The Hanged Man Yes or No in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Hanged Man is the Major Arcana numbered twelve, which indicates delays, waiting, and sacrifice. It may signify feeling lost and lack of direction.

This card depicts a figure hanging upside down. We see that it’s a man who can observe the world from a different perspective and possibly gain insights. We can’t say that he’s feeling very comfortable in this unusual situation, however, he looks calm. It seems that after getting an ability to see things differently he feels blessed and inspired by what he sees. We can say that the man surrendered to life for a while and decided to try doing nothing and let the situation go.

The meaning of the Hanged Man yes or no is patience, acceptance, and waiting. Sometimes only by surrendering to a situation can we overcome challenges and proceed going forward. Our views may change and sometimes these changes are the only way to progress. Letting go of a situation doesn’t mean staying away. Observation and analysis can help to move further. Even if we have to sacrifice something it doesn’t mean we’ve lost. Some circumstances make us feel stuck, and such periods of indecision often help us see the right path.

The Hanged Man Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained

For most questions, the Hanged Man upright yes or no will mean a yes. It signifies that a person who asks a question realizes that life’s scenarios are unpredictable. The Hanged Man tarot yes or no reminds us that sometimes surrendering and accepting the situation helps to see the new perspective. Patience helps to get what you truly deserve. Sooner or later your labours will bring fruits. Keep going, and a positive outcome will follow.

If you’re single, your potential partner realizes that you have doubts, so it makes them hesitant as well. Possibly, it will be a no for now. Either you or your crush realize that by trying to rush the situation you will not influence it anyway. Also, you might be afraid to jump into a new romance because you realize that you will have to let go of something or make sacrifices. You might not be ready for that.

If you already have a partner, getting the Hanged Man yes or no in a reading means a no. During the period of your relationships, you were the one who worried about the love outcome the most. Your input, efforts, and even sacrifice were so much bigger than your partner’s, that you are giving up for now.

If you’re asking cards about careers, the cards mean that any answer is possible, and you can’t influence the outcome in this situation. The best strategy for now will be observing and waiting how things play out. The main advice from cards for your career is to embrace changes, which are heading your way. Be brave and trust that everything will work out how it should be. Accept your destiny.

The Hanged Man Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained

Everything comes at the right time. If you realize and truly believe in this wise statement, you will easily accept a no as an answer from the Hanged Man reversed yes or no. Let go of a situation that doesn’t play your way together with the idea that you can influence everything in life. If you don’t want to do anything, stay calm. Believe that everything will work out because it is true.

If you question cards about potential love outcomes, their answer will be a no. Shortly, the situation will not change and you can use this time alone to reflect and analyze your needs. Imagine a portrait of your ideal lover and think over a strategy of where you can meet them.

If you’re asking about a career, the Hanged Man yes or no in reverse indicates a yes to changes and unexpected scenarios at your workplace or business. If something recently confused you and made you lose hope, very soon everything will get better. Stay calm and wait.

If you are in a relationship, the Hanged Man reversed yes or no meaning is a no. Sooner or later your union will stop serving the growth of both partners. You already prioritize other spheres of life above your love life and seem to avoid communication with your partner about the future. However, they are ready to sacrifice anything for this union, it will not last long.

If you dream about reconciliation with your partner after break up, the card upside down says no. It will not happen, and you must move on. Don’t stay in a waiting mode for years as they won’t accept your comeback.

Final Words on the Hanged Man Yes or No

The Hanged Man is the Major Arcana numbered twelve that embodies acceptance and sacrifice. The Hanged Man upright yes or no indicates the ‘yes’ answer to most questions. Be patient and wait till the situation turns the way you need. Surrendering to circumstances would be the best strategy for you. When it comes to career, there is a possibility of rather a yes or no.

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