Three of Wands is the Minor Arcana that is a part of the suit of Wands in tarot deck. The card is associated with the element Fire and symbolizes growth and progress. Astrologically the card is represented by the Sun in Aries. Getting Three of Wands in a reading is a sign of evolution and purposeful actions. It indicates confidence and taking chances. This is a tarot card, which shows successful perspectives and reminds us about the consistency of actions to reach goals.
The meaning of this card is clearer if we analyze what’s depicted on it. We see a figure of a man overlooking the wide sea in front of him. The man is standing on a high mountain surrounded by the three sprouting wands, which embody growth. We can say that the man is calm and determined. He realizes his potential and knows that his actions must be consistent to reach success.
Number three in numerology is a symbol of creativity and working together. Three of Wands love outcome is an embodiment of twin souls who truly belong to each other. It’s also a card that indicates the readiness of two people to committedly work on relationships together. The advice to those who receive this Minor Arcana in reading about feelings is to not chase love, as what’s yours will come to you without effort.
Three of Wands Upright Love Meaning Explained
Three of Wands is a symbol of optimism and high expectations. Hence, drawing this card in a reading upright signifies that the dream relationship requires getting a divine match. It symbolizes two people who manifest genuine feelings and know that sometimes you mustn’t force anything to get what truly belongs to you.
If you’re wondering about someone’s feelings about you, the card upright signifies that nothing stops them when they imagine your life together. Your crush looks at you as a reliable partner they manifested for a long time. Now their dreams are coming true. The same interpretation goes to the qualities of your potential partner and may mean that you have found a soulmate. If you start a relationship, the prognosis is highly optimistic. You can grow together and plan for a bright future.
For couples in a long-term relationship that card indicates appreciation of one another. Even if you’ve been together for decades, the spark between you two is still there. You are a true power couple, who grow and support each other. Your union is a source of inspiration for many other people. Three of Wands love is the message from the future and often indicates that you can take your union to the next stage.
For those who are considering reconciliation after a breakup, the card signifies that there is a chance. If you want your union to renew, it’s up to you to try offering it to your ex.
Three of Wands Reversed Love Meaning Explained
Unlike the 3 of Wands love in an upright position, the card upside down shows that your crush is unsure whether you are a perfect match for them. In reverse, it signifies insecurity, doubts, and hesitations. In the context of another person’s thoughts about you, the card points to their uncertainty about the future. Perhaps, it has nothing to do with you personally, but points at the lack of confidence of this specific person.
If you’re single and want to start a relationship, the advice from the Three of Wands reversed love would be analyzing the potential outcomes of your interaction. To build a strong foundation for a long-lasting union you must share basic values and have a similar vision for the future. For example, you want to focus on work and career, and your crush might dream about a big family with three children.
For couples who are together for a long time, the card signifies the need to refresh feelings. Maybe you feel stuck in your daily routine and don’t get excited imagining your future. It does not necessarily mean the ending of a relationship. Perhaps, you need to start something new together. It may be a business venture or an interesting hobby you’ll share.
When it comes to starting over with an ex-partner, the card indicates that they might still want to be with you. However, they’re in a passive position, don’t have any plans to contact you, and feel insecure.
Final Words on the 3 of Wands Love
Three of Wands is the card of an optimistic look at the future. Receiving this Major Arcana in a reading is a good sign that indicates future perspectives and endless opportunities.
In an upright position, the card is a good omen for those who are wondering about the outcome of love. Your crush is seriously intended to start a relationship with you. They see you as a reliable partner who can support their growth.
3 of Wands love in reverse is a sign of frustration, pessimism, delays, and hesitations. If you’re wondering about starting a relationship, the card’s advice is to ensure that your goals and values align. It also signifies a lack of confidence and determination in the context of love.