The Six of Wands is the tarot Minor Arcana, which is a part of a suit of Wands. This suit embodies creativity, achievements, ambition, and resultative actions. The card itself is an embodiment of rewards, recognition, and triumph. The astrological association is Jupiter in Leo. The planet symbolizes pride and expansion.
As we see in the picture on the Six of Wands love, the horse rider wearing armor is moving through the crowded field. The people cheer him on and congratulate him on his victory. The wreath made of greenery on a rider’s head symbolizes winning. We can say that people came to see him on purpose as his efforts brought a well-deserved victory and public recognition. The man seems happy and proud of his accomplishments and thankful to people for admiring his wins.
In a reading the card is a symbol of achievements and official acknowledgement. It may signify getting a certification, an award, or anything approving your triumph. It may also mean reaching a significant milestone in your life. The Six of Wands is the card of success and recognition. If you’re single and looking for love advice, the Six of Wands love outcome in an upright position signifies that another person has feelings for you and is excited about your strengths and achievements.
Six of Wands Upright Love Meaning Explained
The card in an upright position is a good sign as it is a symbol of recognition. If you’re interested in someone and want to know how they feel about you, it indicates that you are very important to a person you like. Only your presence makes them excited, and they’re happy to have you in their life. A person sees you as a strong and inspiring personality, you encourage them to be better and motivate them.
If you are in a long-term relationship, the 6 of Wands love shows there’s still a spark and with time your union becomes stronger. Finding each other was a blessing to both of you. With time, your love feels like a great gift from the Universe. If you realize that you and your partner are an exemplary couple, don’t take it for granted, and don’t let your relationship become a routine. There’s always space for joyful moments, compliments, and nice surprises to keep the mood right.
The Six of Wands in love is a very promising sign for new relationships. It looks like a perfect match when two people are sharing values and have strong characters. You have all chances to grow and evolve together. The card shows that by starting relationships with each other, you’ll make a positive impact on others by inspiring and encouraging them. You have all attributes of a true power couple and have a great future.
For questions about potential reconciliation with your ex partner the cards are highly positive. It’s time for action! The meaning of the card in this position is to give your union another chance.
Six of Wands Reversed Love Meaning Explained
The 6 of Wands love upside down may mean fewer positive events than the card in its upright form. It signifies a lack of psychic revelation and feeling insecure in relationships. The card is associated with the planet Jupiter in Leo. The darkest expressions of these symbols are ego clashing and overthinking.
The Six of Wands reversed love symbolizing the signs of egoistic and narcissist behavior of partners. For any relationship being selfish and not supportive is a road to nowhere. Healthy unions assume respecting each other’s boundaries and reducing any competition.
If you’re just starting a relationship, pay attention to how you treat each other at the beginning. Now you two are creating the basics for your union and can foresee potential love outcomes. Be aware of touching some painful wounds of your partner, and tell them if you have insecurities. Your main goal is to build trust and support, reducing ego clashes.
If you’re in a long term relationship, the card indicates the challenges that may result from low efforts from the side of one or both partners. Perhaps, you are taking everything for granted, and don’t express any appreciation for your partner’s actions. Your relationships need some reset. Try something new together to bring back the excitement.
If your question is about reconciliation with your ex, it will be hard to start over again. Before you try to rebuild your relationship, work on your insecurities first.
Final Words on the 6 of Wands Love
The Six of Wands is the card that embodies recognition and triumph. Being a part of the suit of Wands in a tarot deck, this card indicates creative energy and achievements. For love, it may mean that a partner is proud of your success and admires you.
The 6 of Wands love meaning in an upright position is being a real power couple. You and your significant other radiate positive energy and inspire others. Your union is full of support and appreciation.
Six of Wands love in reverse is less positive for love, as it signifies insecurity and egoism. If you’re starting a relationship, be careful in communication, and don’t always put your desires first. Balance is the key to a healthy and happy relationship.