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Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


exhaustion, protection, competition, giving up, restriction, bad timing, late start, lost opportunities, resistance, perseverance, exhaustion, giving up, confrontation, pushover, creative block, doubt, trust, creativity, self-sabotage

What Does the Seven of Wands Mean in Readings?

Seven of Wands is one of the Minor Arcana that embodies competition, resistance, and confrontation.
From the first sight, its meaning is like the Five of Wands which signifies regaining power through the fight. The difference between these cards is that the Seven of Wands shows one battling themselves more than obstacles. The card is present in reading to show struggles and the desire to give up because of a lack of direction and guidance. The war with yourself is impossible to win, as you will always be the one to lose it. The Seven of Wands appears to help you maintain resistance and don’t lose faith in your abilities. The opportunities are still there, and you can reach them if you stop self-sabotaging.

Seven of Wands meaning is easy to read from the illustration. In the picture on the card, we see a figure. It’s a man standing on the top of a mountain with a massive wand in his hand. The man is confronting somebody with his wand as we see that there are six more wands below. The aggressive vibe coming from the other wands hints to us that the man was taken by surprise and wasn’t prepared for this confrontation. Now he’s forced to protect himself and his territories from invaders. One of the meanings of the picture is that the man wasn’t sure whether he should fight for this territory or not as he had no time to evaluate the situation.

Seven of Wands is showing the person who seems to have lost motivation being exhausted and overwhelmed. The cards say that it’s not the time to give up and one should proceed despite obstacles.

Seven of Wands Upright Meaning Explained

Stand for your rights! Seven of Wands meaning in an upright position shows someone’s desire to use the results of other’s work. You might recently gain success and achieve ambitious goals. It’s time to secure your territory and claim your achievements, as people may want to assign your success. Probably, you have become famous in your community or industry. It seems that there’s another side of success when some people are your fans, and others are your haters. Remember who you are and embrace the long way you made to reach your goals. You’ll have to fight for your rights. For example, you may face a citation when you will protect yourself in court or have to voice your statement in public communication. Now you will fight to defend your place under the sun. If you truly believe in your ideas, stand for your point no matter what! Focus on your goal, be confident, and people will follow you.

When it comes to career, there seem to be some frightening challenges. For example, there might be rumors about top-management changes in your company. Also, the card often signifies jealousy from your colleagues and their desire to take your position at the company.

For love, the card embodies the need to prove your relationship with your partner. It seems that you are entering the turbulent phase when your union will go through trial from the side of society or relatives. Perhaps, someone’s fighting against you and forces you to break up. If you have strong feelings and future plans, you will have to stand for them together. By being confident and believing in your goals, you will win this battle.

Seven of Wands Reversed Meaning Explained

This pressure is too much! Seven of Wands reversed signifies that trying to overcome obstacles makes you feel exhausted and weak. It seems that there’s too much to ask from you, and there are doubts that the fight is worth it. Perhaps, when you entered a conflict or started a project your energy was bursting, and you weren’t able to see the whole picture. Now the obstacles are too overwhelming and you are considering giving up and stepping away. The cards’ advice is to recall your initial goals and motivation. What was the plan? Maybe it’s not about canceling plans but about transformations. It’s the moment when you should mobilize all your inner strength and proceed to fight without compromises.

Seven of Wands tarot meaning in reverse for career shows that you’re avoiding conflicts and easily change your opinion under pressure from authoritative colleagues. Perhaps, you are afraid to confront your coworkers or your boss to avoid losing your job. Such behavior works against you anyway as people stop respecting you as a professional. Settling down and constantly agreeing with others makes you sad and forces you to spiral down.

If you find the Seven of Wands card in a reading about love outcome it often signifies the time to let go. Probably, you’ve been trying hard to draw the attention of someone you like but the person doesn’t seem to react to your attempts. If you feel that you’ve done all you could, you should walk away.

The card in reverse is present in a reading for finances to show that despite recent financial success and stability, you should avoid reckless financial behavior. Being mindful about spending and planning big purchases is a sign of maturity and wisdom. Do not let the period of stable income make you too careless.

Final Words on the Seven of Wands Tarot Meaning

In our detailed Seven of Wands tarot guide, you found an explanation of this Minor Arcana’s meaning, upright and reversed interpretation, and some keywords related to this card. The card often signifies someone being exhausted and overwhelmed. The card shows the desire to give up and stop fighting. The main advice of the Seven of Wands is to keep going. Prolonged pressure may seem too much, but it’s not the right timing to give up. Your future as you pictured it in your dreams is yet to come but only if you proceed fighting for it. Seven of Wands meaning upside down is a sign that it’s time to recall initial plans and maybe reconsider them, but keep going anyway.

The card often symbolizes challenges at the workplace. You might be afraid of upcoming changes. For example, restructuring your department or getting a new boss. Also, it could be undermined by your envious colleagues who want to get your position in a company. In this position, the card signifies that you’ll overcome obstacles and win.

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