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Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


progress, plans, decisions, fear of the unknown, alignment, personal goals, lack of planning, discovery, not taking actions, time management, strategy, preparations, overanalyzing, making decisions, taking risks, laying foundations

What Does The Two of Wands Mean in Readings?

Two of Wands is one of the Minor Arcana. The Wands in the deck are the symbol of fire. The card symbolizes chances and opportunities, plans, and important strategic decisions.

The card depicts a human figure. We see a man wearing a hat and a robe. In his hands is a small sphere that reminds us of a globe. The symbolic meaning of this illustration is that the whole world is in the hands of this man. However, other elements in the picture show us that the endless potential and opportunities are still outside his comfort zone. We see two wands on the sides, one of the wands is chained to the nearby wall, and the man’s right hand is on this wand. The explanation of this combination of elements in the Two of Wands is that despite the opportunities and promising potential, the man is still hesitating to take a step towards his goals. He is considering the right strategy and figuring out the best way to execute his plans. We also see the land in front of a man with some rocks that symbolize challenges on the road to success.

Two of Wands is the next card after the Ace of Wands, which is a symbol of inspiration and excitement. It’s time to turn this spark into an actionable plan. The card symbolizes research of options you can access to execute your plan of success considering potential risks and possible issues.

Two of Wands Upright Explained

It’s time to explore and grow! You’re inspired enough by the idea of discovering new areas and putting effort into executing your ambitious plans. The cards recommend you prepare well before you start implementing your new ideas in practice. Work on your attitude to ensure you’re self-confident and can act according to your inner compass. It’s crucial to be open to new experiences and possible challenges as it’s the way to your growth and positive transformation.

The main meaning of Two of Wands upright is to put all efforts into research and preparation for thoughtful and effective next steps. It’s not about reckless behavior or taking risks blindly. Since your next moves will take you out of your comfort zone, stepping on terra incognita must be a well-planned project. Rely on your values and intuition to evaluate the existing facts before you proceed.

The Two of Wands tarot card meaning for a career shows that you’re serious about your future. You realize the power of building strategies and put a lot of work into planning your path. Be it a business or a career in a company, your approach is fundamental. You’re entering the phase when your ideas are starting to come to life. Now you’re at an initial stage of the beginning of something exciting.

Two of Wands tarot card meaning for love symbolize the upcoming changes in your love life. If you’re in a relationship, the card often embodies the need to make plans together that will take their union to the next level. You both have overgrown the existing condition and are ready to proceed evolving together as a couple. Sharing your plans and vision with your significant other is crucial if you want to stay close.

Two of Wands Reversed Explained

What are your deeper values? Two of Wands reversed recommends you reconsider your goals according to your inner desires. Probably you recently felt like you’ve lost purpose. This could be a signal that your plans are not aligned with your true desires. It’s time to stop and maybe even go back to the start to analyze your behavior and the nature of your ambitions. Introspection is crucial to reveal your real dreams. After you discover your true desires, create a new plan and act according to it.

Two of Wands cards in reverse often points at the lack of resources that don’t allow you to bring your ideas to life. It’s more about the inner world than materialism. Your dreams are not driving you anymore. The reason could be very simple – you missed the stage of strategic planning. How are you supposed to reach your goals without a clear and effective roadmap?

Often the card signifies that you’ve overgrown your current environment. For example, for a career, it may mean that you’re used to a comfortable but boring position, and forget about the need to aspire. Enormous potential and ambitions you have need to be realized and used. Sticking with what you already know is the easiest way, but only new challenges help us grow.

When Two of Wands is present in a spread in an upside down position, it signifies that you might be planning to make a move on your crush. The cards recommend you discover how someone feels about you first to avoid potential disappointment.

If you’re single the card upside down embodies the need to be patient and realize that some good things take time to happen. Manifest good outcomes and positive changes will come your way.

Final Words on the Two of Wands Meaning

Thank you for reading our Two of Wands tarot guide! We hope that now you know more about the Two of Wands meaning. In an upright position, the card signifies your success in your career. Strategic planning and weighing all existing opportunities give you the results you were expecting. Now you’re ready to start something exciting and new. Two of Wands upside down shows that you might have lost the right direction. Reconsider your inner values and remember what drives you in life.

For love, the card signifies the need to openly communicate and share with your partner your vision of the future together. By making plans that consider the dreams and desires of both, you will enter the next level of commitment and intimacy as a couple. For single people, the card in this position embodies the need to take patience and a positive attitude.

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