Temperance Yes or No in Upright and Reversed Positions

Temperance is the tarot card that relates to Major Arcana and has number fourteen in the deck. After many different emotions during highs and lows we saw in the previous thirteen tarot trump cards, Temperance is giving us some peace for a while. The Temperance card yes or no indicates tranquility, patience, moderation, serenity, and harmony. In reverse, we get imbalance, excess, and discord.

If we look at the picture on the card, we see a figure that looks like an angel wearing a nice white dress. One foot of an angel stands on the ground, but another one is in the water. We see two cups in the angel’s hands as she pours water from one cup to another. We also see a crown behind the angel’s back. The symbols depicted on the card represent two worlds, spiritual and material one. The cups represent the unstoppable flow of life’s events. No matter if we stop for a while, everything around us will keep going on.

In some way, the Temperance yes or no is the embodiment of blended dualities. It’s about a positive time and space to just be present. In life, there can be times when risking is a good thing, but there are also times when one should stay calm and act moderately.

Temperance Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained

Temperance signifies the need to calm down and act moderately. Hence, it signifies a yes as a basic answer to your question in a one-card pull. At the same time, one should pay attention to their cards in a spread to ensure that there’s no sign of a negative outcome. Temperance upright can be tricky as it may signify a delayed yes. Let us illustrate the meaning of yes or no Temperance by some examples to make it clear.

If you’re getting Temperance upright yes or no in a spread about love and relationships, it could be a positive sign as harmony and balance are what we all wish in our personal lives. If you have the strength and resources to hold yourself back when necessary, make moderate decisions, and be patient when needed, it’s a yes.

In the context of a career, the card signifies that you are patient and attentive as an employee, so your manager sees you as a responsible worker with potential in your company. It’s a yes, as your presence at your workplace seems to balance others and bring peaceful energy.

If you are in a long-term relationship, the card yes or no signifies a positive answer. You two are good together as you can freely communicate about anything and understand each other’s needs. Your partner appreciates your moderate behavior and ability to balance hard situations.

If you’re considering getting together with an ex-partner, the Temperance tarot yes or no signifies a no. They seem to find peace and meaning without your presence in their life.

Temperance Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained

Getting the Temperance reversed yes or no brings recklessness, discord, and imbalance to our lives; hence, the yes or no card is a sign of a negative answer. The main issue that doesn’t allow you to get a yes is your disharmonized behavior. Instead of acting moderately, you’re rushing and lack patience. Perhaps, you can’t define your actual feelings and act differently each time, making it difficult for people to understand your true intentions.

When it comes to relationships, feelings, and love outcomes, the card’s answer would be a no. You lack harmony and clarity about your actual attitude toward your crush. Hence, you avoid directly speaking about your feelings as well as making moves. Your shady behavior and unclear intentions are messy and confusing.

In the context of reconciliation with an ex-partner, there’s no chance that you’ll be happy together again as they aren’t sure about their feelings towards you. Even if you start over again, the lack of harmony will still be present in your union.

For career questions, Temperance yes or no in reverse is a no. Consistency and patience are crucial for your work now, and you seem to act impulsively. Perhaps, your boss or clients are expecting you to come up with new ideas, but you don’t seem to be present. If you wish to turn a no into a yes, you should act differently and regain balance.

Final Words on the Temperance Yes or No

Temperance tarot card is the Major Arcana numbered fourteen in the deck. It indicates moderation, tranquility, and patience.

In an upright position, Temperance yes or no is more a yes than a no, with the condition that you don’t allow emotions to rule the parade. The meaning for a career is positive as your boss or clients appreciate your commitment and well-balanced decision. Your harmonized vibe attracts what’s good for you.

In reverse, the card is an indicator of discord or imbalance. It means recklessness. It’s an indicator of a no answer when it comes to a career. You are inconsistent and too impulsive. It indicates a lack of harmony in relationships.

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