Death Tarot Love in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Death is the tarot Major Arcana numbered thirteen. The main interpretation of this trump card is transformation and rebirth. People who aren’t that familiar with tarot meanings are often afraid to get this card in a reading, but the Death is an optimistic card even when in reverse. Starting something new may be scary at first, but with time you will realize it was a blessing. Ignore the impulsive desire to decay and instead embrace the new era that is coming. Let the old way of things fade away to welcome positive innovations.

The picture on the Death love tarot says a lot about the meaning of this Major Arcana. We see different people depicted on a wide field. Some of them are fallen warriors, other people are of various ages, races, and occupations. Everybody cheers for a rider on a white horse who is holding a flag. The look of a rider reminds us of symbols of death – bones and skull are covered with long black wear. We realize that some previous events left many sacrifices and caused loss, but now everything starts over with a new optimistic vibe and positive energy. People who cheer for the rider are ready to welcome the new era.

In readings about love and relationships the Death card often indicates that changes are part of our lives. Transformations happen all the time and are constant. Acceptance and optimism will help to stay in one rhythm with life.

Death Upright Love Meaning Explained

In an upright position the card is a symbol of rebirth, transformation, release, and ending. It’s about forcing us to let go and start a new era. Hence, when it comes to feelings, the Death upright is a symbol of acceptance of the changes no matter how significant they are.

Death tarot love in the context of feelings of a couple indicates that one of the partners experiences a crisis of values and beliefs. Probably, it’s the beginning of a new period for them and they feel that their partner is ready to transform together. A strong couple can use this crisis as a door to a new era of their union. The other meaning of the card upright is less optimistic as it may signify a break-up initiated by one of the partners.

If you’re single and want to understand someone’s feelings for you, it seems that a person you like got influenced by you. Probably, after meeting you they were impressed and reflected on their life and beliefs. They may feel something new is coming in their life, and this may scare them. For example, a person might realize that they must let go of some of their habits or change their social role.

When it comes to potential reconciliation with your ex partner, the Death upright love shows acceptance. The card signifies that they are moving on and trust that after break up they will enter a new positive period in life.

Death Reversed Love Meanings Explained

Getting the Death tarot card in reverse means that one’s feeling scared and resists inevitable changes. It may indicate that you’re feeling stuck. Probably, feelings are telling you the right things, but you aren’t ready to act. For example, it may be a situation when romance fades away, but the fear of being alone still holds you near your partner.

For couples, this position of the Death tarot love in reverse may mean that despite the signals about the end of a relationship, a person tries to stay in an unhealthy union and wishes to fix the situation. Another meaning of the Death reversed love is looking in different directions with your partner. The card mainly signifies one of two polar feelings: it rather is addiction and unhealthy obsession or indifference to each other. Perhaps you have some kind of shared obligations, and these are the only serious bonds you have now.

If you’re single or just met someone, the Death card tarot love upside down may mean mixed feelings and an inability to define the nature of your relationships. The dynamics of your relationship seem moving towards possessiveness and toxicity. Starting a new relationship with abuse and jealousy is not the best strategy. You might be surprised to see that your partner seems manipulative. It seems that this is a person who’s not ready for a long-term union. It’s up to you to decide whether you want this relationship to last or not.

Final Words on the Death Tarot Love

Death is the thirteenth trump card. This tarot Major Arcana embodies transformation, ending, letting go, and a new era. It may also indicate resistance to changes and being stuck in a situation.

In an upright position, the card signifies release, rebirth, and change. It may mean that one of the partners feels vulnerable and undefined. It represents them in a crisis when they strive to find a new meaning in life.

Death reversed love signifies mixed feelings. It seems that the nature of your emotions is unclear. Another meaning is abusive and toxic relationships. For couples, the Death card upside down may mean that the two of you are looking in different directions.

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