The Devil Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


freedom, fear, materialism, temptation, hedonism, divorce, limitations, enslavement, emptiness, entrapment, oppression, excess, reclaiming power, excess, addiction, domination, pleasures, bondage, greed, shame, abuse, trauma, powerlessness, dependency, obsession, shadow self

What Does The Devil Tarot Card Mean in Readings?

The Devil tarot card is the Major Arcana number fifteen. The card is associated with the planet Saturn and the element Earth. In readings, the card symbolizes freedom, reclaiming power, and limitations. When this card is present in a reading, it signifies the feelings of emptiness and entrapment.

The Devil tarot card meaning is correlating with the picture on the card. The figure of the Devil is presented in the form of an ancient mythic creature – a satyr who’s half man half goat. One of the brightest symbols in the picture is the reversed pentagram on a satyr’s forehead. The figure is watching over his captives – a naked man and a woman in chains. The figures symbolize people who are close to the Devil not only physically, but with their values being addicted to pleasures, material possessions, and domination. They don’t have power being trapped and limited. People in the picture look sad as they are ashamed of their position and appearance.

The card may mean that a person is addicted to destructive elements or has reckless habits and lifestyle. Often the card embodies attraction to materialism more than the inner world. For example, people can estimate other’s worth by judging the level of luxury in their lives. In an upright position in ‘yes or no‘ readings the card usually indicates a no. The meaning of the card can also include real addiction that requires a cure. In readings, the card often shows the lack of control over your life.

The Devil Upright Meaning Explained

You have more options than you think! The Devil tarot card upright appears in a reading to remind you that you shouldn’t be ashamed of anything that represents your shadow self. Any human from time to time feels lust, addiction to something, craves guilty pleasures, and has something they hide from society.

For love, the card embodies selfishness and lust. It means that the existing relationships are not very serious, and symbolize an affair rather than a long-term commitment. If you find yourself in a situation that may lead to such unserious interactions, ensure that you frankly declare your intentions to another person. The card may also be a signal of love addiction.

When it comes to career the Devil upright signifies that one might feel stuck in a situation they dislike. The circumstances are not good for further changes to better as one might be dependent on this job. The card often means that a person tends to blame external events for their problems. One might find themselves playing a victim before their colleagues. The presence of the card in a reading shows that you aren’t considering all existing options. Rethink your strategy and see that there are more choices to make.

For finance the Devil tarot card meaning upright shows that your bad habits and lifestyle may exaggerate with wrong financial decisions. Compulsive spending, loans, and other issues will surrender you until you take control of the situation. Ensure you are doing everything you can to become financially responsible.

The Devil Reversed Meaning Explained

Let go of control! The Devil upside down hints that you are being too hard on yourself. Isn’t it time to have some fun? Some little guilty pleasures are needed to make our lives joyful and bright. It’s the time to welcome spontaneity in your life. Make some mistakes, it’s natural. The best things come to you when you trust yourself. If you want something bad, indulge yourself. Be it a glass of wine, a piece of cake, a new pair of shoes, a spontaneous trip, or a call – do it!

For love, the Devil tarot meaning in reversed position shows that your relationship with your partner seems unhealthy. Maybe addictions are making your union like that? The cards may also point to an abusive or dominating partner and signify the need to end these relationships. The best you can do for yourself in this situation is to stay away from toxic people.

When the Devil appears upside down in a reading, it means that you are out of control of your finances. The card may signify that you are spending too much on unnecessary things or having big loans. You need to change your financial behavior and habits to regain control and power. Maybe you’re financially dependent and relying on your partner, family, or friends. The card shows you that you have a choice and a chance to change the situation. You can do it and have all the resources within you.

For the career, the card’s advice is to make some sufficient changes in your workflow or business. If your job doesn’t satisfy your needs and only gives you some sense of stability, you need to search for something better. Probably, you have an unhealthy environment in your workplace or are stressed because of interaction with toxic colleagues.

Final Words on the Devil Tarot Meaning

Now you have the Devil tarot guide and see what this card may mean in readings. The Devil card is the Major Arcana which has the number 15. It embodies limitations, obsession, emptiness, lack of control, abuse, temptation, and hedonism. The card presents its spread to show us the addiction to materialism more than to spirituality. It may signify the real one’s addiction to substances or destructive habits.

In an upright position that card shows your irresponsible behavior with money. Be it gambling, compulsive spending, or anything else, you must stop it. For career, the card signifies that you feel uncomfortable at your workplace. It can be a toxic environment.

In the reversed position, the card shows that you are being too hard on yourself. You can let yourself have some fun and get something from your guilty pleasures list. Don’t blame yourself for being a human, as we are all the same. In this position cards also show that your relationships might be unhealthy or toxic.

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