What Does the Three of Wands Mean in Readings?
Three of Wands is the Minor Arcana that symbolizes growth and evolution. The card often shows positive love outcome and alignment of a couple’s goals. At the same time, in reverse the card may signal a lack of self-confidence, unpredictable delays, lost opportunities, and frustration.
Three of Wands depicts a man who’s standing on a high cliff. Around the man, we see three wands that are growing from the cliff. The man turned his back to us, wearing a long robe of green and red colors. If we recall the picture in the previous Minor Arcana, Two of Wands, we see the progression of man’s actions. He isn’t in the stage of planning as he has left his castle and started to explore the unknown. The picture symbolizes confidence in one’s plans and strategy. We also spot ships in the picture. They embody movement and opportunities. The man on the cliff spectates the ships and wide space ahead considering the potential outcome of his actions. He’s self-confident and ready to overcome any challenges as they appear on his way in the future.
Three of Wands tarot card meaning is to dream big, dream fiercely! Consider the appearance of this card as a good sign. You should go for it no matter what. It’s the time to realize that your potential is endless and everything will come your way if you put action into it. Do not wait, it’s time to create and bring your vision to life.
Three of Wands Upright Meaning Explained
It’s time to maximize your potential! Feel free to expand your vision and find like-minded people to execute it together. Three of Wands shows that you’re capable of laying a strong foundation for your future success. It’s the crucial period when you are starting to bring your ambitious plans to life with confidence and you are progressing. The card embodies opportunities that will help you expand your horizons. It could even be a warning that it’s not the time to settle with an existing situation or accept the offers you have. More valuable changes are on their way, they may be a bit stressful, but after you leave your comfort zone you will embrace these changes.
Three of Wands tarot card meaning for career when upright is about new opportunities and options of growth. If you are hesitating to accept upcoming changes you may delay your own success. Take chances and dare to try something new. If you own a business, it’s the time to be bold. For example, it’s a great opportunity to enter a global market or open a new department.
For love, the card is a good sign of happiness and success in your relationships. As a couple, you’re confident in your future plans and goals. Your ambitions and dreams are aligned and you’re ready to execute your plans together. For example, you may plan to move abroad and live overseas. However, you realize all potential challenges, you are excited about this opportunity and ready to take chances.
Three of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained
Open your eyes to opportunities! Three of Wands reversed may signal that you’re feeling frustrated because of failures or are afraid to take the next steps as there would be challenges to overcome. Don’t let anything drag you down and lose self-confidence. It’s not the time to give up. Instead of drawing into self-pettiness, you need to look around and see potential opportunities. Don’t shy away from life, as life itself is natural. From time to time, we all lose, but it’s always about valuable lessons. It’s up to you how to use these lessons in the future. For now, your task is to think over your plans and act fiercely.
Three of Wands upside down for career is about unexpected delays, cancelled plans, or rejecting a job offer. In some situations, the card signifies the lack of opportunities or when one simply can’t see them. The card in this position often shows that despite your hard work towards global goals, you still miss something to reach them. In ‘yes or no‘ readings the card is a probable no. You might be frustrated because you failed on essential opportunities in your workplace or business. For example, failed to relocate according to promotion or missed the chance to enter a global market.
For finances, Three of Wands in reverse signalizes about a mess. You need to be more organized and thoughtful with spending. Probably you are overloaded and losing control over too many processes going on at once.
Three of Wands card in reverse for love appears to be a not-very-good sign. It seems that you lack common goals and hold each other back. Often the card embodies relationships on distance. Probably, this type of union doesn’t fit one of you or both of you. If you’re single, the cards signify that you might be holding on to the past. For example, when after a breakup you still think about your ex and try to figure out what went wrong. The cards’ advice is to lose the destructive thoughts. Instead of trying to figure out how someone feels about you, embrace the adventure of being single and enjoy the freedom you have.
Final Words on the 3 of Wands Meaning
In our Three of Wands tarot guide, you have found the fundamental meanings of this Minor Arcana. But don’t forget to consider other cards in a spread to realize what is the individual interpretation of this card. The main meaning of this card is opportunities, growth, expansion, self-confidence, progression, success, movement, and adventure.
In an upright position, the card shows that it’s time to dream big and put your ambitions first. Some great opportunities are about to come to your life, and even if you need to embrace changes, it all will bring you success and growth.
Three of Wands upside down is not a good sign for relationships. It seems that your goals aren’t aligned with your partner’s goals. Opposite visions of your future together may be a reason to break up or take a pause from your relationship.