What Does The Sun Tarot Card Mean in Readings?
The Sun is the Major Arcana number nineteen. This trump tarot card is one of the most appreciated in the deck as it symbolizes fun, joy, and positivity. The presence of this card in a reading signifies changes to better, happy vibes, and freedom. The Sun embodies life energy and prevailing vitality.
The meaning of the Sun tarot card is easy to identify by looking at the picture on the card. We see a playful innocent child symbolizing joy and enthusiasm. The white horse depicted near is a symbol of light, strength, and positive energy. The big lighting Sun represents vitality and positivity.<.p>
Even the darkest night is followed by the dawn. The Sun tarot card meaning is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, the best is yet to come. In some readings the card may signify pregnancy or childbirth. The Sun usually signifies good luck, success and freedom. It symbolizes the revelation of truth that makes you self-assured and happy.
The card reminds us that the Sun is the source of life energy for everything on Earth. It shows us the total purity of a child. The card is an embodiment of truth. It’s time to see everything clearly to make the right choice in life. One is totally aligned with themselves feeling harmonious and happy.
The Sun Upright Meaning Explained
Be brilliant and shine! If you have lived a long period of hardship, it’s finally ending. Now you are entering a new era of your life where you will be full of optimism, positive energy, and good vibes.
The Sun upright for love means a happy and harmonious couple. You and your significant other are managing to create close, comfortable, and joyful relationships. If recently you had issues and misunderstandings, for now all hidden problems were revealed. Your union is strong and passionate. By being open and honest with each other you resolve any issue. However, another meaning of the card upright is moving on and recovering from breakup to meet somebody who meets your values. All is happening for your greater good. The Sun card also embodies pregnancy and childbirth. It often signifies family celebrations like engagement or wedding.
For health the Sun tarot card symbolizes energy, wellness, and vitality. For example, it may mean that you will beat illness and recover. It’s also a good sign for people who are expecting childbirth or trying to get pregnant.
If you’re asking about career, the Sun tarot meaning in upright position signifies optimism and success. Enthusiasm and positive energy surround you. Happiness and joy help you create an effective working environment. Total satisfaction leads to greater motivation and brings material fulfillment. For example, it may mean a raise.
When it comes to finances, you’re doing better than ever. The cards are giving a hint that if previously some information about money were hidden or missed, it will now be revealed. For example, you may inherit some funds. The card signifies the period of joy and financial freedom.
The Sun Reversed Meaning Explained
You may be overly optimistic! The Sun reversed shows one being unrealistic about their expectations and judgements. Enthusiasm and optimism will not help in this situation. Instead, think over all potential risks and ensure that you know where to move forward.
Another meaning of the card upside down in a reading is pessimism. Maybe you can’t find any positive aspects of a situation and are experiencing a setback. The cards show a person who’s being skeptical about the current situation and doubts the positive outcome.
The card in the reversed position signifies the period of cold in relationships. This union may be ending in the near future. You may be pessimistic about your life together with your partner and consider cancelling family celebrations. For example, cancelling a wedding. If you want to fix it, plan some fun activities together, as it’s crucial to bring back spark and joy in your relationships. Forget egoism and spend quality time with your significant other reminding yourself why you two fell in love. If you’re single, the cards recommend you to be more open and communicative, be yourself.
For career, the card points that you’re being over self-confident. Ensure you have enough background and knowledge to succeed in the new project. Probably, you have ambitions that drive you forward, but lack experience when it comes to practical execution. Also for career the card often means underestimation. For example, you might deserve a raise, but wait for it. The card’s advice is to bring the situation to the attention of your boss. Another possibility is to see how many benefits your job has. Maybe you’re unable to appreciate all the good things you have in this company?
Final Words on the Sun Tarot Card Meaning
This was the Sun tarot guide about the Major Arcana number 19. This is one of the most desired cards in a deck as it is a symbol of joy, positive vibes, and freedom. It depicts a playful innocent child, a symbol of purity. There is also a beautiful horse that symbolizes generosity, strength and positive energy.
The Sun meaning in upright position shows good financial condition. It also represents the revelation of hidden information about money. For example, inheriting secret funds. For career, the card embodies success, radiant happiness, and joyful working process. Your work brings you material fulfillment and total satisfaction.
The Sun tarot card in the reversed position signifies sadness and pessimism. At work you can feel demotivated. The cards suggest you look around and see how many benefits your job has. Maybe you’re underestimating your possibilities and freedom. If you’re in relationships, there is a period of distancing from each other. You may even consider canceling an engagement or a wedding. If you treasure your union, try to bring back the spark and joy by spending time together.