The Tower Tarot Card Meaning in Upright and Reversed Positions


crisis, losses, obstacles, deliberation, danger, radical change, unexpected endings, chaos, destruction, bankruptcy, violence, pain, confusion, divorce, radical change

What Does The Tower Tarot Card Mean in Readings?

The Tower is the Major Arcana of tarot. The card has the number sixteen and often scares people who see it in a spread. However, there is a possibility that the card warns one about the danger. The main meaning of this card is inevitable change without the ability to rebuild the previous system.

The Tower has several essential symbols in the picture. We can see the mountain with a spire on the top of it. There is a fire inside a spire and the storm that caused it. There are figures trying to escape from the fire and destruction. The meaning of the picture is destroying something old to build a foundation for something differently new. The Tower card shows that there is no way to proceed the same way as it was before. The system doesn’t work. The card is a symbol of radical changes that lead to transformations. Everything that was supportive and reliable will no longer serve you. One must find and build a new foundation for self-reliance.

The Tower tarot meaning is read as sufficient and radical changes that are better to adjust to than try to avoid. The cards also can show that somebody’s trying not to admit the upcoming changes, and wishes to leave everything as it was. However, the sudden change is coming, and chaos is impossible to avoid. The good news in the Tower tarot card meaning is that after a crisis one always becomes wiser and enters a new level.

The Tower Upright Meaning Explained

Change doesn’t mean bad things! The constant change is the nature of people and life itself. Nothing stays the same, and this is the beauty of being. It’s the Tower upright that tells you that the time has come to move on. The transformation will start with or without your involvement in the process. It would be much better to embrace the evolving changes and let them be. The loss of outdated foundations will open the road for building something new. The Tower in an upright position in a ‘yes or no‘ reading usually means a no.

For career, the upright position of the Tower means stress and possible loss of job. However, the card may also signify the changes in one’s position or sufficient reformations of the work conditions. For example, it can be a promotion, relocation of the office, switch to a remote job, or a new boss. If something similar is happening, these transformations will lead to better. Embracing changes and adjusting to an existing situation will be the best choice.

For love, the card in this position means the destruction of beliefs, separation, or end of relationships. Also, the card may signify that a couple or one of them is experiencing traumatizing events, and these challenges can lead to break-up. The Tower tarot card embodies the need to get ready for emotional swings. If you treasure your union and want to stay in these relationships, stay strong. Speak frankly about your feelings. If your significant other is experiencing a crisis and traumatizing events, be there for them. You may lose something outdated and build a foundation for a new level of intimacy and trust.

The Tower Reversed Meaning Explained

Summon your courage! The changes are coming your way. They are inevitable and you know they’re coming. The Tower reversed meaning holds something different than you used to experience. Such changes can be frightening. Don’t forget that all heavy situations that come your way come to you together with the resources to fight these situations. The Tower reversed meaning is bound to manifestation of your power. You need to embrace the upcoming transformations and major changes in your life.

The tower tarot card meaning upside down in love is the embodiment of change in relationships. The issue may appear if one doesn’t seem to communicate about problems freely. It also may be a signal that this union does not serve you both anymore, but one of you doesn’t want to admit it. If the horse is dead, dismount.

The card’s advice in this position signals that you might get a chance to leave your comfort zone at your job and start something else. Maybe you’ll meet someone who will offer you a position in the company of your dreams. The card recommends you to look around you, as there could be exciting possibilities. Also, the Tower upside down shows that despite the sudden changes at your working place, they will not relate to you. For example, if your company decides to cut off part of its employees, you’ll be the lucky one to remain in your place.

Final Words on The Tower Tarot Meaning

In the Tower tarot guide, we explained the main meanings of the trump card with the number 16 of Major Arcana. The card has a picture that shows a spire inside it. There was a storm that caused the fire. The figures of people are jumping from windows. The symbolism of the picture is the destruction of the old and the rebuilding of the foundation.

The Tower tarot meaning upright for career embodies sufficient changes. It can be relocation, promotion, new boss, new office, and so on. One must realize that these new obstacles will come anyway. The best would be to adjust to them. The card in this position says that change doesn’t mean anything bad. In fact, you are lucky to get new opportunities. Taking chances is what you can do for now. Anyway, you cannot influence the upcoming destruction of the old and rebuild if new.

The Tower upside down means that changes are coming, and you can’t do anything about them. For example, it could be a signal that it’s time to break up as these relationships don’t serve your needs anymore. It also may signal that changes that are happening will not affect you. For example, there will be a further cutoff and your position will remain the same in the company.

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