The Seven of Wands is the Minor Arcana from the suit of Wands, which embodies actions, creativity, and confidence. The card is a symbol of defense and protection. It’s about standing for your truth and not giving up before the obstacles. The Seven of Wands may appear in a reading to remind you of the need to defend your rights, your views, and your values. No matter what challenges you face, take the courage to stand up for yourself.
The picture on the card reminds us about the persistence in protecting our beliefs and views by showing the man who stands on the top of the hill. The six wands surround the man, but he fights them off with the other wand in his hand. The man shows readiness to defend his right to stand in this position. We can say that he got here after going a long way, and he is proud of this accomplishment. An interesting detail in the picture is the man’s shoes – they look different from one another. It can be a sign that he wasn’t ready to defend himself but was still highly motivated to protect his beliefs.
The Seven of Wands tarot yes or no meaning is a strong determination and courage to stand for ourselves in any situation. You may not be fully prepared for this confrontation, but inner impulse, courage, and energy are what matter the most.
Seven of Wands Upright Yes or No Meaning Explained
The main interpretation of the 7 of Wands yes or no is an optimistic answer to any question. One of the main symbols of this tarot card is courage and persistence. Protect your ideas and expect success and more motivation. People who never give up will sooner or later get what they want and deserve.
In the context of love and relationships, the card indicates a strong yes. Your optimism and courage attract people and make them want to be with you. The ability to gracefully but persistently protect your boundaries makes you a good partner.
If you’re wondering about the feelings of your ex-partner and wish to start it all over again with them, the Seven of Wands yes or no meaning is a yes. They might be thinking about you two. The main advice from the cards would be to not repeat the past patterns that led to a breakup. Be confident and don’t sacrifice your values to make your partner happy.
For new relationships, the cards indicate your ability to build a genuine bond with another person. The key is to be yourself and freely express your true feelings and needs.
If your question is about career, the answer is a yes. To get what you want, be confident and active. It’s not the time to stay silent. Claim your rights to own the results of your work, be it an idea or an innovative technology. You’re on your authentic way to recognition.
Seven of Wands Reversed Yes or No Meaning Explained
The card in an upside-down position signifies struggles and readiness to give up. It means a no answer to any question and indicates a deeply pessimistic attitude to all events that are happening around you. Seven of Wands reversed yes or no embodies being overwhelmed and feeling under the tough pressure of the current life circumstances. For example, the card may mean that you were trying to achieve something and worked hard for a long period but still didn’t reach any of your goals. Another meaning of the card is a lack of self-understanding that makes it challenging to see the bright side of anything that happens to us.
If you’re asking about relationships and love, the answer is negative. You feel insecure with your partner. It may also show inner conflict when one realizes that this person isn’t a good match for them but still tries to build something serious with them. The best thing you can do in this situation is to let go and pay attention to your own needs and issues.
If you are in a long-term relationship, the 7 of Wands yes or no in reverse may indicate that the reason for your arguments may come from outside. For example, someone else may wish to break your relationship.
If your question is about a career, the answer would be no. At work, you’re facing a period of challenges and lack confidence. You miss the sense of stability. Maybe someone’s trying to take your place, and it makes you feel vulnerable. Stand your ground and protect your space.
Final Words on the 7 of Wands Yes or No
The Seven of Wands is the tarot card that embodies the courage to stand for what matters to us the most. Even if we aren’t fully ready to confront the obstacles, our confidence and beliefs help us to defend what we treasure and cherish.
Seven of Wands yes or no in an upright position indicates a yes answer to any question. The card is an embodiment of self-confidence and persistent actions toward your dreams and goals.
In reverse, the card is a symbol of struggles, self-doubts, and insecurity. It is a sign of a no. Usually, the card in this position indicates the desire to give up and stop trying to change something.