The Moon Yes or No in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Moon is the Major Arcana, which is numbered eighteen in the tarot deck. The Moon reveals the truth about secrets and shows the hidden fears. In the moonlight we see things differently, and hence may feel less confident and delusional.

If we look at the picture on this card, we see many symbols that reflect the mysterious and undefined nature of this tarot trump. We see a full moon in the dark blue night sky. The moon is situated between two high towers that look almost similar to each other. If we compare the moonlight to the light of the sun, we realize that the light of the moon isn’t real. It’s just a reflection of the sun’s light. We also see a road that goes far away, we can’t see its ending. There are animals in the picture. A wolf and a dog who look almost similar symbolize two sides of a human’s nature: the wild one and the civil one.

Considering the foggy nature of this tarot trump, the Moon yes or no in a reading rarely means a strong yes or a strong no. The card is an embodiment of our inner power that lets intuition prevail when making decisions. By listening to your gut you will realize how to get the answer you desire.

The Moon Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained

The Moon card yes or no in an upright position is an indicator of uncertainty, doubts, misunderstood, delusion, and anxiety. It’s hard to make decisions in such a situation, so in yes or no readings the card can’t give a strong and definitive answer. However, it mostly signifies a no in this position.

For love matters, the Moon upright yes or no signals more of a negative answer. Illusions aren’t helping to understand the true intentions of your crush or partner. Moreover, the cards indicate a lack of clarity and doubts when it comes to your feelings. Hence, before the situation changes to the desired one, you should think over your true aspirations and motivations. Don’t let doubts distract you from your focus. The main advice of the cards is to make any decisions after you are sure that things are exactly what you think they are. For example, you might think that your crush is answering your sympathy and wants to start a relationship, however in fact their signals are mixed. By avoiding rush, you will more likely get a yes.

For career questions, the Moon upright is a sign of a no. The cards’ advice is to gather all information about a project before joining it or about a proposition before deciding whether you should accept it. Almost anything right now isn’t what it seems. If a lot is at stake right now, only your intuition will help you define what to do. Trust your gut.

The Moon Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained

The card in reverse indicates that you can’t see many details that may influence the situation, so the answer is a no. Try to reflect on your true feelings and desires. Your intuition becomes the main instrument now.

For love and relationships, the Moon reversed yes or no may mean hesitations and unclearness. If you are asking about an immediate start of a new relationship it’s more likely a no, as your crush needs time to realize what they feel.

If you are asking about existing relationships, the card signifies that something seems confusing to your partner. Maybe some of your words or actions were unclear and made them misunderstand you. Hence, the Moon yes or no in reverse may mean a no that interpreters as the need to communicate and clarify everything with your significant other. Forget about fears and just be yourself in a relationship.

When it comes to career, the card upside down indicates hesitations. It’s more likely a no. The main issue you’re facing in the context of a career is the lack of focus and understanding of where you are going. Maybe at your current position in your company, you can’t see any option for growth. By listening to your intuition you will more likely define the direction for your career and set new goals than if you will instead proceed trying to see through the fog.

Final Words on the Moon Tarot Yes or No

The Moon is the Major Arcana that indicates doubts, secrets, mystery, subconscious, illusions, anxiety, and fear. The main purpose of this card in a reading is to show us that nothing is what it seems. Every light has an opposite side of darkness.

In an upright position, the card shows that unrevealed secrets and misunderstandings don’t let you see the whole picture. It’s more a no for love and relationship as well as for career. Illusions don’t let you see things clearly.

The card in reverse embodies fogginess and illusions that are becoming weaker than in the upright version. For career, the card is an indicator of a no. Until you define your goals and decide where your career is heading, you will not get a yes.

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