The Star is The Major Arcana which has a number seventeen. The main interpretation of this tarot card is hope, rejuvenation, optimism, and seeing a new perspective. The Star is an embodiment of spiritual and mental healing, letting go of the negative experience and repeated pessimistic patterns.
In a reading, the Star yes or no meaning is mostly a yes. Let’s analyze what’s depicted on the card to get its hidden symbolism better. We see a pond with clear water and a woman behind it. One of the woman’s feet is in the pond, and another her foot is standing in the ground. This pose symbolizes the bond between the spiritual and material worlds. In the woman’s hands, we see two cups she uses to pour the dry land with water and nourish the grass to help it grow and reveal. Several stars around the woman symbolize chakras and the inner world. The woman is confident and sure that she helps the grass rejuvenate.
The card’s advice is to set yourself up for success and tune in positive vibes. The Universe’s plans are wise, and you should trust in the effect of a healing process that is already on. Recall your dreams and believe that they’re becoming your new reality.
The Star Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained
As the Star is the card of optimism in a yes or no reading, it symbolizes a hope for future success. Even if the situation seems unclear now, by closer look you can spot some small signs of a positive outcome. Manifestation of success and a positive attitude can magically turn a situation into a yes. Trust the light of the star that encourages you to be faithful. Forget about fears and pessimistic expectations. Follow the light of hope to get where you want.
In the context of a career, the Star tarot yes or no upright indicates loads of inspiration and bursting creativity. You’re positive about each project you’re jumping in. It seems that you have a clear plan and see the perspective in everything you do at work. Positivity and hope are helping you to move forward with constant self-assurance.
If you ask a love and relationship question, the Star upright, yes or no signifies optimism and high hopes. It seems that you feel a deep connection to your significant other. You two understand each other without words and experience a spiritual bond. Together with your partner, you see the future inspiring and bright. You share a vision of your goals as a couple and believe that everything will work out successfully. You support each other’s aspirations and dreams. Everyone who meets you appreciates the positive vibes of your couple.
The Star Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained
The Star reversed yes or no meaning corresponds with the overall interpretation of this tarot trump in an upside-down position. All positive omens of the Star change to doubts, pessimism, and a lack of faith. One of the main reasons why the answer is no is your low self-esteem. It seems that you don’t believe that you are worth the best. Do you know how impactful trust in the Universe is? Embrace anything that will come your way to change the situation to a positive one.
For love, the Star yes or no upside down is a symbol of a no as an answer. The main issue is that you aren’t sure whether your partner and you will be together for a long time. Hence, your efforts and faith are minimal. Without putting energy and time into developing your relationship, you will not get a yes. By being very pessimistic and skeptical, you will stay alone soon. If you want to get in touch with your ex-partner and hope to start everything over again, they’re not going to reconcile. Consider the card’s answer as a strong no.
In reverse for career, the card may mean a no as an answer. At the moment, you need inspiration and optimism to score at your workplace. Without a creative approach and effort, you will not get a yes. For now, your best strategy will be to analyze what you have and decide how to apply your existing resources.
Final Words on the Star Yes or No
The Star is the Major Arcana numbered seventeenth. It’s one of the most optimistic cards in the tarot deck. The Star is an indicator of hope and embodiment of rejuvenation.
The Star card yes or no upright means that you’re confident in your success and spot many positive signs. Optimism, hope, and faith are your satellites everywhere you go. The card encourages you to manifest all possible outcomes that you can imagine. Trust the Universe’s power to turn your wildest dreams into reality.
In reverse, the Star is a symbol of pessimism and lack of hope. Your pessimistic attitude and low self-esteem aren’t helping you to succeed either in your career or in love. By putting zero effort and losing faith, you will not change the situation.