What Does The Fool Tarot Card Mean in Readings?
It’s only the beginning! The Fool is the first card in the tarot deck. However, it is not assigned any number – its value in the Major Arcana is zero. The Fool tarot meaning carries the embrace of initiation, a new beginning, the willingness to expand your horizons, take risks, and follow your intuition. This card represents the ‘clean sheet’, the pages of the future that have not yet been filled with anything. The purity and openness to new experiences represent the excitement of undertaking the ‘terra incognita’ with enthusiasm and willingness to explore. In other words, this card fosters one’s desire to trust their faith, listen to inner feelings, and let the senses guide them. By taking a leap of faith, one can freely start anything with an open heart.
The Fool is often marked with a lack of proper caution, representing a choice. The Fool tarot card meaning symbolizes the encouragement to take a chance or start something new. The card as feelings also represents readiness and openness to adventures with a relaxed attitude to the unknown. The Fool card shows a trusting attitude toward new life events and an embrace of new ideas. Regarding relationships, the card may mean new love, joyful surprises, and something nice and wonderful. In terms of self-discovery, the card means that you are open to new things as a happy child of the Universe. The card is a symbol of your readiness to embrace the gifts of life.
The Fool Upright Meaning Explained
Be ready to take risks! The Fool upright encourages a person to forget about perfectionism and trust their fate. Too much worrying and overthinking about what the future holds can take away the joy of spontaneous decisions. In this position, the card encourages us to welcome changes and embrace the unknown. You must realize that it’s impossible to control everything that comes into your life and trust the Universe’s plan. This card is about choosing ‘yes’ in a ‘yes or no’ situation. This card suggests that you take risks with the optimism and boldness of a little child. You should keep your mind open to new ideas. Do not be afraid of uncertainty and lack of clarity.
The Fool upright gives you a hint to put all outdated beliefs and methods behind when embarking on a new journey. The card can also mean that the time to start a new cycle of life has come. The Fool in this position can symbolize the real upcoming trip that awaits you, inspiring you to catch your dreams and chase new adventures. The energy of this card brings a vibe of a free spirit ready to jump into situations without preparing or figuring it all out. The upcoming journey, be it a real trip or entering a new life chapter, would bring insights and shape your character. The card tells you to embrace all experiences during your new journey with freedom and optimism. Let it all go and do not worry about the fact that you don’t encounter what happens next. The card in this position also suggests approaching each day with gratitude and curiosity.
The Fool Reversed Meaning Explained
Have you considered all possible outcomes? The Fool reversed is displaying the more negative meanings of this card. In this position, the card shows that you need to give more thought to the decisions you are about to make. The position of the card says that by being too naive you can choose wrong. The card in the reversed position shows the need to consider all options and consequences.
Ensure you did your research well and see the whole picture. The meaning can directly show you acting like being blind and naive about a situation. By disregarding existing circumstances and underestimating potential reckless points you might act like a child. The card recommends you be a realist and act only after a deep analysis of all facts.
The Fool in a reversed position also means that you shouldn’t let negative thoughts or bad experiences knock you down. While you might feel low after a failure, you can lose potential chances you are talking yourself out of. The card’s advice is to stop being cynical and pessimistic about new options and opportunities life can offer. Possibly the present situation makes you fear what the future brings. With a realistic attitude to things, everything can work out. However, the risks are present, it doesn’t mean that you will fail.
The card often holds the reveal of a serious situation related to your career. The Fool meaning can be a warning. Maybe you’re being too optimistic about the reckless actions at work. The card in reverse position also means having a boring job and considering new opportunities. Reversed meaning of the Fool in a relationship can mean a lack of true feelings and commitment.
Final Words on The Fool Tarot Card Meaning
The Fool is the first card in the deck. Being a Major Arcana with zero value this card shows the willingness to take risks and follow your intuition. Zero also symbolizes infinite potential. You will get a chance to take risks that will bring something new into your life. The card represents the purity of new experiences and the excitement of not knowing what’s around the corner.
The Fool upright has the vibe of a true free spirit. The card in this position means that embarking on a risky journey is not a big deal. Sometimes it might point at a real trip one’s about to take. Filling each day with optimism and finding new exciting experiences is the key to success, according to the card in an upright position.
In the reverse position, the card can give a person advice to be careful with decisions. Consider being more responsible when taking action and think of the next step you are willing to take. On the other side, the card in this position can show that your negative thoughts might be unrealistic. By being too pessimistic, you might lose the opportunities life offers.