Justice Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


fairness, balance, justice, equilibrium, consequences, cause and effect, integrity, law, truth, trial, dispute, conflict, crime, loss, retribution, corruption, accountability, honesty, karma, dishonesty, prevail of truth

What Does The Justice Tarot Card Mean in Readings?

Justice is the Major Arcana with the number eleven and is associated with the Libra Zodiac sign. Justice tarot meaning is read from the picture on the card. We see the woman in a robe sitting on a chair with the scales – the element embodying balance. The sword she holds in her right hand reminds us about the inevitable consequences of all our deeds, good or bad. The woman reminds us that her decisions are justified and well-balanced. All she delivers is only the outcomes of one’s life choices.

The card signifies the need for a person to take responsibility for their deeds. The card foreshadows inevitable karmic lessons. There might be a need to make a choice. The presence of Justice in a reading reminds us that only by following rules, we will succeed in the current situation. To the question ‘yes or no’ the card’s answer is: “Yes if you have acted according to the law.” If you were waiting for truth to prevail, it’s time to restore the fair order of things. The card may bring you some lessons. By passing them, you will define the flow of your future life. Fairness and balance are coming inevitably, and fair decisions are to be made.

If you are trying to make a difficult choice, some facts will be revealed to help you decide. The Justice card often embodies repayment of debts, timely information, prevail of truth, and inevitable retribution.

Justice Upright Explained

Be honest and fair! Justice upright means fair judgement. The card recommends you gather all information and facts before making a decision. The appearance of the card means that it’s time to make big choices that will influence your future. You should decide only after you weigh all the facts and ensure your choice aligns with your values. The cards ask you to be reasonable and calm, choose wisely, and rely not only on facts but also on your inner voice to make the right decision. Remember that your choice will have repercussions. Justice tarot meaning in this position shows that all your actions have consequences. The world is a mirror reflecting all your deeds. If you believe in karma – this card is the embodiment of it.

Justice upright meaning for love and relationships shows that you might get close to a person related to legal work (for example, an attorney), or maybe Libra as the card is associated with this Zodiac sign. If you recently experienced injustice in a relationship being treated wrong when you acted kindly, the balance will be restored. You might meet a new partner, who will meet your values and needs. For love outcome, the card signifies rewarding for the efforts you’ve made towards others.

The cause and effect is the core meaning of this card. Hence, soon you will get your emotional and material investments in return. In some situations, the card reminds you to be fair in relationships and keep the balance between what you give and what you want to get from your partner in return.

Justice Reversed Explained

It’s natural to make mistakes! We’re all humans, and from time to time the misread of the road signs takes us the wrong way. Justice card tarot upside down says that it’s ok to slip up. Do not be too hard on yourself if you’ve done something wrong. It’s never too late to change your perspective and act differently. Your task is to admit your mistakes and take accountability for your actions.

Sometimes, we can only act according to our current level of self-control and existing knowledge of life. You can’t be an ideal human, as it would be unnatural. The cards have some advice for you. Whether you made a mistake in a career or relationship, a sincere apology will make a difference.
When the Justice tarot reversed appears in a reading about a love outcome it often means there is disbalance in relationships. Maybe you’re unfairly blaming your significant other and don’t take accountability for your actions. The card can also signify one’s unfair expectations.

Justice tarot card meaning in this position also signals some challenges in your workplace. You may face confrontations with your boss or fellow employees and will have to make an important decision.

Usually, the card says that everyone else’s gonna blame you. If you’re experiencing something similar, remain calm and fight back with real facts, you shouldn’t get emotionally involved. The card also shows that you might be making mistakes in your career by being unfair or dishonest. For example, if you’re a boss, you need to reconsider your habits. The cards are telling you to take accountability for mistakes. It’s your chance for changes and personal growth.

Final Words on the Justice Tarot Card Meaning

The Justice card in tarot has the number 11 among the Major Arcana. The card pictures a woman with scales and a sword, which symbolizes the balance of her decisions and the inevitability of consequences that follow all our deeds. The card is about karma and fair judgement.

Justice tarot card meaning upright says to us that the time for fair judgement has come. It often signifies the need to make an essential choice that will be followed with consequences. If you have invested time in something, now it’s time to get the same in return. But only those with clear and honest attitudes will get rewards.

In a reversed position, this card means that you might act wrong and make a mistake. Reconsidering your habits and behavior will help positive changes. You had better admit your mistakes and genuinely ask for forgiveness. If your intentions are bad, the consequences will come. The card says you won’t benefit by blaming others for what you do.

We hope our Justice tarot guide helped you understand the meanings of this card better. Good luck with your readings!

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