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The High Priestess as Feelings in Upright and Reversed Positions

The High Priestess is the Major Arcana that embodies duality, balance, and inner world. The interpretation of the High Priestess as feelings for someone is never clear or straightforward. The mysterious nature and duality of the High Priestess uncovers uncertainty when it comes to love and relationships. However, a lot depends on the questions and the position of a card in a spread.

Speaking about the High Priestess as feelings, we should consider what’s depicted on the card. The illustration underlines the duality and balance represented by this Major Arcana. As the figure of a woman on the card sits on a throne between two differently colored pillars, we can say she tries to maintain her inner balance. We see the dualistic nature of everything in the Universe. Everything around is simultaneously dark and light, day and night, good and evil, male and female. The truth is somewhere in between.

When interpreting the High Priestess tarot as feelings, one should mind the duality of symbols as they highlight the need to follow our gut and let inner feelings point the right way. Interpreting this card as feelings is easier if you imagine it as an archetype of a mysterious and wise woman who realizes the power of her inner world and follows its hints. The card’s meaning for spirituality involves awakening, trusting signs, and deep meditative conditioning.

The High Priestess Upright as Feelings Meaning Explained

In an upright position, the card as feelings towards someone interprets as reliance on intuition and trusting your gut. It may reflect the results of dedicated and long inner work. For example, when one gains insights about the nature of their feelings through meditations or retreats.

The card indicates that your relationship can reach a new deeper level of spiritual bond. If you are open and trust each other, you will connect more than ever. It’s about a union of souls, minds, and bodies. To maintain such a deep bond with your significant other, you both must be true to yourselves and realize your real desires. It’s about feeling harmonious and safe together. You create and cultivate balance in your relationship.

The card may show your feelings for your ex and your desire to be with them. It can work if you are honest with yourself and with them. Frankly talking about the problems that led to your disconnection in the relationship in the past will help create a basis for a new union. If you realize what lessons you learned from a break-up and feel the readiness to enter a new chapter, go ahead. There is a need to be attentive to inner feelings that are telling you the truth. Your intuition will help, so trust it.

The High Priestess Reversed as Feelings Meaning Explained

When the High Priestess reversed as feelings are present in a tarot reading, it means uncertainty, insecurity, and hidden truth. You aren’t sure if your crush feels something for you and prefer to cover your feelings.

There is a chance that you’re not feeling confident in your relationship. Perhaps, you’re not being honest with your partner and are afraid to reveal your true desires and beliefs. You might be too concentrated on your partner’s wants and want to show them only one side of your best self. Unfortunately, such an approach will not let you grow trust and deeper connections with your significant other. Showing who you are will let you realize if your union has any future.

If you’re single and looking for a relationship, you are more likely to meet someone who’s not your type. It may signify that your values are misaligned and you will face too many challenges to make this romantic union last for long. The card may mean that someone’s romantic expectations are very high, but often when we expect too much, our dreams might be broken by reality.

The card in reverse points to the uncertainty and some hidden issues related to potential reconciliation with your ex. If your feelings for your ex are extremely high, try to listen to your intuition. The High Priestess as feelings in reverse gives you advice to be honest with yourself. Maybe you’re hiding from the unpleasant truth that nothing will change if you give this person another chance. Perhaps your desire to be in a relationship doesn’t let you see the reality.

Final Words on the High Priestess as Feelings

The High Priestess is the Major Arcana numbered two. The two are a symbol of duality and balance. In an upright position, the card signifies that one’s ready to build a strong union and honestly state their feelings, share beliefs, and views with a partner. Your intuition says that you should open before your crush and trust the Universe, your gut, and be yourself.

The High Priestess as feelings in reverse indicates that you’re hiding your true desires and values from your partner. Maybe you’re afraid to show yourself uncovered so you don’t lose your relationships. If you’re considering renewing communication and relationships with your ex-partner, ensure that you’re listening to your intuition. The reason to be with someone is to add value and excitement to your life.

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