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Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


partnership, effort, teamwork, completion, achievement, collaboration, egocentrism, motivation, competition, conflict, building, lack of teamwork, disorganized, pooling energy, determination, growing, recognition, reward, commitment

What Does the Three of Pentacles Mean in Readings?

Three of Pentacles in the tarot Minor Arcana symbolize achievements that become possible thanks to the dedicated work of a group. It indicates growth, recognition, reward, and hard work paying off. It’s also about learning from other people and developing through collaborations.

We can understand the Three of Pentacles meaning by looking at the picture on this card. There are several figures of people who are in a building cathedral. They are a priest, his mentee, and another nobleman. As they hold documents in their hands we can say that they are discussing the progress on building. One of them seems to be the most skilled in building and seems to know what to do next. Surprisingly it’s a mentee who seems to have much respect from others in the picture. We realize that although a nobleman and a priest can be highly acknowledged in their areas, they lack fundamentals in the building, so they trust a mentee who has meaningful ideas. The card symbolizes a group of people coming together to add value to a common goal with their unique skills and knowledge.

Three of Pentacles meaning is about the perfect combination of different expertise that allows you to complete a project. Teamwork makes great work, so for achievement, you need to engage with others and become productive in cooperation.

Three of Pentacles Upright Meaning Explained

You’re building a great foundation for success together! Three of Pentacles upright shows that you have like-minded people around whom you respect and they respect you too. You effectively collaborate and learn from each other, share knowledge, and appreciate each other. The card also embodies your commitment to a project you’re involved in. You’re working hard and doing your best to contribute with your knowledge and skills to the achievement of your common goal.

For love, the card indicates a couple who works together and finds it a great way to be together and support each other in different situations. Trust and appreciation of each other’s talents and skills make them a great team that works towards ambitious goals. For example, it can embody a couple who started a family business or share different roles in a big project. Proper contribution to the common well-being creates harmony and makes work effective.

When it comes to career the card signifies synergy and support at your workplace. Probably, you are starting a new project or getting a new role that requires you to engage other specialists with unique skills to create something valuable together. You also can be required to collect opinions of independent experts to get information for your work. The card also embodies learning and gaining additional skills. For example, you might get a new level of professional qualification.

When it comes to finances, the card upright signifies the need to get advice about money. Perhaps, you are figuring out how to manage your spending and learn to effectively budget your funds.

Three of Pentacles Reversed Meaning Explained

Undermining detected! The Three of Pentacles reversed signifies a lack of compassion, trust, and understanding between peers who are supposed to work towards common goals. Instead of teamwork people are competing with each other and fighting for resources. Perhaps, there is no effective leader in a team, so everyone tries to be on top. One of the issues is the big differences between the goals and ambitions of people involved in a project. At the moment it looks like separate individuals working for themselves.

When it comes to love and relationships, it’s hard to say that you are effectively working together as a couple. Issues may arise because you lack respect or trust. Underestimating your partner’s skills and knowledge can also be an obstacle to effective cooperation or family business. It may also mean that you are not putting enough effort into your relationship development. A strong union is a result of dedication and compromises that result from the inner work of each partner.

Confronting each other will not help build a relationship. Reconsider your roles in your union and act like a team.

The message of the card in an upside down position for career indicates issues at your workplace caused by stress and undermining from colleagues. However teamwork assumes help and compassion, you’re facing an opposite situation. Perhaps, you have to confront your colleagues who question your competency. The card shows a lack of understanding and patience for each other’s needs. Such an approach doesn’t help to build a strong team. The card also shows low motivation to grow within a current position.

In the context of finances the Three of Pentacles reversed embodies poor knowledge about your funds. For example, you might lack skills in investments, budgeting, financial planning, banking, and other vital knowledge. Consider learning more about storing and ruling your funds.

Final Words on the 3 of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Three of Pentacles is a Minor Arcana that embodies fruitful collaboration and effective teamwork. The card indicates a situation when skilled and talented members of a group contribute their knowledge to create something meaningful together. It’s the card of achievements, synergy, reward, and hard work paying off.

In an upright position, the card is a symbol of commitment, collaboration, free sharing of your talents, knowledge, and skills to contribute to the common project. For finances, the card shows that you’re learning to effectively deal with your money. When it comes to love, the card indicates that you might be working together with your significant other and find joy in this collaboration.

3 of Pentacles meaning upside down for career is an indicator of competition that doesn’t allow people to come together as an effective working group. There’s a lack of communication, resources, and time that may cause issues. Partnership is impossible when there’s a lack of desire to work as a team.

We hope our Three of Pentacles tarot guide helped you to understand the meaning of this Minor Arcana better. Good luck!

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