The Magician Tarot Love in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Magician is a tarot card that combines all four elements and four suits. This Major Arcana is one of the positive cards in the context of love. The Magician love in a yes or no reading must be analyzed and interpreted only in the context of a request and other cards in a spread.

If you analyze the picture on this card, you will realize that the figure depicted on it has the willpower, creativity, inspiration, and resources to conquer any heights and succeed in any venture. We see a figure of a man and a sign of infinity above his head, that embodies endless possibilities and help from the Universe. This man is sure that no matter what happens, he can overcome any existing challenge. Being the number one, he’s ready to face challenges and use all existing opportunities properly.

The card embodies an abundance of love and resources, hence its common meaning for the sphere of feelings is very positive. At the same time, in reverse, the card may signify illusions and manipulations.

The Magician tarot love may often mean that you should purposefully work on creating a positive atmosphere for your love life’s betterment. The time has come to be proactive as you have everything to attract your matches.

The Magician Upright Love Meaning Explained

The Magician upright love meaning is positive. For example, the card may mean that any action you make will bring you success. It seems that you can attract anyone thanks to your natural charisma and powerful magnetism.

If you have a partner, the card embodies mutual interests and a deep connection with your significant other. You are full of ideas on how to make your relationship more exciting and bring new experiences to your life. Go ahead and offer experiments to your partner. It’s a good time to make something new.

It is possible that your partner is interested in a deeper connection and wants to take your union to the next level. They see you as a very attractive and reliable partner for a long-term relationship. Perhaps, recently you two already had experienced something unusual and you showed how creative and brave you are. Your talents and hidden abilities to face any situation with readiness to solve it made your partner sure that you are a serious and reliable partner for them.

The best love advice from the Magician upright is to take action and not lose brilliant opportunities to draw the attention of your crush. If you’re single, the Magician tarot love means that it’s time to manifest yourself and meet new people. Be open and share your values, life vision, views, and how you see relationships. People who have similar interests and values will follow you and help you succeed in love.

There’s a small warning that sometimes we can be so excited about what’s happening, that we may be too optimistic and fall into illusions about the others’ attitude. Be aware of deception.

The Magician Reversed Love Meaning Explained

The card in reverse means that emotionally one may be too obsessed with power, and fall for the wrong person. It’s a symbol of illusions and attracting people with hidden intentions in your life. Considering this common meaning, the Magician reversed love and relationship meaning is not very positive. For example, if you’re single, the card may mean trickery and romantic illusion. If you have recently met a person who draws your attention with their talents and gallant behavior, they may not be the one for you. The card indicates the high possibility of manipulations and delusion.

If you have a partner, the Magician love in reverse is a sign of misunderstandings and poor planning as well as selfishness. When it comes to love, it indicates issues that may appear. You think about your interests and neglect the desires and feelings of your partner. If your significant other truly matters to you, ask them what they need from your union and try to give it to them.

The Magician love outcome meaning for relationships is a lack of progress. Perhaps, you and your significant other feel stuck in this union. It doesn’t mean that your relationships have no future. At the same time, it will only work if you analyze the current situation and reconsider some core principles of your communication. It may be a sign that you have recently started a new relationship and don’t understand if they have a future. The best way to clarify everything is to frankly talk to your partner.

Final Words on the Magician Love

Speaking about the Magician love meaning one must be sure about the request and consider the position of this card in a reading. In common meaning, the card is a positive omen for love and relationship when it’s in an upright position.

It seems that recently you and your current partner experienced something together and you showed one of your hidden talents. Your manifestation of your true individuality and identity made your significant other want to take your relationship to the next level and deepen their commitment. For those who’re single, the card indicates brilliant opportunities to meet someone whose values and character align with theirs.

In reverse, the Magician is not a very positive omen for love, however, not catastrophic as well. For example, existing issues and routines in your relationship may require analysis and honest communication to better the situation.

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