations of each question. Moreover, you will move step by step, navigating the situation effectively and scoping it from different perspectives.
  4. Precisely formulate ‘yes or no’ questions. However, yes or no readings are quite popular, they are not always informative enough to get the whole picture. Nevertheless, in some situations, one can use this fast and approachable way to glimpse beyond the hidden intentions or reveal the outcome of future events. Don’t count on getting a clear and direct answer, as none of the 78 tarot cards means 100% yes or 100% no. A more detailed reading and adding more cards can help clarify the situation.
  5. It’s ok not to ask a specific question. If you’re reading tarot cards and any specific question comes to your mind, it’s okay! A well-experienced and empathetic tarot reader will help you navigate a reading. For example, you can help a reader to interpret cards by briefly describing your current life situation. The cards will give you valuable insights and help to realize what to prioritize right now.

15 Best Questions to Ask Tarot Cards

The art of formulating compelling questions to ask tarot readers comes with practice and experience. You can find a tarot reader online from our team of experts for a personalized session. If you are at an initial stage of learning yourself with the help of tarot, consider the best questions to ask a tarot reader below.

Questions to ask tarot readers about love and relationships

Love is one of the most important parts of life as it’s the basis for fulfilling family and brings loads of happiness. Tarot cards can reveal a lot of valuable information to anyone. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in a relationship right now, just broken up, single, or starting a new relationship. You can ask the right question depending on your current status. Here are some good ideas for tarot card questions about love:

  • What to expect from my new contact? Perhaps, you’ve met a person recently and want to know about their intentions about you. The cards can help recognize manipulation and uncover what’s the role of this person in your life.
  • What qualities do I need in my partner? The cards can give you an idea of how your partner can help you grow by adding qualities you need to develop.
  • What should I do to strengthen my relationship? Even if you’re happy with your partner, there are always ways of improvement. By asking this question, you can gain unexpected perspectives.

Questions to ask a tarot reader about career

  • Should I switch positions (change the company)? It’s about big changes within your industry. Ask cards to clarify your career shift.
  • What should I learn to get my desired job? Ask for insights on personal growth and skills needed to reach your goals.
  • What should I consider in choosing my career path? This question can reveal hidden potential and opportunities.

Questions to ask a tarot reader about health

  • Should I ask for more opinions about my diagnosis? Tarot can help reflect on whether you need a second opinion.
  • What should I prioritize to move from past health issues? Let the cards guide you toward healing.
  • Am I ignoring something about my health? This question can reveal hidden concerns.

Questions to ask a tarot reader about the future

  • When will I find a job (get married, find a partner)? Tarot can help clarify time frames and perspectives.
  • What will happen if I move to another place? Cards can help set priorities for big life decisions.
  • What should I pay attention to tomorrow? A great question to set the mood for the next day.

Questions to ask a tarot reader about practicing tarot

  • Should I start doing tarot readings? Some people are naturally inclined to read tarot, while others aren’t.
  • Can I earn money by doing tarot readings? Some tarot readers keep their practice spiritual, while others turn it into a business.
  • How will tarot reading influence my life? A great question for insight into your tarot journey.

Final Thoughts

Each tarot card is an instrument for self-reflection and gaining perspectives. Asking tarot about anything in your life is a way to gain a deeper understanding of connections between situations and life events.

Our article provided you with ideas for specific questions to ask cards. You can use them as examples and add personal context to make your reading more meaningful. We hope that you found our article insightful! Good luck!

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