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The Fool as Feelings in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Fool is the card with a specific role in a deck. Being a Major Arcana with a zero number, it embodies new beginnings with excitement and an open heart. Even though a Fool lacks experience and a proper background, his power is in the absence of fear or prejudice. He’s ready for a new journey and feels lucky and loved by the Universe.

If you are getting the card in a reading about feelings for someone, it depends on its position. It’s essential to interpret the meaning of each tarot card according not only to its position but also consider the picture on it. We see a figure of a young man who’s ready for a new adventure. He has only a few things with him indicating that his previous experience equals a zero now.

When it comes to interpreting the Fool as feelings in the context of personal development, the card usually is an embodiment of courage and readiness to grow. Usually, we must fight fears and step out of our comfort zone to reach a new level of understanding of life. The card fosters and encourages us to grow despite feeling overwhelmed. Accepting your true emotions and embracing your deepest feelings is a way to widen your horizons in love, career, and other spheres of life.

The Fool Upright as Feelings Meaning Explained

When upright, the card is an indicator of pure intentions and naivety. Hopes that a new start will lead to a happy ending may sound a bit unrealistic, but this passionate trust and belief is very attractive and truly inspiring.

The Fool as feelings upright for love means that your relationship requires an infusion of fresh impressions and experiences lived together. You still love each other but the routine makes you a bit bored from repeated scenarios. Be spontaneous and try something new. For example, book a weekend trip for two of you and surprise your significant other.

If you recently met someone the card shows your excitement and desire to experience romance. You let your heart and feelings rule and let go of all fears that hold you back. The card indicates inspiration and wide imagination. It seems that you already see your future together and are curious about the feelings of this person about you.

If you have feelings for ex, the card in this position may mean that you can go ahead and make moves to get back together. If recent events made you sad and you decided to part ways, by renewing relationships you and your partner can approach your union differently. True devotion and curiosity embodied by the Fool upright as feelings are creating a great basis for a relationship that will last and bring two of you true pleasure and confidence.

The Fool Reversed as Feelings Meaning Explained

The Fool as feelings upside down indicates pessimism and boredom as well as fear of anything new. The card in reverse may signify that you’re reckless, impulsive, naive, lacking strategic thinking, and overexcited about shady events or people.

For love and relationships, the Fool reversed as feelings mean that you might have a crush on the wrong person. If recently you have met someone and experienced romance, these relationships will not work. You’re not seeing the true intentions of this person and don’t realize that they don’t deserve your trust. Despite your pure intentions and true sympathy, the card in reverse indicates that in the end, you will be disappointed.

One of the interpretations of feelings according to the Fool upside down is recklessness and impulsiveness. It may be either decisions made without contemplation or an inability to think strategically and predict the consequences of your actions.

For existing couples, this card embodies chaotic emotions and a risk of misunderstanding each other. It can be repeated small missteps that are continuously snowballing. Try to pay more attention to your partner to avoid potential conflicts.

The card may indicate that your feelings for ex are coming back and make you feel sad. You are hurting and maybe recall the good times you shared. However, in this position, the card indicates that there are no mutual feelings from the side of your ex.

Final Words on the Fool Card as Feelings

The Fool is the card that embodies excitement, new beginnings, naivety, freedom, and desire to explore. The Fool symbolizes trust in life, initiation, and honesty. It embodies a fearless and curious individual who’s ready to learn and grow. The Fool as feelings for someone usually indicates true curiosity and desire to learn more about a person.

In an upright position, the Fool embodies excitement, innocence, pure intentions, and true trust in love and life. If you have recently met someone, you feel excited and intensively imagine your future together. Your bright fantasies with pictures of romantic scenes make you curious and forced to explore your significant other’s personality.

In reverse the card is an indicator of such feelings as fear of new beginnings, chaotic intentions, recklessness, and naivety. The card in reverse may signal having a love interest in the wrong person whose intentions towards you misalign with your vision.

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