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The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning in Upright & Reversed Positions


Intuition, spirituality, inner voice, natural talent, hidden intentions, confusion, unconscious, higher power, mystery, cognitive dissonance, wisdom, meditation, prayer, inner knowledge, tranquility, self-discovery, self-improvement.

What Does The High Priestess Mean in Readings?

Numbered two among the Major Arcana, the High Priestess tarot symbolizes duality. The card is often associated with the Moon. What does the card mean? One of the key meanings is getting vital information that will radically change the surface of existing things. The card symbolizes the period of immersive inner work and self-reflection. This is the card of intuition, self-discovery, and self-improvement. The High Priestess reveals one’s natural talents and abilities. The card often shows that there is no need to push or force things; everything will happen by itself. With self-confidence and listening to intuition, you will get to your intended goal. The look of the card often pictures a middle-aged woman sitting on a high throne between two columns of different shapes and colors. The meaning of such an illustration is the mix of inner strength and sensual spirit.

The High Priestess in tarot symbolizes the archetype for Persephone, Artemis, Isis, and more well-known women figures. The card embodies the duality of human nature, usually a symbiosis of good and evil, yes or no, masculine and feminine. The High Priestess tarot meaning can be understood as a bridge between two polar sides of the world – black and white. This is a symbol of knowledge learned from both of these opposite sides, so the High Priestess serves as a mediator between them. However, often the card can symbolize cognitive dissonance and a lack of wisdom.

The High Priestess Upright Explained

The inner voice is calling you! In the upright position, the High Priestess meaning includes a connection to the unconscious. The card points to a high potential of one’s intuition in solving life puzzles. It is time to use the perfect equilibrium of the feminine and masculine that is inside every human and achieve success. By listening to the call of your inner voice you will gain triumph more likely than with the help of rational arguments.

The High Priestess upright when appearing in the reading indicates that prioritizing intellect in the process of looking for solutions will not work this time. The archetype of the divine feminine helps in finding answers with inner spiritual work.

In this position, the High Priestess may also mean that common sense will triumph over chaos. The card upright as feelings indicates tranquility and self-confidence. If something still seems unclear, the shadow will go away with time, and the true intentions will be revealed. The search within yourself will help to find solutions more likely than looking for advice in the real world. Everything is inside you. Trust yourself and set your spirit free. For future careers, the upright position of the card means that you can get a powerful guide or mentor for the existing or upcoming project. For relationships, the card symbolizes intimacy, love, deep feelings, and patience with your significant other. The upright position of the card often indicates the need to keep your financial situation private. For career, the card signifies the period for new opportunities and learning.

The High Priestess Reversed Explained

Is it difficult for you to fully trust your intuition? The High Priestess reversed suggests you turn all your attention inward. It is time to distract from reality and look deep into your heart. If you are seeking the answers, your intuition is that superpower that will make you succeed as a person. Let the flow of thoughts bring you to the source of the ultimate knowledge of the Universe. The card asks you to stay silent and observe. With trust in life’s flow, you will get to your goal.

Imagine the card as a center within you that has the knowledge and brings peace. Even if the storms are roaring in the outside world, the quiet place inside you will stay unharmed. The power inside is always there when you need it.

The card’s advice is to let go of your worries, meditate, and build a temple within you. Overthinking problems is not the way to solve them. Free your subconsciousness to let it speak to you honestly and the answer will come.

The High Priestess tarot in reversed position means gossiping and often indicates the hidden agenda of others. It reveals how someone sees you in reality. Be attentive to your surroundings. Somebody can hide vital information from you, talk about you behind your back, or tell you lies. However, with these assumptions, you should not be paranoid. By initiating an honest conversation with others you can easily uncover all hidden intentions and reveal secrets.

Final Words on The High Priestess Meaning

The High Priestess tarot card meaning always comes with the duality it represents. The card is number two among the Major Arcana. This card is often associated with the Moon.

In the upright position, the High Priestess indicates the need to find solutions thanks to the inner spiritual work. The search within yourself and honest self-talk will more likely help find true answers and solve existing issues. By listening to your intuition, you will get where you need to get. By trusting yourself, you will more likely succeed than if you will encounter only real-world scenarios. The card helps to reveal one’s natural talents and ambitions. In the realm of profession and career the card in an upright position often shows the opportunities to grow and learn intensively. When it comes to finances, there is a need to be careful and keep the information secret.

The High Priestess reverse often indicates gossip. One should pay strict attention to their surroundings as somebody might be telling lies and having hidden intentions. Note that overthinking will not help solve the existing problems.

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