The Sun Tarot Love in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Sun is the Major Arcana numbered nineteen. This tarot card is an indicator of joy and happiness in the deck. It is associated with the Sun and the Leo Zodiac sign. The card embodies positivity, pure energy, success, happiness, marriage, and enlightenment. In reverse, the card may mean a lack of vitality, sadness, and pessimism.

The Sun love tarot card is easier to interpret when we analyze what’s depicted on this card. We see a big sun in the center of the picture. It draws attention with its bright shine. This vibrant and illuminating symbol represents vitality and clearness, being the opposite of the moon, which indicates illusions and doubts. A child drawn almost naked in the forefront is an embodiment of pure happiness and genuine positivity.

When one draws the Sun card in a reading, it signifies that joy can be found right here and right now. Happiness is in small things and can be found within us anytime. By being grateful for everything we have in our lives, we can stay positive and withstand any challenges.

For love matters, the card’s advice is to be yourself and radiate positivity. People who truly appreciate you and your attitude to life will follow and be with you anywhere you go. Happy vibes are very attractive.

The Sun Upright Love Meaning Explained

The Sun upright is the ‘battery’ among the Major Arcana. A burst of energy and positive emotions the card brings gives a relationship a correct charge.

In an upright position, the Sun is an indicator of attention and excitement about meeting your crush. The Sun upright love shows that you’re bringing much joy into the life of another person.

If you are wondering about the love outcome, the Sun tarot love upright says that this union seems to be built on true commitment. Together you experience many positive emotions and share many interests. You never get bored together and infuse the lives of each other with joy. In the eyes of your partner, you truly are a ray of light and a source of positive vibes. They are proud to be in a relationship with you.

For existing relationships, the Sun tarot card meaning love is a harmonious union. You and your partner are positive and supportive. Joy and excitement surround you during each moment spent together, so your future as a couple seems bright. Since the card is an embodiment of energy, it indicates you and your partner as charismatic leaders and individuals. People are drawn to your bursting optimism and consider your relationship as an example. The happy vibes you give are so inspiring that everyone around you starts to feel better.

The Sun Reversed Love Meaning Explained

In reverse, the Sun symbolizes sadness, stagnation, boredom, low vitality, and misunderstanding. At the same time, the card stays an embodiment of optimism, so to fix the situation in love and relationships, you must stay positive first of all.

The Sun love upside down is an indicator of the need to clarify the situation. Probably, your crush sees you as a person with unclear intentions because you don’t make any moves. At the same time, they might realize that you have a crush on them. But your passiveness makes them confused and bored. If there’s something you can do to change the situation, find ways to draw the attention of your potential partner and make them interested in interacting with you.

The Sun reversed love is an indicator of boredom and sadness in a relationship. For existing unions, this card in reverse indicates the need to add some excitement to the life of a couple. Routine seems to become your satellite and you don’t feel as happy together as you were at the very beginning of your relationship. You need to act if you want to bring the spark back to your relationship. For example, you can organize a surprise party for your significant other or gift them something they have been dreaming about for a long time. The card may also indicate that soon you will reveal some interesting facts about your significant other.

Final Words on the Sun Tarot Love

The Sun is the Major Arcana associated with energy, positivity, light, joy, and excitement. The Sun tarot love in reverse in a reading means that by radiating positivity and optimism, one can beat any challenge in life. It may indicate that a person attracts others by their charisma and happy vibes.

In an upright position, the Sun is the card of happiness, enlightenment, optimism, and charisma. It signifies happy unions, fruitful relationships, and couples that inspire others with their style of communication and true love.

The card’s meaning upside down is less positive as optimistic vibes become a bit dimmed, welcoming sadness and doom. If you’re asking about potential relationships and love outcomes, it seems that some external factors influence your union. If these factors cause sadness and boredom, some sparks of positivity will help to balance the situation.

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