What Does the Judgement Tarot Card Mean in Readings?
Judgement is one of the Major Arcana. This is card number twenty among the tarot trump cards. The card is associated with fire and the planet Pluto. It signifies a new beginning after the end of a certain period in one’s life. The Judgement tarot card embodies awakening and renewal. This is the card of ultimate forgiveness and composure.
The Judgement card depicts the figures of people outstretching their arms. The people are ready for the final judgement from the Universe. It’s time to estimate all their deeds before the creator and transit further. Depending on the background of actions everyone will get where they belong: either heaven or hell. We see that there is a wave in the background that symbolizes that this is the last judgement when the period of life comes to an end.
The Judgement meaning tarot embodies the moment of awakening after deep self-reflection. It’s the significant point in your life when you must honestly evaluate your background, experience, and perspectives to see how to grow. The karma is real, and each action leads to consequences. But you still can change. The key is being honest with yourself. Once you transform, you will feel like you are resurrected and ready for a fresh start.
Judgement Upright Meaning Explained
Pause for reflection! Judgement upright often shows that you are worried about the consequences of your actions. Maybe you were self-reflecting and realized you need to change something or start a new chapter in your life. Judgement card meaning often points at a fatality. The upcoming ending may fear you, and it’s natural. Take some time to reflect on your thoughts and values and understand yourself better. Once you see who you truly are, you will become fearless. Changes are inevitable and you need them. Act freely and gain composure. Note that if you acted wrong, and were cunning and dishonest, it will not be easy to achieve your goals. The karma is real. The card also means you might be away from people you love waiting for the day you’ll meet them again.
Judgement tarot means you’re changing your behavior with money. If you used to make loads of compulsive purchases and used to live with loans, the situation is changing completely. You finally realize that buying things you cannot afford will not make you happy. Becoming realistic about your financial situation and resources opens the door to improvements.
For your career, the card embodies a period of positive changes and awakening. You enter a new level or a new role. Embrace these adjustments as they will give you more space for self-expression and allow you to be yourself.
Judgement tarot card meaning in an upright position for love embodies the need to communicate changes in your couple. Probably you two were ignoring issues for a long time, but now is the moment of truth. Discuss each other’s feelings,
needs, and pains. Maybe there were some conflicts in the past you didn’t forget and need to discuss them and let go. Being honest with each other will help you transform your relationships.
Judgement Reversed Meaning Explained
Don’t let fear hold you back! Judgement reversed means that one’s afraid to make a decision that is right. The card says that your doubts about your own abilities don’t make any sense. Even if, lately you’ve made some mistakes, you need to learn from them and move on without regrets or self-punishment. Also, the card may mean one’s unable to to learn life’s lessons, so they’re repeating and getting more and more harsh. To stop this situation you need to accept yourself as you are and admit your fears, anger, failures, and everything you hide from others. Afterward, you should forgive yourself and set yourself free, releasing your guilt. Own each part of your individuality. Recently you probably considered what others think about you. Now after admitting each part of you, it doesn’t matter anymore.
Judgement tarot meaning for love points at self-doubt. It seems that your relationships are at a crucial phase when the decision is only ‘yes or no’.
The card is presented upside down in reading to highlight that you are not making a decision being afraid of consequences. If you want to be together, you should change the climate in your relationship. The card also indicates that you don’t consider the experience and avoid learning from it. Also, there might be rumors about you or your partner that influence the atmosphere between you. For single people that card may show they are shy to start approaching people they like. Be fierce and make a first move!
For career, the card may signify that you cannot accept your mistakes and take responsibility. Maybe you are blaming your colleagues instead of admitting your own actions. If so, the cards recommend you apologize and realize that you’re one team. Judgement tarot meaning is reflection and self-evaluation. Ensure your input in projects is equal to others before you start conflicts.
Final Words on Judgement Tarot Meaning
The Judgement card has number 20 among the Major Arcana. As you already know from our Judgement tarot guide it means resurrection, fatality, decisiveness, purpose, forgiveness, and awakening.
The card upright signifies that you should be honest with yourself and don’t avoid self-reflection. By admitting everything you have inside including fears, anger, jealousy, and other ‘bad feelings’, you’ll set yourself free and enter a new phase of personal growth. For love, the card upright signifies that your union needs transformations. You as a couple are ignoring some issues that took place in the past.
In reverse, the card for love shows that rumors may influence your relationships as a couple. It seems that you are at the crucial phase when you might decide whether you should stay with your partner. For career, the card shows the need to take responsibility for your mistakes. If you were acting wrong at your workplace, admit it and apologize.