What Does The Hanged Man Tarot Card Mean in Readings?
The Hanged Man appears in a reading as a symbol of sacrifice, a dead end, and a temporary break. Many tarot readers consider that when the Hanged Man card is present in a spread it means an existing problem can only be solved by thinking out-of-the-box and having a non-standard approach. By applying an original solution, one will win. The different views on a situation may be a reason for confrontation between opponents. The Hanged Man tarot card meaning is often read as having the opposite views of life. The card may signal that one hanged themselves on a symbolic tree for self-sacrifice. Such actions are counterproductive.
This Major Arcana number 12, shows a figure of a man positioned upside down. The man is suspended from a large tree that symbolizes the whole world. The root of this tree reaches deep down into the ground. The branches of the tree reach the sky. The man’s hanging on a tree by his decision. You can tell the man’s feeling comfortable in his upside-down position however his foot is bound to the branches. The Hanged Man in the picture is wearing red pants that symbolize passion and a blue shirt that symbolizes serenity. Both colors together are often found in religious paintings. The Hanged Man meaning also says that he realizes that his position is uncomfortable but he accepts the situation to get rewards in the future.
The Hanged Man Upright Meaning Explained
Prioritize time to gather your strength! The direct position of the card does not have a negative meaning. It only teaches a life lesson and gives you time to gather your strength. You have a chance to make the right decision and start a new path. In a ‘yes or no‘ reading the card means a yes. The Hanged Man card says that you need a break. It seems that you’ve been waiting for too long for changes that are not happening. Maybe you’ve been making an effort for a long time, but the results are not coming, and it frustrates you. It’s time to stop for now. As a human, you are unable to control everything, and it’s completely fine to not be a God-like person. The best thing you can do for now is surrender to the situation. All you can do for now is to relax and rethink your strengths. Maybe you need to reset priorities? The Hanged Man tarot card meaning in upright position is wondering, are you sure you see all the opportunities that are there for you?
The Hanged Man tarot card meaning in this position is also a signal that you might face a crisis of values, in your career, or in a relationship. It’s not the time to make a big decision, it’s time to analyze and stop.
The Hanged Man tarot meaning for love in this position embodies the unwillingness of partners to compromise. If you’ve had a conflict with your significant other, it may be fatal for your union. For those who are single, the Hanged Man upright in a spread may mean attempting to renew connection after break up.
The Hanged Man Reversed Meaning Explained
Stop waiting and act! The Hanged Man reversed presents in reading as a sign of procrastination and wasted time. It seems like you’re procrastinating for no reason as you know exactly how to act to reach your goals. It seems that you have a whole list of good reasons generated to avoid making the next step. However, you might want to distract from what’s happening right now, the cards’ advice is to move confidently. If you do not act preventively, somebody can take the lead and make a move behind your back or instead of you. You need to stop waiting for an ideal moment to act, as it will never come. Take your turn fiercely.
For a career in a reversed position, the card often signifies that you may take wrong turns. It may show that despite your actions and expectations, things are still. The cards say that nothing turns out however you do everything you can to change the situation. You get a lesson that at the moment one’s efforts are not enough to get new perspectives. You may feel disappointment and frustration because of such a situation.
For love, the Hanged Man in reverse signifies eventual changes in a relationship. If you are going through tough times with your partner, and lack communication, trust, and understanding, these problems will not go away by themselves. However, an open and honest conversation will help you restore trust. It seems that you may avoid discussing difficult subjects about your relationships, but if you will, these relationships will end in the near future. Action is the key to solving many issues.
Final Words on the Hanged Man Meaning
Now after you read the Hanged Man tarot guide you know that this is the Major Arcana number 12 that symbolizes pause, sacrifice, and self-denial. The Hanged Man tarot card meaning is read by looking at the picture. In the card, we can see a peaceful man who’s suspended from a tree. When we are looking at the man’s face we realize that he’s accepted his condition and this pose. He’s ready for self-sacrifice if it will help to resolve the existing situation. The man in the picture is the symbol of wisdom that results from effective self-reflection and helps progress.
If you treasure your relationship, it’s time to be proactive and initiate changes in your love life. The outcome of your relationships depends on how you approach solving problems. If you choose to distance yourself from your partner when a problem appears, it will not help. You need to take a pause and rethink your strategy.
The Hanged Man meaning upside down signals that a person may experience sufficient changes in career. If you want positive changes, you must take the lead and act. By procrastinating you will not succeed.