Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


avoidance, confusion, denial, difficult choices, realizing truth, indecision, stalemate, delays, being stuck, procrastination, blinding, opposition, stress, information overload, anxiety, postponement, emotional turmoil

What Does the Two of Swords Mean in Tarot Readings?

The 2 of Swords is the Minor Arcana that relates to the suit of Swords. It embodies difficult choices and confusion. In some readings, the card symbolizes the need to take the next step by cutting off one of the options.

The picture on the card helps to get the symbolism behind the 2 of Swords meaning. We see a figure of a woman dressed in white. The woman is holding two swords in her hands. Her eyes are shut which symbolizes her avoidance of seeing reality. A woman probably is about to decide something, but she delays the decision because of the lack of clarity. As we see both swords she holds look similar it seems that she faces issues deciding between options she has look alike. We see water with islands behind the woman’s back. Each island represents challenges that make it hard to choose the right path. We also see a moon that symbolizes spirituality and the inner world.

A lot of the Two of Swords meaning depends on the context and request. For example, when the card is present in reading about how someone feels about you, it may indicate a crossroads when someone has to make a tough choice about entering a relationship or taking an existing union to the next level.

Two of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

It’s hard to decide, but you have to do it! The Two of Swords upright indicates you are at a crossroads when you have to choose between two similar options. These variants can be either both good, or either both bad. You hesitate as you will have to deal with the results of your decision and you try to avoid choosing. It is like you’re paralyzed and can’t take the next step. The cards say that you need to move forward and deal with the consequences.

The 2 of Swords tarot card meaning for love is not bad, but it seems that you can’t decide whether you want to have a relationship or not. Your hesitation may relate to the idea of love life itself. However, the card may also indicate that you can’t decide between two people you like. If you have a partner, it’s crucial to discuss all issues and stop avoiding communication.

When it comes to career, the card may mean tension as you find yourself in the middle of a confrontation. For example, your colleagues might argue and you need to pick a side in this conflict. The card also can embody that you are about to make a difficult choice between two job proposals or two different industries to enter. It may mean that you have time to make a decision and research all options.

For finances, the card means that before deciding on a new luxury purchase, you should consider if you have more practical needs. For example, instead of buying an expensive designer bag, you might need to maintain your house. The cards recommend approaching financial decisions only after a thoughtful analysis of your current situation.

Two of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

It’s time to make a difficult choice! The Two of Swords reversed reveals having an internal or external conflict that puts you in a position when your decision will be determining a lot. It will not be easy to deal with the consequences of your choices no matter what you decide. You’ll require courage and dare to take a step forward. Prepare yourself for dealing with the new reality after making a tough choice. Remember, that you can do it!

In the context of love, the card in reverse is an indicator of avoiding dating if you’re single. Probably, painful experiences or bad dates made you feel anxious about dating. If you have a partner, you might avoid facing the real situation in your relationship and make a hard choice to break up. In some situations, the card means that you can be together only if both of you decide to change something in your union.

The card upside down for a career means seeing a shady situation. If recently you had doubts about anything related to work, now you realize the truth. It also may indicate stress at your workplace because of conflicts or delayed decisions that relate to your future.

Two of Swords meaning in reverse for finances signifies that recent issues with money will be resolved as you are ready to realistically approach your earnings and spending and decide how to change the situation.

For health, the card indicates that you are overloaded with stressful thoughts and feel tension. It’s more about the mental condition that you must take care of.

Final Words on the 2 of Swords Meaning

The 2 of Sword is the Minor Arcana that symbolizes avoidance, delays, confusion, and difficult choices. The 2 of Swords tarot card meaning is about the need to choose between two similar options. A person who has to choose doesn’t want to do it as the consequences will be the same no matter what they choose. For love the card means choosing between two partners.

In reverse for career, the card indicates stress and anxiety because of delayed decisions or conflicts at the workplace. It may also mean that you finally see the whole situation clearly and can make a well-informed decision. When it comes to finances the card in reverse symbolizes the ability to face the truth about your financial behavior. Perhaps, you were reckless with money and had loans. By accepting the situation and learning more about it, you will take a significant step towards changes. Even if you avoid thinking about loans, sooner or later you will have to deal with them.

We hope that our Two of Swords tarot guide was interesting to read! Good luck!

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