Judgement Yes or No in Upright and Reversed Positions

If you get a Judgment card in a reading, it shows that you recently made something that leads to consequences. According to this card, you reap just what you sow. If you radiate positivity and act according to your moral code, everything will work fine. Judgment yes or no is a card of awakening, reckoning, transformation, and justified decisions. This card is a reminder that we can’t escape reality, and everyone’s deeds are subject to evaluation by the Universe.

The picture on the Judgement card gives us a lot more understanding of its interpretation. We see a scene that illustrates the turning point of everyone’s life: different people including men, women, and kids are looking up with their hands outstretched. Everyone in the picture is ready to face fair judgment and accept their fate.

Judgement is the card of karmic lessons. If the outcome gets hard and you experience rejection and frustration, analyze what actions of yours might lead to these consequences. Pulling this tarot card may also mean that a person gained insights after a period of reflection and felt awakened. It may be a new feeling of purpose. It may show that a person not only realizes what changes will help them improve their life but also starts acting. For example, Judgement tarot yes or no may mean that by making small improvements daily, a person heads to their new goal.

Judgement Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained

In yes or no readings the card signifies a positive answer. After reaching a certain point, you evaluate what’s important for you in life and are ready to consistently act to reach the desired outcome. Perhaps, some unexpected events in your life made you rethink everything and now you’re free from pessimism and negativity. Pulling Judgement card yes or no is a strong yes that signifies getting a chance to transform as a person on the way to positive changes. You trust your path and realize that the Universe has its plan for you as well as for everyone.

If you are wondering about love outcome, there’s a chance to get a yes. The current period is great for those who feel the need to set new goals, transform relationships, and take them to a new level. Perhaps, some important changes in your lives make it impossible to stay in the same roles. Your couple must undergo some turbulence and find new meanings to stay together.

In the context of a career, the Judgement upright yes or no signifies a strong yes. You’re full of enthusiasm and positivity about your next step. The experience and efforts you have put into your professional development seem to get a reward. Maybe it’s something much bigger than you ever dreamed of. Trust the process and get ready for success. An advice from cards is to don’t repeat your recent mistakes.

Judgment Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained

In an upside-down position, Judgement is a card of doubts, stagnation, selfishness, and rejection to take responsibility. In readings where you ask a yes or no question, this card mostly signifies a no. To get a positive outcome it’s crucial to be confident in yourself and trust the Universe’s big plan. In reverse, Judgement yes or no is an embodiment of fears and paralysis of progress.

For career matters, if you want to turn a no into a yes, reevaluate the situation and find some positivity. You must change your attitude and regain self-confidence.

When it comes to relationships and love, there’s a sign that you and your significant other rarely speak about important aspects of your relationship. As a result, you don’t realize what’s important for another person. Perhaps, in the past, you underwent some crisis points and didn’t put effort into resolving them. If you do not define what interrupts the harmony in your union, you are risking losing your partner.

If you’re single, consider that you can’t expect positive changes in your love life yet. It will be a yes if you learn to not judge others and see some positivity in compromise. Another possible meaning of Judgement reversed yes or no is that you and your potential partner need to work on your relationship and be supportive to make this union perspective.

When it comes to reconciliation with your ex, consider the negative prognosis. On one hand, you potentially have a chance to start over again, but the problems you had aren’t going anywhere.

Final Words on the Judgement Yes or No

Judgement is one of the most interesting Major Arcana, as it reminds us about the need to be responsible for our actions and words. In readings, this card embodies awakening, transformation, justified decisions, and reckoning.

If you pull the Judgement card yes or no upright, it’s a positive sign. If recently you weren’t sure whether you’d get fruitful results from your dedicated labors, now you’re being rewarded. You reap what you sow and realize that you deserved getting this strong yes. For readings about love, the card embodies positive changes and well-thought-out decisions.

In reverse, the card is an indicator of injustice and selfishness. The answer would be no, as there is a space for improvement and clarification. For now, you are doubting everything.

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