How-to Guide on a Three-Card Spread

Taking into account that problems kick into our lives non-stop, chances are even ten or more cards spread doesn’t seem to be enough to make things clear and combat the obstacles. But the good news is that (luckily!) we’re not flooded with all those troubles 24/7. And for these quiet times in life, three tarot cards are enough. After all, you do not need more to get a simple hint, ask down-to-earth questions, or receive a quick suggestion for trivial things. Perfect for beginners and versatile, this technique works well for daily needs. The guide below will walk you through how to do a three card tarot reading to get yourself together as you navigate through your daily routines.

What’s a Three-Card Spread?

Simply put, the spread includes pulling three cards to get an answer to a question, see a new angle of a particular situation, or receive guidance. Use each card as an answer to a different aspect. The most common ones include:

  • Body, mind, spirit
  • Your present, past, and future
  • You, your SO, your relationship
  • You, your career, your potential

Based on your intentions, scenario, problem, or any other context, the meaning of the cards will vary.

Pick Your Perfect Deck

If you make sure to choose the right tarot deck, the whole process will go easier. With the deck that suits your needs, you’ll find it easier to examine and interpret the imagery and symbolism of the cards. As a result, better accuracy of each reading session is guaranteed.
Are you new to tarot? Choose the following decks:

  • The Rider-Waite tarot deck: Famous for its vibrant imagery and symbolism.
  • The Wild Unknown deck: Attracts readers with its up-to-date and unique illustrations.
  • The Morgan-Greer tarot deck: Perfect for those seeking expressive and vivid artwork.

When you conduct a reading session using the deck that speaks to you, you’ll experience a deeper connection with the cards and, as a result, have a more accurate practice that you really enjoy.

Do the Three Card Spread

You know what question bothers you, so it’s time to start the reading session that includes three cards. The process is simple and includes shuffling the deck, pulling the cards one by one, admiring the imagery on each, and interpreting the message they carry. Now, let’s have a little more detail on each step.

Ask your question

Questions and intentions always come first. Make sure they’re always open-ended and concise. For instance, the readers must stay away from asking things like, “Will I…” or “Will she…” The reality is that this type of question doesn’t let you or the querent play an active role in your future. If you don’t like the idea of being just an observer in your life, ask broader questions. If you find it hard to come up with the right type of inquiries, we have some examples to help you out:

  • Why am I so stressed about…?
  • What is it that I have to know about…?
  • What is it that I should work on in my relationship with…?
  • Where is the hidden risk in…?
  • How can I overcome…?

Shuffle and draw

To conduct a 3-card spread, shuffling and drawing are a must. There’s no doubt that you’re looking for the most accurate results, so pick the shuffling technique that resonates with you. Do the shuffle and let a single card fall down (it’s the one you’ll pull), or pick the card from the top of the deck. When the shuffling part is done, lay the cards out in the three-card spread, where every card stands for a particular aspect of the reading.

Examine and interpret

To unlock the message that the spirits have for you, you have to interpret your cards one by one. If you make sure to practice regularly and focus on the process, you’ll soon get a better idea of the process and how cards can be linked to each other. Session after session, you’ll learn to give more and more accurate interpretations and see how they work together, in what way the meanings of the cards are related to your present, past, and future, as well as notice any existing patterns.

There’s More to the Interpretation of the Cards

There’s no doubt that it’s the most interesting part! Interpreting the messages of the cards can be tough, requiring you to infuse some skills and practice into the process. If you’re at the beginning of your tarot path, use references. The good news is that most decks are provided with a quick interpretation guide. Check the meaning of every card that you pulled and think about how it is linked to your question, situation, or scenario. Plus, tarot cards are usually most effective when interpreted in tandem. Your task here is to look at the general picture rather than each card separately. In what way are they linked? Are there any patterns? Typically, the Major Arcana tends to point to significant issues in our lives, while the Minor Arcana refers to people, events, and trivia themes we face day by day.

Regardless of the question you have in mind, the meaning of every card is up to you. By carefully studying the names of the cards, symbols, images, and stated meanings in tandem, the reader must find out how exactly each is related to the problem or question under study. A lot of tarot beginners confess that reading cards (even where there are just three of them) is similar to trying to guess the drawing of a toddler. However, the good news is that the more you practice and learn the tarot cards, the more you link them to your inner self.

Note: Never try to ask the same question several times in a row. Doing it over and over again won’t help you and will definitely get you confused (even more than you were before reading the cards!). If the answer that the cards delivered does not satisfy you (it’s OK), and you’re tempted to pull more to give the same inquiry to – don’t. It’s far more better to try to understand the original message and figure out what you can do with it in the light of your present situation.

Close the Session

When all the messages are properly interpreted, and you’re 100% satisfied with the three-card reading session, make sure to finish it properly. Be grateful for the help that tarot cards provided. Reshuffle your cards and put them in a specially designated place.


…don’t forget that clear interpretation of the tarot cards (even if there are just 3 of them) comes after tons of practice. The whole process is similar to learning a new language. When you deal with one card, it’s like learning a new word. However, pulling three cards or more is similar to building sentences and using them to speak. The good news is that practice makes perfect. You’ll get there! If you need professional guidance, get a three-card reading online from tarot experts.

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