Tarot and Astrology: A Guide to Using Them Together

Tarot and astrology are two practices that often cross paths and complement each other. Is it possible to use tarot and astrology together? Some people might think they confront each other and must be used separately.

In our article, you will discover how to create a powerful combination of tarot and astrology for self-relearning and divination.

The Main Peculiarities of Tarot

Tarot practice is an ancient and widespread tool for divination, and modern people are more likely to consider tarot as an instrument for self-learning.

The tarot deck in its classical form consists of seventy-eight cards that contain twenty-two Major Arcana and fifty-six Minor Arcana (including Aces and court cards: Knights, Pages, Queens, and Kings).

Each card has a unique interpretation and illustration on it. Tarot cards absorbed symbols from numerous cultures during their genesis, which took several centuries.

Nowadays, tarot is mainly used by people who need advice or want to understand their inner desires better.

The Main Peculiarities of Astrology

Astrology is the art of reading the combinations of planets and stars in the sky in certain periods. This practice studies planets and stars, their transitions, and directions at different times of the year.

There are twelve Zodiac signs and houses. Each sign is associated with a specific element (Earth, Water, Air, Fire) and corresponds with a certain period.

Astrologists use planets, signs, and Zodiac houses to create and read astrological maps that help characterize individuals, events, and situations.

Astrology helps predict the main events in people’s lives, see compatibility between different Zodiac signs, analyze the influence of planet transitions, and more.

Why Combine Two Practices in One?

Since tarot and astrology are quite different instruments, they effectively work together, adding depth to each other. Reading cards and stars together creates a perfectly balanced combination.

Astrology creates a core that characterizes our individual skills, talents, strengths, and so on. We can compare it to the basic information about a person. Tarot helps to add details and momentum hints that help to find answers to important questions about situations this person experiences.

In other words, you can compare astrology to a house with floors, ceilings, walls, windows, doors, and chimneys. Then tarot would be the designer elements that describe the house and add unique details. The house will reflect the mood and vision of its owner only when it has furniture, decor, music, smells, colors, and other personal elements.

The Correspondences Between the Zodiac Signs and Major Arcana

Experienced readers who learn tarot for professional purposes realize that knowing the exact associations between planets, Zodiac signs, and cards makes reading more efficient. Each Zodiac sign corresponds to a Major Arcana card:

  • Aries: The Emperor
  • Taurus: The Hierophant
  • Gemini: The Lovers
  • Cancer: The Chariot
  • Leo: Strength
  • Virgo: The Hermit
  • Libra: Justice
  • Scorpio: Death
  • Sagittarius: Temperance
  • Capricorn: The Devil
  • Aquarius: The Star
  • Pisces: The Moon

Using these correspondences, you can adjust the efficiency of tarot readings. Note that knowing the detailed interpretations of each Zodiac sign is a must. It’s not enough to have only basic knowledge of them, such as the elements associated with each sign.

The Correspondences Between the Planets and Major Arcana

Planetary rulership is crucial in astrology. You can use these characteristics by learning the associations between planets and cards:

  • The Sun: The Sun
  • The Moon: The High Priestess
  • Mercury: The Magician & The Lovers
  • Venus: The Empress & The Hierophant
  • Mars: The Tower & The Emperor
  • Jupiter: The Wheel of Fortune & Temperance
  • Saturn: The World & The Devil

To use the correspondences between the planets and tarot Major Arcana, you can consider not only their direct movement periods but also retrograde ones.

How to Effectively Use Tarot and Astrology Together in a Spread?

You might wonder, do tarot and astrology go together well, or are there some situations where you should use them separately? These two practices create a perfect combination, complementing each other. One way to get the most out of the union between astrology and tarot is to seek inspiration for spreads in astrology. Here are some examples:

Three-card spread

One of the most popular tarot readings is the three-card spread, which usually indicates the past, the present, and the future. By adding astrology to this spread, you can create a reading focused on individual qualities.

For example, in natal charts, the Sun, Moon, and Rising signs define a person’s character. The Sun represents identity, the Moon governs emotions, and the Rising sign reflects how one presents themselves to the world. Assigning each card to these elements provides deeper insights into a person’s personality and guidance on how to harmonize their individuality.

Twelve-card spread

This astrology-inspired tarot spread requires knowledge of each Zodiac sign’s interpretation. You can assign each sign to a specific life area. The card representing a person’s Zodiac sign would reflect their thoughts, while other signs may relate to aspects such as finances, relationships, or personal growth.

Planet transitions spread

Creating this type of spread requires advanced astrology knowledge. This reading is performed during specific planetary transition periods. Each planet influences life differently, and understanding these effects can provide insight into challenges or opportunities ahead.

Examples of Tarot Readings Enhanced with Astrology

If a reader understands how tarot and astrology work together, reading interpretations become more detailed and accurate. Astrology broadens perspectives on life events, while tarot provides meaningful guidance. Here are some practical examples:

Deciding on the right timing

Certain life events are time-sensitive. The outcome of a situation could depend on timing, such as changing careers or starting a business. Astrology can indicate favorable periods, and tarot can provide guidance on how to navigate them successfully.

Insights on love life

Suppose your love horoscope predicts that you will soon meet someone special. A tarot reading can offer additional insight into the nature of this relationship, revealing whether it will be harmonious or full of challenges.


Astrology, through natal charts, reveals challenges a person may face in life. Tarot can complement this knowledge by providing solutions and advice on overcoming obstacles effectively.

Wrap Up

We hope that after reading our article, you have learned more about tarot and astrology, how they complement each other, and ways to use them together. Good luck!

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