Wheel of Fortune Love in Upright and Reversed Positions

Wheel of Fortune is the tarot Major Arcana numbered ten. The main interpretation of this card is the inevitability of changes, karma, and life cycles. The symbolism of this card can bring an additional meaning to any situation. Each symbol depicted on the card serves a specific purpose. To clarify what Wheel of Fortune tarot love can indicate, we must analyze the illustration. We see a large wheel in the center and many drawings on its surface. We see a snake, a devil, and Anubis on opposite sides of the wheel. They represent different worlds. Around the wheel, we see four figures. These figures are the eagle, the bull, the lion, and the angel. Each creature relates to a specific Zodiac sign and one of four elements – the Earth (Taurus), the Fire (Leo), the Wind (Aquarius), and the Water (Scorpio). Each of the creatures holds a book (Torah). There is also a reference to the four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).

Our lives are constantly changing and evolving. Nothing belongs to us forever. The inevitability of fate makes everyone equal. Ups and downs are parts of a life’s flow and getting Wheel of Fortune in a reading may mean that one should embrace the changes. It’s a reminder that the wheel is turning and nothing lasts. Whether you live through good or bad times it too shall pass. The card also may indicate changes in an individual’s mood or physical condition.

Wheel of Fortune Upright Love Meaning Explained

Love also is a subject to change like everything in our lives. The card is a symbol of cycles and destiny. It may also mean soulmates. Wheel of Fortune upright love is a good indicator. The card signifies positive changes. If you’re ready to be open and honest with yourself and your significant other, you can succeed in building a strong and meaningful relationship.

If you wonder about a love outcome with a newly met person, consider that it may be your destiny. Getting this card if you’re single, means the start of a new cycle in your life. More details and characteristics of this period you can get by pooling more cards and widening the reading.

If you are in a relationship, Wheel of Fortune love is a sign that you feel each other and can forgive and understand. Probably, recently you went through a turbulent time because of external events. It seems that everything has become better. Your couple is entering a new cycle with the lessons learned. If you stay together, the connection between you becomes stronger. You now realize how to navigate changes, transform as a couple, and effectively adjust to new circumstances together, give all kinds of support, and stand by each other.

If you still have feelings for your ex-partner, the prognosis is fifty-fifty. The cards can’t give you any guarantee that everything will work, but you probably should try and initiate the new cycle to see where it takes you two.

Wheel of Fortune Reversed Love Meaning Explained

In reverse, Wheel of Fortune holds different meanings including bad luck, failure to adapt, lack of control, and external events that create obstacles in relationships.

Wheel of Fortune tarot love in reverse in a reading may mean that you and your partner aren’t on the same page. Both of you are feeling that love ‘isn’t in the air’ anymore. Accept these changes as they are part of fate. Sometimes feelings fade away and you eventually realize that a person isn’t your second half. Move on to find someone who will appreciate your efforts, give energy in return, laugh and cry with you, and share sadness and happiness. Appreciate the time you spent together, let your partner feel that you are honest with them, and let this cycle in your life come to an end.

If you’re single, the card upside down in reading about love means that you can’t figure out what kind of relationships you need. If you are wondering about a newly met person’s feelings towards you, they seem to be not interested. No matter what you do, they’re simply not your piece of cake. Don’t get upset as you know that the Universe has only three types of answers: ‘Yes’, ‘Yes, but later’, and ‘I have something better for you’. If you will accept the absence of mutual feelings and let go, positive changes will come your way very soon.

Final Words on the Wheel of Fortune Tarot Love

Wheel of Fortune is the Major Arcana number ten. It is a symbol of evolution, transformation, and change. It indicates destiny, fate, and soulmates. Wheel of Fortune love tarot in reverse may mean bad luck, unhappiness, and unfortunate changes.

In reading about love, the card upright means that you and your partner probably had experienced some turbulent times and unfortunate events. The Wheel of Fortune indicates the beginning of a new happy cycle that will bring you deeper connection, good luck, and mutual understanding. Perhaps, you are destined to be together.

Wheel of Fortune reversed love often means unhappiness and negative change. In reverse, Wheel of Fortune indicates that your latest crush doesn’t feel the same for you. It’s probably simply not your piece of cake. For existing relationships, the cards indicate that you’re not feeling like soulmates. Such a disconnection may be a sign that your feelings aren’t true love.

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