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Strength Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Interpretations


persuasion, strength, courage, energy, influence, harmony, compassion, raw emotion, patience, confidence, self-control, antifragility, inner power, resilience, balance, empowerment, instincts, solidity, emotions, composure, determination, might, vulnerability, insecurity, bravery

What Does The Strength Tarot Card Mean in Readings?

Strength symbolizes inner power and self-discipline that help reach high well-being levels. The card has the number eight or number eleven of the Major Arcana (depending on the deck). One of the key meanings of this card is courage. Strength tarot card meaning is overcoming challenges by using one’s inner power.

The illustration on the card often depicts a woman in a beautiful flower crown wearing a white robe. Her appearance expresses the power of nature and wisdom. The picture also shows the symbol of infinity underlining the presence of infinite potential. In the illustration, we see the embodiment of inner strength and reassurance when a woman tames a mighty lion. The beast doesn’t hurt her as she gently calms him with her positive energy, love, and confidence. The symbolic meaning of the picture is balancing aggression and destructive emotions with patience and self-reassurance.

The Strength tarot meaning is about contraposing aggression and vulnerability as well as the importance of love to others and oneself. The card embodies the importance of self-harmony and inner balance. It is essential to stay connected with yourself on all levels, including emotions, instincts, and power of will.

One more of the Strength tarot meanings is a sense of confidence in one’s actions. You can be sure that you can reach any goal and overcome any obstacle. By having assertive discipline and choosing free will over instincts, a human is capable of anything.

Strength Upright Meaning Explained

It’s time to be strategic and confident! When you get upright Strength in a spread, be sure that you have enough capacity to deal with any obstacles. The Strength symbolizes inner work that requires deep analysis of your triggers, values, desires, and weaknesses. Learn your spiritual power and get to know yourself to the fullest. Regaining your inside morals will empower you to overcome any challenge. You can speak your mind freely. All you need is resilience. Do not allow distress to ruin your confidence. The cards in this position also show how someone sees you as a person who can abandon themselves to please others. You shouldn’t let anyone take advantage of you and should focus on your personal motivation. Maintaining inner stability and balance should be your main motivation.

If you are reading a spread about love outcome, the card in an upright position signifies one’s strong attraction and easiness when gaining attention from others. For those in relationships, the card shows commitment and openness to freely express feelings. The card may also indicate some strong emotions like anger or jealousy. The advice for relationships is to not let feelings overcome patience. Compassion will help you build relationships based on respect and true love. In a ‘yes or no‘ reading the Hermit upright means a yes for career.

For your career, the card upright shows the need to calm down your aggressiveness and create a working strategy by transforming your instincts into strengths. For example, if you are expecting a promotion, you can reach harmony by directing your anger to the courage to solve challenges at your workplace. You need to use your powers wisely and be methodological. When it comes to finance, you had better be patient with purchases and cultivate awareness of spending.

Strength Reversed Meaning Explained

Don’t doubt yourself! Strength reversed gives you advice to face challenges with an open heart. Your fears are dragging you down as well as a lack of self-reassurance. Your attitude to yourself can become an obstacle. Rethinking your attitude and switching back to confidence and self-control will become a game-changer. The card upside down reminds you how strong you are as a person. We all are humans and may experience lows from time to time. But now it’s the time to regain your inner power and face challenges with courage. If needed, take a short time for self-reflection and transform yourself, restoring balance. You will succeed by prioritizing the key steps that boost your antifragility.

If you are worried and facing anger right now, look inside you and remember the situations when you were a winner even in the most challenging circumstances. Remind yourself what your superpowers are and find what drives you. Maybe you feel insecure because you forgot to do things you truly like. Often we feel depressed and anxious when we are away from our true desires.

The card can embody one’s skepticism about true love. Why are you afraid of relationships? Is it your experience or overall attitude to connections? The reason for self-esteem issues can be losing contact with your inner self.

In your career, you may experience some difficulties in reaching your goals. The advice for you is to be consistent. By developing a strategy you will overcome any challenge.

Strength card when reversed shows that you might feel financially insecure. To avoid stress, you had better reject compulsive purchases and focus on thoughtful spending.

Final Words on Strength Tarot Card Meaning

Strength is a tarot card numbered eleven or eight depending on the deck. The card has several common meanings one adjusts to certain situations in different readings and spreads. The Strength tarot emphasizes compassion, spiritual power, determination, and morals.

In an upright position, the card shows the importance of being self-confident. You will gain success by balancing your inner world and following a strong strategy. Regain your morals to overcome challenges. You can do it. The card shows your readiness for committed and strong relationships. Be resilient and do not allow distress ruining your inner peace.

Strength in reverse means one’s self-doubts can lead to failure. You might feel insecure. It is crucial to switch back to inner balance and proceed methodologically working toward your goals. If you are feeling broken inside, take some time to regain powers and restore balance. Remember how strong you are. You need to get back in contact with your true self. Only once you are self-assured, there is a reason to proceed.

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