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Six of Wands Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


victory, celebrity, public recognition, fame, crowd, success, leadership, quitting, ambition, failure, determination, fans, disadvantage, fame hunger, stability, power, being a follower, broken promises, disloyalty, weakness, being hunted, disgrace, triumph, acclaim, no rewards, stagnation

What Does the Six of Wands Mean in Readings?

Six of Wands is one of the Minor Arcana that signifies victory and success, stability and determination, fame and fans. It embodies the success of executed plans and achieved goals. Six of Wands is present in readings as a symbol of ambition and dedicated work that is starting to pay themselves. However, it is not the end, some essential milestones have passed, and it’s time to appreciate your achievements. The card signifies that somebody’s getting closer to their big dream.

Six of Wands meaning relates to the elements in the picture. We see a man riding a horse and wearing a wreath symbolizing achievement and victory. A horse is white and embodies strength and pure intentions. The horse rider is surrounded by people who are enthusiastically cheering him up and celebrating his victory.

Six of Wands embodies motivation and encourages achievement in pursuing your dreams. It seems that one has everything to bring their own vision to life and realize the most ambitious goals. The cards’ advice is to proceed moving in the same direction with all the support the Universe provides now. Don’t consider the presence of this card as a sign of final accomplishments. The journey proceeds, however, there is a moment to see and evaluate your success.

Also, the Six of Wands often signifies how someone sees you as an example of success or their role model. It seems like people are looking for you to guide them using your leadership qualities. It’s crucial to keep balance and not invest too much time and energy in others’ aspirations. Consider paying attention only to what aligns with your big vision and goals.

Six of Wands Upright Meaning Explained

You’re a star! Six of Wands tarot card meaning when upright symbolizes success and recognition. It seems that you are celebrating being publicly renowned. It can embody professional achievements that find support and recognition among your professional community members or success in any other industry, even Global recognition. In the modern world, it can be anything from your video going viral on TikTok to achievements in science that are appreciated by the scientific community. The main idea is that your attempts are bringing you fruitful results and a successful outcome.

Six of Wands upright is a good sign for love. Your couple is a strong union where you and your partner can be yourself, and freely express your thoughts and desires. Both of you are independent individuals with a strong commitment to each other. You have common goals and are ready to celebrate each other’s success without jealousy. The strong and fruitful union you two managed to create is a source of inspiration for other couples. For single people, the Six of Wands meaning in this position is that soon you’ll start relationships you were striving to find. Your dreams and beliefs that there is a person who is designed for you will eventually come true.

For health, the card in this position embodies recovery from long illness and beating diseases. It also can be a return to training after a rehabilitation period.

For finances, one should be happy as their relationships with money are finally becoming healthy. Perhaps you’ve had a tough period recently and put a lot of effort into changing your financial situation. Now it’s time to gain rewards and celebrate success. The cards’ advice is to stay moderate with money and avoid overspending to keep the success you achieved by being hardworking.

Six of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained

Lack of confidence is detected! Six of Wands reversed is present to embody disloyalty, treachery, failure, and poor support. The card points to such qualities as egoism and arrogance. Perhaps, somebody’s too proud of their achievements and acting without respect. Six of Wands card upside down often signify that you’ve lost a battle and failed. Often the card upside down means that you’ve lost self-confidence and stopped believing in your success. You might feel like you’ve dragged others down. Frustration and low self-esteem make you pessimistic about your abilities and qualities to succeed. Perhaps, you lack the drive and belief that you’re capable of achieving your goals. It can also signify that you’re feeling lonely and cut off from others and lack recognition and emotional support.

Six of Wands meaning reversed for love and romantic relationships signifies the lack of appreciation for both partners. It can possibly be an underestimation of other’s input into relationships. One or both of you are feeling rejected and neglected. Think about your attitude and gestures. Probably you’re upset about something in your life that brings frustration in your relationships. It’s hard to be around a person with a pessimistic attitude all the time.

For a career, the Six of Wands tarot card meaning reversed, is a sign of failure and mistakes. Perhaps, you were expecting positive changes after you put a lot of effort into achieving your goals, but you didn’t succeed. Instead of a long-awaited achievement and triumph, you find yourself playing a losing game. The card often points to a lack of ambition and desire to work hard. Your disappointment after failure can make you pessimistic about future success.

Final Words on the Six of Wands Tarot Meaning

We hope you enjoyed our Six of Wands tarot guide and found it useful. This Minor Arcana embodies success, triumph, celebration, determination, leadership, and public recognition. At the same time, when reversed the card often shows weaknesses, broken promises, and quitting.

Six of Wands tarot card meaning upright is a sign of triumph and success in all spheres of your life. For love, the card signifies a harmonious and strong union of two independent and mature individuals. You two are showing others an example of true love and support in relationships. People are happy to be around you and appreciate your attitude.

Six of Wands in reverse points at frustration and loss of drive. For a career, the Six of Wands tarot card meaning upside down is about failure and losses. Perhaps, you were expecting a raise or a promotion but didn’t get it despite working hard. For love, the card in this position symbolizes a lack of understanding. Probably, one of you is being over-pessimistic or underestimating the importance of a partner’s investments in relationships.

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