Judgement Tarot Love in Upright and Reversed Positions

Judgement is the tarot major Arcana that embodies awakening, transformation, and justified decisions. The card is associated with the planet Pluto. This is the card of karma in its best embodiment. The Judgement tarot trump is a serious indicator of reaching a point where everything comes to its logical evaluation. Your deeds, whether they are good or bad, will always have consequences. Do whatever you want but you’ll eventually reap what you sow sooner or later. Pulling this tarot card in a reading is an imperative recommendation to sit back to reflect on your current itinerary. No matter how things are turning out for you, there’s always time to appreciate what you have and estimate things realistically.

By looking at the picture on the Judgement card love we can say more about its symbolism. We see a selection of different forms that the process of judgment may take in various cultures. Many figures of people of different ages are listening to the trumpet call raising their hands above. They accept the inevitability of weighing their deeds and are ready for consequences. We can say that everybody realizes that the moment of final judgment has come and nobody will avoid it.

The card signifies a moment when we are forced to evaluate and reflect on everything we did and realize the place we take in our lives now. It’s the card of inevitability and consequences but also a reminder about new opportunities.

Judgement Upright Love Meaning Explained

Pulling Judgement tarot love upright in a reading is a sign of reaching a turning point. It’s when you realize that it’s all or nothing and you have nowhere to hide from what’s meant to be.

For love matters and relationship outcomes, Judgement upright love is the positive card. It indicates that you sit at a central place in your partner’s life and can be sure that they take your relationship seriously. For example, it may mean that if for some time your crush didn’t admit that you can become their lifetime partner, they are realizing that everything between you wasn’t an event that happened by chance.

If you are starting a new relationship with your partner, the card upright reflects your true commitment to each other and indicates your capacity to transform each other and help personal growth. Perhaps, these are karmic relationships in their best embodiment. There’s space for self-reflection, emotional equality, and understanding of each other’s feelings in your couple.

If you’re together for a long time, the Judgement love signifies that you and your significant other have reached a certain point in your relationship. It may be a transformative experience for both of you and sufficient changes in your life. If you are mature and supportive enough, your connection will become deeper after these events.

If you want to get back together with your ex, it’s time to let the situation go and let them reflect on their feelings towards you.

Judgement Reversed Love Meaning Explained

In reverse the card meaning is lack of self-awareness, being injustice, and seeing things in a negative form. If you’re wondering about another person’s feelings about you it may mean they cannot decide yet. It may also mean that your crush is attuned negatively to anything new, hence they can’t realistically estimate the benefits of starting a relationship with you.

When you pull Judgement reversed love, it may signify that you’re about to undergo a painful but necessary karmic lesson. Accept it and reflect on its outcome to avoid repeating the same patterns in the future.

For new relationships, the Judgement love outcome indicates the existence of gaps between your views and mindsets. To build a long-lasting union you’ll have to work on yourself and commit to growth. Only if you put effort into this union will it work out.

If you have a partner, the communication between you might become tense as you tend to judge each other and avoid a realistic look at your behavior. Addressing only your partner’s mistakes you lose the sense of commitment. If you proceed to blame each other instead of sitting and talking over issues in your union, you’re risking losing connection and trust. Consider this conflict a breaking point that will bring inevitable changes – either a breakup or a future mutual transformation.

Perhaps, you are wondering about the feelings of your ex-partner. They focus on the pain and your mistakes during your relationship. Their judgments are unfair as they aren’t considering their input into your conflicts and their role in the relationship.

Final Words on the Judgement Tarot in Love

Judgment is the card of consequences, inevitability, self-reflection, transformation, and awakening.

In an upright position, the Judgement is an indicator of a justified decision to start a relationship. Perhaps, your partner analyzed your communication and realized that you can be a perfect couple. Note that by agreeing to be together you both undersign a commitment to grow and transform. Things will never be the same even if your relationship won’t last long.

In reverse, Judgment tarot love means doubts, avoiding consequences, and blaming others. For partners in an existing relationship the card is an indicator of unfairness and trying to blame a partner. If you do not end a relationship after this period, you will transform and reach a new level of commitment.

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