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Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


destiny, karma, changes, multiple options, downswings, unforeseen setbacks, upswings, motion, new opportunities, luck, transformation, fate, chance, winning, mishaps, the cycle of life, talent, gift of life

What Does the Wheel of Fortune Mean in Readings?

The Wheel of Fortune is the card number ten among the Major Arcana. This trump tarot card is known as the symbol of karma, change, and gifts from destiny. The card is associated with fire. In readings, the card symbolizes the natural process. There are similar patterns in everything, the inevitable alternation of ups and downs, prosperity and hardship, joy and sorrow. We need to learn to accept the constant transformation of reality.

When we look at the card we see the big wheel with a bunch of symbols on it. Around the wheel, we see the lion, the bull, the angel, and the eagle. The books in creatures’ hands represent wisdom. The picture shows us the endless rotation of the wheel of life, that makes different seasons and events appear either up or down. In other words, the Wheel of Fortune tarot meaning says that life is made of ups and downs. If one is experiencing a downswing right now, it only means that soon there will be a change to upswing. The card reminds us to enjoy each good moment, as eventually things can get worse.

In readings, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card appears to warn you that destiny is out of your control. Some powerful forces are at work and we as humans cannot govern the upcoming changes. The same as sunset and sunrise, the wheel always turns. Hence, upcoming changes are among the central meanings of the card. For example, it may signify eventual changes in your financial situation, changes in your career, changes in various kinds of partnerships, relationships, and other life areas.

Wheel of Fortune Upright Meaning Explained

Be ready for positive changes! The presence of the Wheel of Fortune tarot upright signals that you’ve got to get ready for good news. The cards are here to congratulate you for having good karma. The Wheel of Fortune meaning in this position says you should use this lucky time to chase your dreams. If you were waiting for the opportunity to take the next step, you need to act now!

The card upright also reminds us about the inevitability of life changes. It means that if you are feeling great, you need to be grateful for this moment. Live it to the fullest as nothing lasts forever, and that’s one of life’s gifts to you. Cherish the blessings and appreciate the opportunities given. In a ‘yes or no‘ reading the card means a yes.

While the Wheel of Fortune tarot card is also the symbol of karma, expect to receive back certain events according to the ways you treat others. Suppose in the past you invested some good energy into something or somebody, then now you’ll get back what you have put. The card’s advice is to plant seeds of good karma and not mistreat others. The lesson of the Wheel of Fortune is ‘what goes around comes around’.

For love, the Wheel of Fortune tarot meaning upright embodies the need for change in your relationships. By making a bold move towards something new, you can enter a new level of intimacy and trust with your significant other. So if you have something in mind don’t hesitate to choose new opportunities for both of you. In some ways, the card calms down those who are worried about eventual changes in their love life. It’s not the end! The wheel will move and the situation will switch as well.

Wheel of Fortune tarot card meaning for career signifies that you need to adapt to changes and go with the flow.

Wheel of Fortune Reversed Meaning Explained

This too shall pass! Wheel of Fortune tarot meaning upside down can signal about the unforeseen setback of something important. You may experience mishaps and downswings. Sometimes we’re not on top in life, and it is natural. Changes will come unexpectedly, but for now, you need to be patient and accept the situation.

The card may embody one’s fear of change or symbolize an indecisive and passive person who is too lazy to change their status. The current situation may negatively affect an individual, forcing them to panic. The card signifies the maturity test and teaches you a lesson of acceptance.

According to the card in this position, there are zero chances of achieving the goal. It may signify the start of an unfavorable period and warn you not to begin anything new.

For a relationship, the card signifies outer events that may affect your union. You can’t control it, only keep in mind that this too shall pass. The best you can do for now is learn the lesson and let it go. Once you embrace and accept changes, the wheel will turn. If you’re a single person, Wheel of Fortune upside down means you may meet someone.

Wheel of Fortune tarot meaning reversed signifies the period of stagnation in your career. Maybe you need to reconsider your working opportunities or have some rest. Anyway, this is not the time to initiate significant career changes. You had better wait for new opportunities and stay patient.

Final Words on Wheel of Fortune Tarot Meaning

Now after reading our Wheel of Fortune tarot guide you know what symbols this Major Arcana number 10 holds. The card warns us that one can’t control destiny. The changes are coming, and the best you can do is embrace them. The card often embodies luck and the gifts of life.

The card in the upright position says you need to get ready to take chances! You are lucky, and winning. If something changes in your career, the card upright recommends you adjust to a new order of things and embrace changes. Everything happens for a reason.

In a reversed position, the Wheel of Fortune tarot means that acceptance is the best you can do in a situation that doesn’t satisfy you. Let go of control as sometimes we cannot influence life changes. The cards are telling you to accept that the moment is unfavorable to begin anything new as chances to succeed are zero.

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