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Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


heartbreak, betrayal, loneliness, loss, rejection, confusion, depression, trauma, conflict, separation, disorder, unhappiness, sadness, absence, grief, forgiveness, sorrow, healing, tears, discouragements, optimism, emotional pain

What Does the Three of Swords Mean in Tarot Readings?

The common Three of Swords meaning is loss and separation that often come together with betrayal and lead to depression. It frequently signifies that disappointing events are happening unexpectedly, which causes even more pain and trauma.

3 of Swords tarot card meaning is brightly depicted on the card. We see a big heart in the middle of the picture. Three heavy large swords are simultaneously piercing the heart. The heart and swords are floating in the sky and the rain is pouring from the clouds. The overall effect of the picture is impressive as it embodies betrayal and deep heartbreak. The heart is a symbol of kindness, openness, and warmth. When pierced with large swords the heart is heavily aking and suffering. We see that the whole picture tells us about grief, loss, and unhappiness caused by the inevitable harm.

The card is often present in a reading to say that sometimes the pain hurts so much that the best thing you can do for yourself is take a break and cry it all away.

If you’re asking the cads how someone feels about you, 3 of Swords meaning may be an indicator of pain you caused someone. Perhaps you didn’t want it but were rude or selfish with the one who genuinely loves you.

Three of Swords Upright Meaning Explained

Sometimes we all feel pain! The card reminds you that it’s in human nature to experience heartbreak sometimes.

Unfortunately, separation and unhappiness are the same parts of our lives as forgiveness and gratitude. All the situations that harm us make us stronger after we heal. The message of the Three of Swords upright is to live through the pain and find healing and forgiveness on the other side.

For love and relationship outcomes the card indicates heartbreak and loss. You are struggling because of betrayal which may include cheating. Perhaps your partner was being unfaithful, and now you can’t recover from endless pain as your heart hurts. Give yourself some time for grief and tears. You need to go through these emotions to heal.

Three of Swords meaning for career is a sign that you might be looking for a new job after being fired. You’re not optimistic about your options and feel low self-esteem, sadness, and disappointment. The card also indicates betrayal from your business partners or undermining from colleagues. Probably, you have conflicts at your workplace that make you feel lonely and separated from the team.

For finances, the card means that you lost money because of some unexpected events. Perhaps, you are separated from your long-term partner, which usually causes changes in your financial model as well. For example, it may mean divorce and division of property that causes you pain.

In the context of health, the card is a sign of an eventual surgery or cardiac issues. You’re not feeling very good mentally and physically right now.

Three of Swords Reversed Meaning Explained

It’s time to move on! The Three of Swords reversed is here indicating that you are repeatedly overthinking the same painful situation drowning in grief. You’re going through pain over and over again and can’t see that there is a sun on the other side. Recently you experienced loss and heartbreak, but now you have to leave it in the past. There is no reason to think about that betrayal anymore, you need to recover and be open to new possibilities. Immersing yourself in endless pain means rejecting life and leads to depression. Let go of struggles and mourning to start it all over again. You are capable of doing it and deserve to be happy! It’s time to be optimistic.

The 3 of Swords meaning in reverse for love outcome has several different meanings as a lot depends on other cards in a spread. One of the options is that after conflict you and your partner are forgiving each other and optimistically see your future together. Another option is that trauma hurts worse and you can’t see another option except breaking up.

The card in reverse for a career is a good sign as things are becoming better. Recently you had some stress and arguments, but the situation is sufficiently improving. Perhaps, open and frank communication helped to find consensus with colleagues. However, the card may also be a sign of negativity and worsening of a conflict. Analyzing other cards in a spread is crucial to see the whole picture.

It seems that the situation in your finances is improving. According to the 3 of Swords tarot card meaning upside down, your recent setbacks and struggles are coming to an end. You managed to save money and have a plan to earn more.

Final Words on the 3 of Swords Meaning

The 3 of Swords is a Minor Arcana that signifies heartbreak, betrayal, and loss. It’s a sign of grief and unhappiness.

Disappointment might happen eventually and cause much pain. 3 of Swords meaning include absence, discouragement, and trauma as well as forgiveness and optimism. Sometimes the card is a sign that you need to take time to cry and feel grief to recover.

For love, the card indicates heartbreak and pain. You are experiencing betrayal and can’t handle the consequences of this trauma. Give yourself time to heal and regain optimism before deciding on the next steps. In an upright position that card may show conflicts and undermining from colleagues.

In reverse, the card means that you are ready to recover from trauma and move on. If recently you had conflicts and disappointments, you can analyze the situation without emotions and decide on the next steps. It also shows that things are becoming better at your workplace.

We hope that after going through our detailed Three of Swords tarot guide you realize how to interpret this Minor Arcana correctly. Good luck!

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