Strength Tarot Love in Upright and Reversed Positions

Strength in the tarot is an embodiment of influence, power, and determination. It also indicates care and compassion. Strength is associated with the Leo Zodiac sign. The card embodies self-respect and taming hard feelings.

Discovering the Strength love tarot is easier by analyzing the picture on the card. We see a woman and a lion. However, the lion looks big and wild, a woman can handle him as we see her stroking his forehead. It seems that the inner power, bravery, and calmness of a woman make a wild animal calm down and submit to her. A woman tames the lion not with her physical strength, she embraces her inner power instead. Among the meaningful symbols in the picture is the robe of a woman. White color underlines free will and pure spirit. We see a symbol of infinity above a woman which indicates her endless power.

Strength tarot card meaning love in a reading is different depending on the card’s position. Also, consider interpretations of other cards in a spread to get a clear and all-round picture of a situation.

Strength Upright Love Meaning Explained

In an upright position, the card means being attractive because of some strong skills and characteristics you have. Perhaps, your consistency, compassion, and inner strength are among the qualities others highly appreciate. If someone’s crush on you, it means they found something in you resonating with their vision of an ideal partner. According to Strength, these qualities include the balance of self-respect and power.

The card in an upright position is one of the good signs for love outcome as it signifies a high level of compassion that is helpful in solving problems and cutting potential disputes at their start. In terms of how your significant other sees you, the card indicates that being self-confident you don’t over-control your partner, and they feel free around you. This feeling of freedom makes them attracted to your inner strength.

If you have a partner, the card indicates that you’re supportive and strong as a couple. Thanks to your inner strength, your partner feels confident. You share an honest and deep love, it’s a harmony of two individuals who find in each other something they lack inside.

If you’re single and consider entering new relationships, Strength indicates that everything will work out. Freely dive head down into this adventure, as let the true love show you the way.

In terms of reconciliation with your ex, Strength tarot love shows that after you end relationships, your partner still thinks about you. You two still have the potential and desire to build a union full of respect and support as you’re both strong enough to let go of the past. Note that according to this card, you’re the one who should make the first move to start it all over again.

Strength Reversed Love Meaning Explained

In reverse, the card indicates insecurity that may mean some toxic vibes. Hence, Strength reversed love isn’t very positive for any type of relationship. As the card indicates the Leo Zodiac sign, its upside-down position is an embodiment of the worst qualities appropriate to Leo. Egoism, self-focused behavior, pride, and more negative expressions will be obstacles in building a strong union.

An advice from Strength tarot love is to be aware of red flags that make relationships become unhealthy. Be ready to leave and start over with another person. Getting this card in a reading about love outcome means that one should be strong enough to prioritize their interests if another person acts selfish.

If you’re single, the card in reverse indicates that you’re risking starting relationships with an emotionally weak and insecure person. It’s impossible to build a long-lasting union with the one who requires you to work on their issues first. If you want to give this a shot anyway, prepare yourself to not take anything personally. Be ready for such expressions as jealousy, anger, and possessiveness. You might think that your strength and presence might help them heal and grow, but it all starts with the inner desire of an individual.

For those who already have a partner, the card upside down indicates that your union lacks balance. The dynamics you two show signify that your relationships look unhealthy. Perhaps, one of the partners has attachment issues and cannot give love in return. Try to communicate about your situation and consider how you can solve these issues.

If you’re thinking about getting back to your previous partner, it may mean that you have a chance if you will leave previous issues behind. Perhaps, you were the one who hurt your significant other and now they have issues with trusting you.

Final Words on Strength Tarot Love

Strength is the Major Arcana that is associated with the Leo Zodiac sign. It indicates influence, power, and determination.

Strength tarot love in an upright position shows that you can freely start new relationships with someone you think about. Your potential partner equals you in their strength and desire to overcome any challenges that may appear in your union. Both of you are powerful to work on any issue and build a strong union. The card indicates your bright future together.

In reverse, the card shows potential issues with trust as well as jealousy, insecurity, and selfishness. If you and your partner want to be together, you’ll have to figure out how to fight issues in your union. If you want to get back together with your ex-partner, get ready to heal and grow emotionally together.

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