The Moon Tarot Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


illusion, confusion, complexity, secrets, hidden intentions, clarity, hidden truth, intuition, insecurity, self-deception, anxiety, uncertainty, fears, rumors, sabotage, difficult period, unusual dreams, insomnia

What Does The Moon Tarot Card Mean in Readings?

The card number eighteen among the Major Arcana is the Moon. This card signifies revealing of hidden truth and intentions, unusual dreams and insecurity.

The Moon tarot card meaning is getting clearer as you encounter the picture on the card. There are many symbols in the picture. It shows the road with animals on the sides of it – a dog and a wolf. There’s also a crawfish near the pond. We see two towers on either side of the path in the distance. The meaning of the picture is the combination of conscious and unconscious levels of our existence. The tendency is in doubling of objects, that has its meaning: the outcome is dual. It all depends on your choice and actions. For example, the symbolism of animals reveals the wildness in a wolf and the civilized nature of the dog. The towers embody the good and the evil.

The duality of the Moon tarot meaning makes the card dependent on a certain request and other cards in a spread. From one hand, the card embodies the unconscious and intuitive human nature. Like the Moon’s light your inner world can give you signals to guide you through the dark times.

The main conflict hidden in the meaning of this card is the lack of balance between your fears and your intuition. It’s very hard to define which side is speaking to you from within in each situation. By deep analysis and self-learning, you will get closer to the truth.

The Moon Upright Meaning Explained

Be clear and consistent! The Moon upright means that you shouldn’t let your fears guide you. Keep the inner peace and balance. Whether any worries appear, you should beat them with clear and constructive thoughts. There is also a hint to broken illusions. You are about to discover the hidden truth. Something important will be revealed soon.

The Moon tarot meaning in upright position is present in a reading to warn you about financial decisions. In a ‘yes or no‘ reading it will mean a no. Probably you shouldn’t make serious investments or valuable purchases right now as some essential information can be hidden from you. If possible you had better postpone the deal. Otherwise, the cards recommend you to dig deeper into the potential deal and research each aspect to ensure you have all information present.

For love the Moon card points on misunderstandings. It appears that you and your partner cannot read each other’s emotions correctly. Maybe you suspect and accuse each other of being unfaithful. The cards recommend you to be consistent and start from yourself. Only once you reflect your inner desires, thoughts, and emotions, can you fully understand the other side of the conflict. The card can also embody your fear to fall in love again after a painful breakup.

The Moon upright can point at uncertainty at the workplace. Probably, there is a hidden conflict that makes the atmosphere in your company unhealthy. Also you might experience lack of systematization or ineffective delegation of tasks in your project. The cards are showing that there is a lack of facts to operate. You need to find information that will help you proceed with your work tasks and make sound decisions.

The Moon Reversed Meaning Explained

Discover your truth! The Moon reversed encourages you to overcome doubts and find the way to happiness. You need to look inside yourself and let your intuition help. All you can see is darkness, and you can’t see the path clearly, as it’s hidden. Your fears become an issue as they do not let your intuitive self break through and guide you. Concentrate on your progress. Only after you beat your self-deception, the darkness will fade away.

At the same time, the Moon upside down may signify that recently you already have battled the period of anxiety. Right now you are starting to realize what’s exactly going on. You are listening to your inner voice and concentrating on positivity.

The Moon upside down says a lot about love revealing the existing cunning or confusion. Rely on your intuition, as you don’t know everything about one’s intentions. Is your partner being honest with you? Maybe you are hiding your true feelings from your significant other? Probably, you want to protect your partner from pain and disappointment by hiding the truth. However, it’s not about healthy relationships.

The Moon tarot card for career shows the appearance of misunderstanding. Depending on a concrete case, the consequences can be different. For example, the lack of information can make it difficult to start or finish your project. The card also shows that there can be rumours, lying, or sabotage within your company. You are insecure about the next step as you don’t understand the direction. People in your company can have fears, hidden intentions, or become paranoid about the intentions of others.

Final Words on the Moon Tarot Card Meaning

We hope the Moon tarot guide we provided helped you to learn more about the number 18 tarot Major Arcana. The Moon meaning represents illusion, self-deception, intuition, insecurity, self-deception, anxiety, confusion, and hidden intentions. The major conflict is pictured on the card – you can’t get what exactly is guiding you either your intuition or your fears. The duality of the human’s nature is a mix of civilized and wild. The card recommends to listen to yourself and don’t let fear guide you.

In upright position, the card shows broken illusions and revelation of hidden truth. If you’re in a relationship, there might be misunderstanding between you and your significant other. You must start with self-discovery to understand what feelings and desires drive your vision. At the workplace there might be a hidden conflict that makes the atmosphere toxic.
In reversed position, the card’s advice is to listen to your intuition, not your fears. The path might be hidden at the moment, and you must discover your truth to see the direction for the next step.

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