The Lovers as Feelings in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Lovers is the Major Arcana number six. The card embodies duality and soulmates. It is a sign of an extraordinary true love that connects two people on all possible levels. It’s when the two different personalities become a whole.

The picture on this card is a manifestation of a divine union created by angels. We see the figures of a man and a woman who seem to be in love. We realize that they are more than a couple, as they are soulmates with a deep bond. Their bodies, minds, and souls are harmonized and fulfill them both with strength, joy, and power. We also see an archangel Raphael spectating the couple from above. Perhaps, this happy union is his achievement as he’s considered the patron of communication. We also see the symbol of temptation – a snake.

If we interpret the symbols on the card, we can say that the Lovers unite Heaven and Earth, man and woman, night and day. This card is a symbol of the whole when two become one and create balance with their unique combination. A snake in the picture shows that challenges are inevitable in life and it’s better to overcome them together. The Lovers card as feelings, romantic intentions, and love have different meanings depending on the context and positions of this card in a reading.

The Lovers Upright as Feelings Meaning Explained

In an upright position, the card embodies a blessed and divine union of two souls who are connected on all levels. The Lovers as feelings for someone is a sign of alignment, desire to communicate, bond, and create a union. This is the true feeling of belonging when two people create a perfect couple. The Lovers tarot as feelings in an upright position indicates that you’re happy in a relationship.

If you’re single and have feelings towards someone, the card encourages you to take a first step. Being faithful about your passion and desire will let you realize that the person who’s meant for you is sharing your feelings. It seems that you have found the one. Since you get together, proceed acting with an open heart and prioritize giving over taking.

The card indicates that you and your ex-partner want to get together and give your union another shot, your desire to start over again is mutual. Probably, you ask everyone who knows them about their life and feel sad that you aren’t taking part in the events they experience. You are ready to be with them in good and bad times. Your ex feelings are genuine and they consider you their second half. If you also feel the same, it’s fine if you take a first step toward making up with them.

The Lovers Reversed as Feelings Meaning Explained

The Lovers in reverse indicates a lack of harmony and missing something essential to gain confidence and move towards success. The Lovers as feelings in this position show that you’re lonely and misunderstood.

When you pull the Lovers reversed as feelings to your partner it signifies that something ruined harmony between you. Probably, poor communication and inability to explain your feelings became an obstacle for one or both of you and caused damage to your relationship. It could signify cheating or a desire to break up. The card indicates problems with trust and the absence of common vision. It may also mean that your partner is afraid to open before you after a fight as your potential reaction scares them.

The card as feelings for an ex shows a total misalignment of expectations. If you still want to get together with your partner, their desire is the opposite. Perhaps you were the one to initiate parting your ways and now you aren’t sure about that. At the same time, your ex had already moved on and found happiness elsewhere. If your breakup was tragic and painful to them, it’s impossible that they will trust you again as they’re not ready to withstand that terrific pain anymore. If you feel like waiting for your ex to eventually come back and knock on your door, forget about this and start to find a new love.

Final Words on the Lovers as Feelings

The Lovers in the Major Arcana numbered six. The card is associated with the Gemini Zodiac sign. It embodies duality, couple, love, union, mutual feelings, and a whole. The Lovers as feelings upright is an embodiment of a divine union where two soulmates have found each other. It’s a positive sign for existing relationships, or for those who still have feelings for their ex partners.

In reverse, the card shows that your feelings misalign with the feelings and desires of your partner. Something ruined the balance in your union. Neither you nor them feel comfortable and safe by the side of their significant other. It may be a result of a fight, poor communication, or different life views and values. If you are considering getting back together with your ex after the break up, it will not work as they have already moved on.

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