Justice Tarot Love in Upright and Reversed Positions

Justice is the Major Arcana number eleven. This tarot card indicates truth, equity, consequence, power of fate, fairness, and justified events. The card is associated with the Libra Zodiac sign. Depending on the type of tarot reading, the Justice card may mean no one can avoid the balance. What you sow would define what you reap.

Justice tarot love interpretation is easier when you can see what’s depicted on the card. We see a figure of a woman wearing a long red robe and a crown. She sits on a throne and holds the scales – the symbol of balance. She holds a sword that embodies impartiality. The symbols on the card indicate that rationality and emotions are both essential in fair judgment. It’s crucial to avoid an imbalance between intuition and logic to be fair.

The common Justice tarot love advice is to be fair with your judgment and don’t hide the truth. Be sure that consequences are delivered on time. Sooner or later, you will get what you deserve. Whether the consequences would be good or bad is defined by your choices and actions. Karma exists to help regain balance and ensure that doing injustice to others will be noticed and punished. The card is a reminder that even if you can avoid consequences for a long time, they will get you at the right moment. The main lesson from Justice is to keep positive and be kind.

Justice Upright Love Meaning Explained

Justice is the card of consequences and justified events. It signifies karma, fairness, and truth. When interpreting Justice tarot love, we must realize that it means that what you sow is what you reap, and it will happen to anyone sooner or later. Hence, the kind of interaction with another person will be mirrored and balanced with their responses.

If you’re single, Justice upright love in a reading may mean that shortly you will probably have to answer some questions from a potential partner. For example, you may go on a date with someone you like and communicate about situations, values, and life plans. It’s a sign that they are considering you as a potential partner and observing you. Probably, getting to know you better is a way to decide whether they’re ready to be with someone like you. If you just met this person, it means that they are honest and fair. If you want to deserve their trust, you must act genuinely.

When it comes to existing relationships, Justice in a love reading shows that your feelings are mutual. Both partners realize that reaching harmony is only possible if you treat each other equally, respectfully, and are forgiving. The card signifies that you know how to reach balance and get the other person to do something you appreciate.

When it comes to break-ups and ex-partners, the cards indicate that your ex feels sad but accepts the situation. They realize that you two weren’t made for loving each other. They consider that your relationships were karmic and helped them grow.

Justice Reversed Love Meaning Explained

The common meaning of the card upside down is imbalance, dishonesty, and injustice. When it comes to love, it may mean that one of you is acting unfairly toward the other partner. If you’re wondering about the love outcome with a newly met crush, the cards indicate that your expectations are unrealistic. This person simply couldn’t give you what you wanted from them.

If you’re single, Justice love tarot in reverse points out that the potential partner you might consider isn’t the best match for you. If you’re just starting a new relationship, it may signify that you idealize another person and don’t see red flags. Try to look at the situation from the outside as if you were a fair and justified spectator. Maybe you’ll see the reality better to decide if it is what you need.

For existing relationships, Justice reversed love indicates a lack of harmony. For example, it may mean that one of the partners is giving less than accepting. Another potential issue can be imbalance because of different life goals, backgrounds, values, and views. If recently you were excited about the qualities of your partner, they can become challenging to accept with time. The card may also show that one of you has reached a certain stage in the relationship and wants to take the union to another level. These issues can go away if you realize them and are ready to work on them together with your partner. Being open and honest will be the best strategy.

Final Words on the Justice Tarot Love

Justice is an embodiment of consequences, fate, power, justified events, balance, and honesty. Justice tarot in love upright meaning is a good sign for relationships and love as it indicates balance and understanding of each other’s needs. Your partner and you realize that the best strategy would be treating each other the way you want to be treated. For single people, the card indicates that a person you like is analyzing you and your potential behavior as a partner.

In reverse, Justice is a sign of imbalance. Perhaps you and your partner have different life goals or are on different levels of these relationships. Frankly talking to your partner can help you work on this situation together. For new relationships, the card is an indicator of red flags that might be hidden or ignored by one of the partners.

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