Justice Yes or No in Upright and Reversed Positions

Justice is the Major Arcana, which represents fairness, consequences, karma, truth, and balance. The key to harmony, according to this tarot card, is a combination of intuition and logic when deciding what’s right or wrong. However, getting this card in different positions can lead to opposite interpretations in a yes or no reading, most of the time, the card is a positive sign.

Let’s get closer to understanding what Justice yes or no may mean by analyzing what’s depicted in it. In the picture on the card, we see a figure of a woman wearing a long robe colored red. This color represents action, passion, and bravery. The scales and a sword in a woman’s hands are symbols of balance and truth. The sword has a double edge that indicates the impartiality of logic and intuition. This symbol indicates that to make a fair decision one must listen not only to facts but also involve the intuitive side of a human’s nature.

Seeing Justice yes or no in a reading is a sign that the consequences of your actions are inevitable. Trying to avoid justice and being cunning doesn’t mean a win in the long term. Even if you manage to escape, sooner or later the consequences will be delivered.

Justice Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained

When you get the card upright, the answer is a yes. The Universe gives you in return everything good you invested in any venture, communication, or relationship. If you’re looking for love, there’s a chance that very soon you’re gonna meet an incredible person who will become a perfect match for you. Their intentions are genuine, as they see that you are open and true. If you are starting a relationship, it seems that your sympathy towards each other is mutual. Justice upright yes or no is an embodiment of a harmonious union and perfect couple.

If you have a partner and ask a yes or no question about your relationship, the cards show that the situation can be different depending on how you both behave. If you’re asking the cards about the feelings of your significant other, it means that you already have doubts if they’re fair to you. Probably, your union is disharmonized because someone’s efforts are much bigger than others. The card may mean a yes if you are sure that you give the same that you get in return.

If you’re asking about career outcomes, it seems that your hard work and self-respect helped you reach the most ambitious goals. By constant and consistent investment of time, energy, and effort you can enjoy the results now. You are a great professional and industry leader whose knowledge and image attracts colleagues and potential clients. By developing your unique and highly effective approach to work, you get well-deserved rewards and set trends.

Justice Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained

Probably, you did something wrong, were cunning, acted unfairly, and made a mistake. Now the results of your actions are returning to you in the form of failures and rejections. Hence Justice reversed yes or no meaning is a no. The best thing you can do for your future now is to try to fix everything you can.

Justice tarot yes or no in reverse for career indicates that you weren’t trying to solve your tasks and performed very poorly at your workplace. Moreover, you probably tend to blame others for the mistakes you made. If you were dishonest and tried to get something by unfaithful actions, you wouldn’t succeed. If you want to change this situation, you must admit that you were wrong and ask for forgiveness.

The card’s upside-down meaning for love is a no as well. Perhaps, you refused to accept the consequences of your actions after a fight with your partner. If you hurt them and broke up, the reason probably was your unfaithfulness. If you want to get back together with an ex-partner, it will not work. It’s a strong no.

If you’re starting a new relationship, unfortunately, the cards’ answer is that they will not be long-term. You or your partner will be unfair to another person. Probably, you both need to work on your traumas to start a healthy relationship.

Final Words on the Justice Tarot Yes or No

Justice is the Major Arcana that indicates balance, harmony, karma, and consequences. Justice card yes or no upright means justified decisions, truth, and genuine extensions. The card’s meaning in a yes or no reading is yes. For a career, it signifies that long-awaited results of hard work are here. You get what you truly deserve.

If you pull Justice in a reading upside down, it means unfaithfulness, bad karma, and injustice. Don’t expect that everything will work out positively. Almost for any situation, the card indicates a strong no. For a career, you will not get a positive outcome until you admit your mistakes. If you start a new relationship, this union will not last long.

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