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Death Card Tarot Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


change, transformation, stagnation, letting go, ending, transition, new beginnings, fear of change, decay, moving on, metamorphosis, holding on, loss, mortality, new chapter, adamance

What Does The Death Tarot Card Mean in Readings?

Death is the card number thirteen in the tarot Major Arcana. It relates to the Scorpio Zodiac sign. Some people may think that they have to worry or terrify if they see this card in a spread, however, this is one of the most positive trumps in the tarot deck.

The Death tarot card embodies the inevitable changes. The card signifies the end of something and the eventual start of another journey. No one can do anything about these changes, as they were destined. This is the end of something that isn’t vital in your life and does not serve you anymore. The best thing you can do now is to let go.

Death tarot card meaning is tightly bound to the picture on it. When we look at the Death tarot card we see a figure that embodies Death. It holds a flag with an image of a skeleton. The figure rides a horse and wears armor – the symbol of resistance and immortality. The horse represents relief and purity. In the picture we also see figures of different people showing that we all are similar behind the eyes of the Death.

The main Death tarot meaning is the ending of the sufficient phase of your life and transmission to the next phase. For example, it can be the change in your marital status, when your social role switches to a wife or a husband.

Death Upright Meaning Explained

Embrace changes! Life goes on! However, it may seem unimaginable for now, everything will work out. Even if something ends in your life, there is something better waiting for you. Sometimes we must finish something that seems very important, to grow stronger and get ready for the next level.

Death upright for love or a relationship outcome may mean the end of a union and break up without a chance to start over. However, it may also mean that your relationships need transformation to last. The cards may signify your desire to change something that doesn’t satisfy your needs in these relationships. If you realize that the only way to deal with a situation is breaking up, embrace this lesson as an opportunity to grow. While the Death card tarot meaning shows us the end it symbolizes the simultaneous start of something new. Even if this door is closed, soon you will realize that it was for a reason. Another way of reading the card for love is foreseeing transformation in your relationships. It can be a positive change as well. For example, getting married.

For your financial situation, the card in an upright position can signify a loss of money. On the other hand, you may experience the transformation of your financial behavior. You might experience a situation that will change your attitude to finances. Learn what issues you can prevent or reduce, and how you can effectively manage your finances.

For your career, it’s important to act right now as this is the ‘yes or no’ moment when your action will decide the situation. The card also may mean that you’ve been through a period of frustration in the workplace and might lose interest in your job. Such a condition may signify that you should consider changing your job or the whole career path. Now is the right moment to do it.

Death Reversed Tarot Explained

Let it go and see what comes next! Death reversed tarot sticks to its main meaning of inevitable changes. In this position, the card says that you must let go to enter the next era of your life. However, it may also be a signal that you don’t see what step to make and how to start a new chapter without feeling in limbo. Overthinking will not help you in this situation. You might be reluctant to take a step. Especially if you have to end something. However, right now you have all the knowledge and resources to embrace changes and welcome them. The cards encourage you to let go.

The card in reverse for love and relationships shows that your union may stagnate. If you feel that you have overgrown these relationships and this union drags you both down, the most ecological solution would be to part the roads. For single people, the card’s advice is to deal with your mental settings about relationships. You need to prepare yourself for a healthy union full of support and understanding. If in the past you had issues in a relationship, do your best not to repeat those negative patterns in the future.

For career, the card upside down has several meanings. Are you sure you’re satisfied with your working environment? Aren’t you struggling because of low income, unhealthy relationships with colleagues, or a toxic boss? The card may signify inevitable changes in your working place. By pushing away the new era in your career you may miss something significant. Another Death tarot meaning in this position for your career can be repeating mistakes or dysfunctional patterns at your workplace. For example, you might experience a lack of trust or communication, issues with collaboration, or negative team dynamics.

Final Words on the Death Tarot Card Meaning

Our Death tarot guide provided you with detailed information about the Major Arcana with the number 13. The symbolism of the card is not literal death. This is one of the most positive cards in a deck.

In an upright position, the card means that it’s time to welcome changes even if they seem painful. After that, you will become stronger and get ready for something better. Soon you will realize that changes are for good.

Death tarot card meaning in reversed position can show you that changes are coming your way. The best strategy would be to let go and embrace those changes. Your flexibility and positive attitude to the new reality will be more helpful than overthinking and procrastination. See what’s waiting for you behind the next door as it may be something great.

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