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The Fool Yes or No in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Fool is the Major Arcana that has the number zero and stands for the beginning of a cycle as well as for its ending. Thus when it comes to the Fool yes or no meaning, one should be attentive to other cards in the spread as well as to the clear formulation of a question before reading.

The card depicts a young man who looks a bit naive and childish. He is free from judgments and any background, so he spectates the world as an exciting journey. He embodies purity, excitement, and innocence. We see a flower in the man’s hand – a fresh and beautiful white rose that is a symbol of pure intentions. As this man is ready for adventures and sees his future journey with optimism, the Fool usually gives a carte blanche to anyone who’s about to start something new.

The Fool is one of the most interesting cards in a deck as it is in the middle of nowhere serving as a limb or transit between the ending and the beginning of the new journey of ups and downs. However, it doesn’t mean that the Fool yes or no is undefined. For example, in an upright position, it indicates a strong yes. At the same time, getting the card upside down is a no warning to stay away from accepting any risky offers.

The Fool Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained

If we analyze what the Fool upright yes or no means, we see a lot of optimism and readiness to embrace life and all it can offer. Hence, the card gives you a green light on any beginnings and aspirations.

The widespread interpretation of the Fool tarot card meaning yes or no for love in an upright position is a positive omen. For example, if you’re thinking about your ex-partner and consider giving your union another try, do it without a doubt. With the Fool, that means the initiation and beginning of a new cycle from a blank page. You two have a chance to build a strong relationship and forget past mistakes.

If you’re considering changing a job, the Fool yes or no encourages you to say yes. New connections, new possibilities, and new life are waiting for you right around the corner. Open up and be bold to take a step forward. This is a sign that if you have dreams related to your career, they will come true if you act fearlessly. Maybe, since childhood, you have been dreaming of a business. Go ahead!

In the context of finances, the cards recommend you to say yes to new ways of making money. Side income, investments, and even risky ventures will bring you success. It’s time to act freely and fearlessly.

The Fool Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained

If you remember the curiosity, openness, and optimism of the card in an upright position, this time everything is different. In reverse, this card means the fear of the unknown, pessimism, and laziness. The Fool reversed yes or no meaning is a no. It often embodies unfulfilled desires and emptiness.

The card upside down for love shows a no. It seems that the sparkling romance you might experience now will not last long. If you expect this relationship to grow, there will be disappointment. It seems that you lack something important to find a person who will appreciate you and accept you as a whole individuality. Perhaps, you are still booking for yourself and aren’t ready to open up before someone. Love means curiosity in the lives of others. Think about it.

For a career in reverse, this tarot card may also mean a clear no. Perhaps, you are embarking on a new project and see potential opportunities in it. Unfortunately, this story will not be successful. The reason could be that you lack a deeper understanding of the subject or are new in the industry.

In the context of money, the Fool tarot yes or no signifies a no to any reckless spending or investments. You shouldn’t take any offers that involve your finances. Slow your decisions down when it comes to impulsive purchases.

Final Words on the Fool Card Yes or No

The Fool is associated with the number zero. It’s the Major Arcana that indicates optimism, freedom, openness to new experiences, adventures, and curiosity. This tarot card embodies sincere interest in life and love. When it comes to interpreting the Fool yes or no, it depends on the card’s position and the context of a question.

When you see the card in an upright position, it indicates a strong yes to any of your requests. For love, there is a green light to start new relationships, make bold moves, and be fearless.

In reverse for yes or no readings, the card is a sign of a no most of the time. There’s a risk of accepting an offer that will not satisfy you in the long run. If you’re asking about love, it seems that the starting romance will not last long.

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