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The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


Harmony, perfect relationships, attractiveness, appeal, soulmates, love, romance, shared values, desire, self-love, commitment, joy, connections, soul mate, Adam and Eve, balance, sexual desire, conflict, disharmony, cooperation

What Does The Lovers Tarot Card Mean in Readings?

The Lovers is a card number six in the Major Arcana. The related Zodiac sign is Gemini. The card’s meaning focuses on relationships and unions, a love outcome, shared values, and other aspects of partnership. The card embodies either the existing relationships or potential partnerships.

In most decks, the card shows two figures picturing the presence of a spiritual connection between them. The couple images on the card often refer to some kind of angelic beings that signify the divine forces supporting their union. Unconditional love is the central symbol of the Lovers tarot card. The sacred bond between two spirits lasts longer than life and ties the union on several levels of being. Some readers tie the meaning of the card to Adam and Eve, which symbolizes the balance between the temptation and the need to follow the rules.

Just like the Hierophant card, which is numbered five and means external beliefs, the Lovers card shows personal growth by recognizing one’s self-identification. The card displays self-learning and signifies the meeting with one’s true self without masks and fears. The deeper meaning of this card holds the idea that only after we connect to our inner selves, we can build deep and meaningful unions with others. The Lovers in a ‘yes or no‘ reading means a yes in an upright position.

The card often signifies the need to develop connections with people as facing the current situation alone holds hardships. Also, this card can nudge us to reconsider our values and true desires. There might be a need to explore your inner world and realize what your true beliefs are.

The Lovers Upright Explained

It’s time for love! In most readings, the Lovers mean that the cards send you a message about your love life. The Lovers upright is an embodiment of true feelings and deep connections. The card informs you that you have found your significant other who will be your long-term partner. The connection between two people on all levels, including sexual, spiritual, and intellectual, is the central meaning of this card. The union, according to this card, lets people grow together, nourish each other’s souls spiritually, and develop strong commitment.

While this card mostly signifies romantic unions, there is also room for other types of relationships. For example, connection and understanding between generations, parents, children, friends, and so on. The main characteristics of such a relationship would be honesty, compassion, and deep respect.

Being a symbol of true feelings, the card often means honest communication. There is the need to talk about your feelings and needs freely without fear. The symbolic nakedness of the figures pictured on the card embodies the openness and vulnerability in true communication. However, being honest with others is the only way to build a connection. Harmony only comes when people genuinely share values and beliefs.

The Lovers tarot card meaning in this position also covers the level of self-reflection. Maybe you are at the stage of rediscovering your values and philosophy. The time has come to build your inner system of beliefs and stand for it. The strengths need a basis of true desires and authenticity. Now you can freely reject what is not essential for you and choose only the best. The cards say that now you can make decisions based on love, not fear. The choice is yours!

The Lovers Reversed Explained

Rethink your connections! The Lovers upside down signifies the need to solve issues in relationships and communications. The Lovers tarot card meaning in reverse may indicate an imbalance of emotional involvement of partners. Real relationships require having mutual feelings and a lack of fear of getting hurt by your significant other. If after analyzing the relationship you see that you have grown apart, it’s maybe the time to go in different directions. However, a true partnership is impossible without compromises, the main thing is aligning your goals and life paths. The cards may show you that it’s time to move on.

Regarding self-reassurance, the reversed card may show that you do not listen to yourself or lack self-esteem. What are you choosing not to do that might meet your needs? The card in this position often shows the obstacles you can’t see (there are mountains in the picture symbolizing something standing in your way). Do you realize your true values and desires? Do you know what is the power within you? Maybe you’re denying your needs, wanting to benefit someone else, or thinking that pleasing others will fix the situation. Unfortunately, by sacrificing your beliefs and desires, you will only make it worse. Rethinking your position in a relationship may help. Consider recalibrating your energy. If you realize that there are already the consequences of your wrong choices to face, it’s ok. Your task is to learn from your mistakes.

The Lovers in reverse position can signify an imbalance in friendship as well. You may feel guilty that you don’t invest enough time in your relationships with friends because you prioritize others. By honestly admitting your mistakes, you can return the balance.

Final Thoughts on the Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers is card number six among the Major Arcana. The first seven Major Arcana signify the intellectual area of life, hence the card stimulates us to think about our true desires and relationships through the prism of love. The card often shows the soulmates connected on spiritual, physical, and intellectual levels.

The meaning of The Lovers in an upright position exposes fruitful unions and endless romance. If you seek advice in relationships and doubt how someone feels about you, the cards give you carte blanche to show your true intentions and emotions. If you already have a significant other, the connection between you is strong. The card in this position gives you the right to freely communicate your feelings and choose what is right for you now.

The Lovers tarot meaning in reverse forces you to rethink your connections, feelings, and goals in partnership. The card also signifies the area of personal development. Do you listen to yourself? Do you have enough self-esteem and self-reassurance? It’s time to reduce your inner imbalance.

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