Strength Yes or No in Upright and Reversed Positions

Strength is the tarot Major Arcana that signifies power, determination, care, and influence. The card is associated with the Leo Zodiac sign. Despite the positive meaning of the card in the upright position, in reverse, it indicates insecurity, jealousy, weakness, and self-doubts. Hence, when interpreting a Strength tarot card yes or no one must be attentive to its position and other cards in a spread.

Defining the meaning Strength yes or no is easier by analyzing the symbols on the card. In the picture, we see a figure of a beautiful strong woman interacting with a wild beast – a big lion. Despite the aggressive nature of a lion, a woman seems to find an approach to him as we see her gently taming him. She strokes the jaws of the beast fearlessly and calms him down easily. The woman is wearing a beautiful white robe that is a symbol of purity. Above the woman’s head, we see an infinity signifying her endless strength, wisdom, and determination.

The most common interpretation of Strength is self-reassurance that comes from inner power. It embodies justified ability to harmonize any difficult situation and having courage to overcome any challenges. Vitality, ability to fight and tame your own weakness is among the indicators of this card.

Strength Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained

Upright Strength yes or no indicates that you can be sure of a positive outcome. Undeniable yes is here. Being an embodiment of determination and power, the card encourages you to act and be sure that all good will eventually come your way. No matter how challenging the situation becomes, you will use your strength, and add pure intentions and compassion to win any battle. The card’s upright meaning is being ready to conquer any circumstances. Everything good comes your way.

Strength tarot yes or no for love means that you are an attractive person. Your vibes of inner strength, determination, and self-respect draw many admirers. If you’re in a relationship, consider other cards in a reading and a specific question you ask. Your power influences your union and your partner. More cards in a spread can help specify the exact nature of this influence defining whether it’s good or bad.

In the context of career the card may mean that you will get anything you wish! It’s a very positive card for those who seek a job or want to get a raise. Such qualities as courage, self-determination, enthusiasm, and readiness to act are serving your success. Your power comes from within and everyone can feel your drive and positivity. For now, the best strategy would be to keep working and keep the same attitude. You’re going to get rewards very soon.

Strength Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained

Positivity and encouragement to act attributed to upright Strength immediately switch to a no when the card is in reverse. If you want to get guidance from the cards, they point at your low self-esteem, emotional weakness, and insecurity. Without believing in your power and self-determination that can push you forward, it will be hard to succeed. It seems that something inside you doesn’t let you claim your natural power. Perhaps, your inner critic is too harsh on you. Moreover, you might feel low and jealous of the success of others.

For love, the Strength card yes or no in reverse indicates a no as it signifies you’re not in that kind of headspace right now. A lack of self-confidence, mental strength, and spirituality makes it hard for you to communicate with people. If you enter relationships with such an attitude, they will not last long. Before you start building a meaningful union with someone, you must master a self-care system and give yourself some appreciation.

In the context of love, the card upside down symbolizes a failure. If you have a partner, it seems that you don’t want to see loads of red flags. This is the union that lacks true feelings, balance, and a healthy emotional connection.

Strength reversed yes or no for a career means a no as you don’t believe in yourself. Probably, you realize what you should do to succeed at your workplace and make positive changes, but self-doubts, insecurity, and low determination stop you from actions.

Final Words on Strength Tarot Yes or No Meaning

Strength is one of the most powerful Major Arcana in a tarot deck. This card embodies power, determination, influence, support, and care. In an upright position, the card has a very positive meaning indicating a strong yes. If you’re in a relationship, your partner sees you as a strong individual they can rely on in any situation. Your union is strong and harmonious. If you want to attract someone’s attention, the cards encourage you to make a move as your inner power and self-respect are drawing people to you.

Strength yes or no reversed indicates weakness, insecurity, self-doubts, and lack of confidence. For career, it signifies a no. You prefer to sit and wait hoping that everything will eventually work out, but it won’t. If you want to experience changes and betterment, take care of your self-reassurance first.

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