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The High Priestess Yes or No in Upright and Reversed Positions

The High Priestess is one of the tarot Major Arcana, numbered two. It’s the card of balance and duality of all in the Universe. The card is associated with the Moon which also has two sides.

The High Priestess yes or no meaning depends on its position and other cards in a spread. One also should always consider the symbolism and keywords related to this card. If we look at what’s depicted on the card, we will see a figure of a woman who’s wearing a beautiful robe and sits between two pillars of black and white color. We associate this figure with peace, inner balance, the duality of life and death, men and women, light, and darkness, spiritual and material worlds, and so on.

The woman we see on the card is spiritually awake, wise, and mysterious. She believes in the power of self-discovery and realizes that knowing yourself is the key to understanding the nature of other people. She symbolizes the things yet unknown and invites you on a spiritual journey. Hence the meaning of the High Priestess yes or no in a reading either in reverse or in an upright position is a bit unclear. One never gets a strong yes or no from this card as whatever question you ask her, she suggests you seek answers within yourself.

The High Priestess Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained

The High Priestess relies mostly on her inner feelings and intuitive nature. If your gut is directing you somewhere, trust it unconditionally and follow your intuition.

The High Priestess upright yes or no for love hints that it’s more likely a yes. However, it reminds you to trust your intuition. If something tells you that your needs aren’t met despite the promises of your partner, it may be a big concern. You should always choose yourself.

Consider the card as a symbol of deep connection with your partner on the level of your soul. Especially when it comes to new relationships. The card upright indicates a yes with the hope that this union has a chance.

If you’re asking about a relationship with your ex-partner, there is a small chance that you may give your union another chance. However, it will not be easy to deal with challenges, but you can be happy together. The main condition is that you should feel that this is truly your person and that being with them makes your life better.

The High Priestess yes or no for a career may mean that relying on your intuition must be in the first place if you aim to succeed in your work. It relates to any choices, changes, switching positions, starting a new venture, a partnership, and any other career aspects. It’s time to accept your inner wisdom and let it guide you. You may have several options, and none of them will fit you in the long run. This is a yes that will depend on your final choice and the right decision. Try to ensure that your decisions serve your global purposes and vision.

The High Priestess Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained

The High Priestess reversed yes or no is a symbol of hesitation, hidden intentions, and uncertainty. Hence when it comes to answering a straightforward yes or no question, the answer will not be any strong. If you want to turn a no into a yes, you need to be attentive to your gut and understand what’s hidden.

The card upside down for love indicates a no that will depend a lot on your attitude to solving issues. The relationship with your current partner is full of hidden signs you need to read and correctly interpret. If you’re about to start a new relationship, there is a possibility that you have nothing in common with your partner. Perhaps, you don’t realize that your union will have some issues and see it through the pink glasses. It’s more likely that you will not be together because of challenges. At the same time, you have the power to work on this relationship and make it work if you are open and honest with yourself and your partner.

For career, the card in reverse embodies a more likely no as something seems misaligned with your inner feelings and values. There is a big possibility that you are about to make serious decisions that will impact your further career direction. The hesitative nature of the High Priestess upside down points at hidden conditions you might not see at the moment. So if your intuition is telling you to reject the offer, it may be the true path.

Final Words on the High Priestess Yes or No

The card is the Major Arcana numbered two. The main meanings of the High Priestess are duality, inner balance, intuition, and self-discovery.

In an upright position, the card means a yes, but with conditions. By relying on your intuition, you will more likely get a positive answer to your question. If your gut gives you a hint, follow the chain of your thoughts to discover what’s best for you.

The High Priestess yes or no reversed indicates a no that will depend a lot on the attitude and interpretation of a person who’s asking a question. The card in reverse signifies underlying motivations, hidden truth, and unclear intentions. There’s a chance to turn a no into a yes, but only if you find what’s hidden behind the veil.

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