The Magician Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


Concentration, illusion, willpower, manipulation, ability, trickery, desire, manifestation, being resourceful, commitment, power, deep connection, purity, transformation, knowledge, opportunities, creativity, fulfillment, self-reassurance, making major moves, resources

What Does The Magician Tarot Card Mean in Readings?

The Magician is the number one card in the tarot deck and is associated with Mercury. The Magician tarot card meaning signifies new opportunities and new beginnings. The Magician in tarot reading signifies the key skills and abilities of an individual to succeed. The card embodies limitless potential and success in chasing one’s dreams. If you are ready for action, you should move forward with confidence. The card also symbolizes the resources you need to achieve your goals, self-reassurance, and concentration.

The Magician reminds us about the power of initiative that often leads to success. We might have enough instruments and power, but do we use them properly? Another side of the card can point to manipulations and illusion. The opposite side of creativity can be lies and trickery. It’s up to a person how to use their inner power and skills.

Usually, the posture of the Magician on the card represents the connection between both spiritual and material realms of the world. It symbolizes the bond between the heavenly and the earthly. Hence, one of the descriptions of the Magician card is the transformation of inner energy into actions. Once you create the inner strength, the outer events will follow. You will be able to apply your strengths and embrace new opportunities. The choice is yours to make, and the changes will come right after you start acting.

The Magician Upright Explained

Let the magic begin! When you see the Magician tarot card upright, it’s time to remember that you are the creator of your destiny. Pay your attention to the outcome you want. You might lack some vital skills to achieve your goals. Consider learning from other people with appealing personal characteristics to gain wisdom. They will gladly help you. With concentration and with the help of people whose abilities impress you, you will succeed. Believe in yourself as the Universe believes in you!

For love, in an upright position the card indicates positivity. If a person is in a relationship, the card signifies a deep understanding and a new level of connection between partners. Single people have a chance to meet someone appealing to their values and start a relationship. Your significant other will have good intentions and true feelings.

The Magician upright also signifies good opportunities in career and finance. The card encourages you to make a bold move and bring your ideas to life. The time has come to start implementing your vision. For example, you can start a new business, start-up, invest money, and so on. Analyze your potential tools for financial growth. What are your key skills to leverage right now? What do you need to learn to succeed? Apply some creativity and think outside the box.

The Magician indicates the boost of one’s self-reassurance. However, another vital piece of advice from the card is to be discreet when it comes to your secrets. Playing your cards close to your chest would be the best strategy in the given circumstances. If you need extra money, you’re getting a chance to make them in the near future.

The Magician Reversed Explained

Don’t hold back! You might get too hard on yourself and lose self-reassurance. Stop overthinking, as you are doing well. Instead of searching for excuses, you need to start pursuing your dreams and follow your desires with passion and fierceness. Your potential is huge, and your abilities are limitless, so do not let overthinking make you fail. The Magician reversed gives you advice to freely use your talents. If you are afraid to try, you’ll never know what the outcome could be. Look into yourself and be honest when answering the question of what drives you. If you are about to use your power to achieve non-ecological goals or manipulate, you had better stop. With good intentions, you will more likely succeed. For a ‘yes or no‘ reading the card in reverse usually means a strong ‘no’.

The Magician tarot meaning in reversed position, indicates the need for changes. You can experience a delusional attitude to some events or people. Unlike the upright meaning that embodies power, the reversed card position reveals the trickery. For example, you might get into an illusion about one’s attitude and actions thanks to their exceptional negotiation abilities. The card’s advice is to not let yourself make risky decisions as you might be overly emotional at the moment. Do not become obsessed with someone’s illusion of power as it might give the wrong impression. Be careful when making reckless decisions to prevent the downfall.

When it comes to finance, you should be more responsible and thoughtful. The cards warn you about potential losses and manipulations with money. Avoid risky investments and focus on your financial goals. Regarding communication, the Magician tarot card in this position warns you to avoid dominating roles and be cautious. There is a possibility of misunderstanding with your partners. Try to avoid communication issues and lack of balance in all kinds of relationships, including love life.

Final Words on The Magician Tarot Card Meaning

The Magician is the card numbered one among the Major Arcana. It reminds you that you are in control of your destiny. In an upright position, the card says that the magic is about to begin in your life. The Universe will help you out. If you seem to lack some vital skills to achieve your ambitious goals, source knowledge from people whose values align with yours. The Magician meaning in upright position, embraces power of will and clear intentions. If you are about to start a new project, get a job, start learning, or anything else – you can be confident that success will follow.

The Magician reverse can point out the manipulative nature of some people around you. While you are acting with an open heart and clear intentions, the others may use you. However, the card upside down can also show that you are acting manipulatively. The card recommends you reconsider your motivation and be honest with your intentions.

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