What Does The Star Tarot Card Mean in Readings?
The Star is the Major Arcana tarot with the number seventeen and is associated with the Aquarius Zodiac sign. The card embodies inspiration and positivity. The Star tarot card meaning is healing in both mental and physical ways. The card signifies the uplift of positive energy, good vibes, and radiance.
When we look at the card we see a woman figure behind the pond. She is on her knees pouring water on a dry land behind her. The process of land recovery is already on as we see there is some greenery around the pond, despite the land being dry. The woman partially put her feet in the water. Symbolically her posture represents the connection between the spiritual area defined by the pond and the materialistic world represented by the land. The combination of spirituality and materialism creates a strong mindset and balance. We see the big star behind the woman and seven smaller ones. The smaller stars represent the seven chakras.
The Star tarot meaning signifies the renewal of power and new hopes. Probably recently there were struggles and ruinations, transforming events, and stagnation. Now the Universe is telling you – the best is yet to come! Your power and faith are coming back together with blessings. Inside you are love, strength, courage, and endless potential. The Star says you should be open to life and trust the process. Do not stop manifesting your dreams, and success will come. Your self-attitude is crucial at this point.
The Star Upright Meaning Explained
The Universe’s blessings are here for you! If you recently experienced stagnation and loss of faith, the wind of change blows and brings positive vibes. Do you notice the small hints of future success? Yes, the situation is improving. The lack of motivation is continuously replaced with inspiration. Realize your endless possibilities and get ready for the next journey!
Give yourself more love and compassion. The Star upright says that the period of healing is ending with more stability and a new level of consciousness. You experienced turbulent times that helped your personal growth. Now you accept your scars and move on with greater self-love. Open your heart and do not let fear stop you! Trust people who are here to help, appreciate them because of the latest disappointments. Leave the past negative experience behind and learn from it. Remember how big your potential is, and proceed. If you draw the Star upright in a ‘yes or no‘ reading it means a yes.
For love, the cards mean that your positivity and easygoing attitude are powerful magnets that attract people to you. Now your charm is on the highest level, so if you have a love interest, there are high chances that you will get together. The key to success is being yourself and open to communication. If you’re right after a painful breakup, the card may appear to show that you are starting to recover and soon will move on. For single people, the Star tarot meaning shows that your self-reassurance is high.
The card upright for career says that you are getting the chance to release your ambitions thanks to your optimism noticed by others. If you are looking for a new job now, it’s a good period that brings you many offers and opportunities to choose from. Keep positive!
For finances, the Star tarot card in an upright position shows that all your financial goals are reachable and you should stay on the same track to succeed. Remember that your attitude is very important.
The Star Reversed Meaning Explained
Do not lose optimism! For now, you might feel low and like everything is turned against you. However, normally similar situations don’t frustrate you, the Star reversed signals that you are being pessimistic. The cards’ main advice is to look for motivation. Are you feeling defeated? Are you afraid of the future? The card in this position signifies a loss of faith and low energy. What can help you feel more motivated and nurture your optimism? You need to reinvent yourself and find a source of positive energy.
The card in the reversed position appears when you face the consequences of being too pessimistic about your career. The loss of enthusiasm and motivation may lead to misunderstandings with your colleagues and bosses. Everyone faces ups and downs in their work, but it seems that the period of frustration lasts too long. Don’t let yourself deepen into pessimism. However, in fact, the situation is not that bad. Pay attention to the nature of the request and combination with other cards in a spread. There will be more answers.
In a reversed position the Star symbolizes self-love and confidence. Maybe you’ve lost self-reassurance and experienced a period of self-doubt. You may think you’re not enough and unworthy of love. Your goal for now is to write down the list of positive characteristics about yourself and stop being self-criticizing. You can be a caring partner, you can give love, and get it in return. Don’t you lose faith in love. For example, you might be single and skeptical about love. Your disappointment may be based on previous negative experiences in a relationship. Try to leave the past behind and focus on the positive aspects of being a couple.
Final Words on the Star Tarot Card Meaning
This is the Star tarot guide that gives you an idea of what to expect when this card is present in a spread. The Star card is the tarot trump number 17. This is a sign that good energy is on its way to you. If recently you were stagnating, the wind is changing.
In an upright position, the card manifests good vibes and positive energy. Your attitude to the process is making miracles. The cards encourage you to open your heart and realize your endless potential. Everything is turning your way! The Universe is blessing you and the best is yet to come.
The Star tarot card in a reversed position may signify that you are letting negative thoughts drag you down. You might lose belief in yourself and stop trusting people around you. Demotivation and frustration don’t let you see the bigger picture of a bright future and positive energy. Embrace each tiny glimpse of changes for the better, and expect something great.