Temperance Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


moderation, harmony, balance, imbalance, serenity, peace, infinity, union, slow progress, patience, devotion, calmness, avoid extremes, big vision, combination, dualities, alchemy, disharmony

What Does The Temperance Tarot Card Mean in Readings?

Temperance is a card number fourteen among the Major Arcana. In readings, the card embodies balance, moderation, and patience.

Let’s delve into the Temperance tarot meaning by overlooking the picture on the card. The figure represents an angel who combines both the material world and the subconscious presence of our mind. The picture gives us the feeling of harmony that comes from the perfect combination of dualities. The figure on the card is an angel who stands in between the water and the land mixing water with wine. The figure symbolizes infinity and the balance of two opposite worlds. The main advice of the

Temperance card is to be thoughtful and balanced when making any decision.

It’s not the time for risky moves. Instead of recklessness and emotional imbalance, the cards offer you peaceful analysis and devotion. Maybe you have a desire to force changes. You might work hard towards your goals that are not coming closer despite you trying. However, slow progress can seem like no progress at all, it’s not so. Everything comes to us at the right moment.

Temperance is present in spreads when the cards recommend you take a middle road. It’s time for moderate decisions as reckless extreme choices may lead to failure. Take each situation slowly and consider all aspects.

Temperance Upright Meaning Explained

You’re good to go! Temperance upright signifies that you know what you want and you see the way of achievement. You finally realize that everything is going to work out and find peace with your previous decisions. The big picture of forthcoming life events is in front of you, and you can see what to do and how to do it right with the help of your inner peace. In a ‘yes or no‘ reading Temperance upright means a cautious yes.

Temperance tarot card meaning can also relate to your fruitful collaboration with others. The cards point to your positive attitude toward others that fosters harmony in all kinds of relationships. Your family, friends, peers at work and people from other communities feel comfortable around you.

For love the card has advice to be understanding and caring with your significant other. Be thoughtful and careful with your words and actions in relationships to not eventually hurt the feelings of your partner. If you want to avoid conflicts, it’s not the time for going to extremes or being pushy. The key to good relationships is finding the balance between your efforts and the input of your partner. By compromising with each other, together you can reach harmony.

The card also often shows that you want to speed up some processes, but the situation stays steady. The cards recommend you take a break and calm down. Consider all sides of the situation and realize why the process has a specific speed. Every situation has many different shades. If you can’t force the process, let it go for now.

If you’re looking for some career advice, you should remain calm and patient. If you have clear goals, work moderately and remain devoted to your plan. Slow progress is also progress. Remember that good things take time.

Temperance Reversed Meaning Explained

Think carefully about what you are doing! The cards are warning you that some paths are dangerous. Taking a certain direction means getting to a relevant destination. Ensure that you’re taking the right one. Otherwise, get ready for turbulence. Temperance tarot meaning when impaired with other cards can point out the area of life to pay attention to. The card helps to discover what vision will help you get the balance back.

Temperance reversed for love signals that you’re being too adamant and pushy. The love sphere and feelings can’t be explained and fully controlled. Maybe you tend to idealize things. By going to extremes with your desires you might lose something very special in a relationship. Is it really what you want? If you’re expecting your partner to be perfect and meet all your expectations, it seems unreasonable. True intimacy in unions comes from compromises and acceptance.

Temperance when present in this position often warns you to be easier with the indulgences. You might be too reckless and overdoing something destabilizing. Maybe you have unhealthy habits or spend too much time in a destructive community. It can be anything that makes you lose sleep, health, or self-assurance. Reconsider your lifestyle and habits. You’re entering the period when it’s time and space to take care of your mental health and physical condition. Surround yourself with positive-minded people who will support you. In the future, you will realize how essential it is to not proceed with destructive behavior.

For career, the card embodies the presence of imbalance. You might put all your energy into work and push away all other areas of life. Unfortunately, your sacrifice wouldn’t pay off. In the end, the overload and continuous all-night work will lower the quality of your work and even can influence your health. It’s time to renew the work-life balance.

Final Words on the Temperance Tarot Meaning

In our Temperance tarot guide, we provided you with meanings of the Major Arcana number 14. The card embodies serenity, peace, harmony, and big vision symbolizing the balance of two different worlds: material and subconscious.

Temperance tarot meaning in an upright position shows that you can successfully collaborate with others. Your positive attitude and peaceful mind attract you to like-wired surroundings. The card also shows that something might progress slowly in your life. However, everything will come to you if you will stay calm and patient.

The Temperance card in reverse position means that you had better rethink your habits and surroundings. Something you do may be harmful to your physical and mental well-being, step away from toxic people, stop doom scrolling, and compare yourself to others. Cut off bad eating habits to feel better. The card upside down also warns you to think over the consequences when taking certain directions as some paths may be dangerous.

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