The Hermit as Feelings in Upright and Reversed Positions

The Hermit relates to Major Arcana and has the number nine. Among the main interpretations of this tarot card are self-reflection, inner work, solidity, and introspection.

To interpret the Hermit as feelings correctly we analyze the picture on this card. We see a mountain peak in darkness and a figure standing on it. In one hand the man holds a lantern that signifies that he’s ready to go further after he reaches the height and gets where he wants. We see a staff in the hand of a man. The staff symbolizes support and strength to move on and explore. By looking at the card, we can say that the man in the picture is wise and confident as he gained insights after a long, deep inner work. He knows what to do and realizes where he’s heading.

To correctly interpret the Hermit as feelings we should consider the position of the card. If a spread involves other tarot cards, their combinations and positions may help to identify the exact meaning of the Hermit in a reading. For example, the Hermit upside down may indicate the need to get advice from someone experienced who can guide you towards turbulent times. At the same time, the card in an upright position is an indicator of effective inner work and the power of introspection.

The Hermit Upright as Feelings Meaning Explained

In the context of love and friendship the card upright is an embodiment of the need to isolate yourself from others for some time. True openness and trust in intimate relationships assume vulnerability. If you want genuine commitment from another person, you should give the same level of commitment in return. Spending time alone will help you reflect on past relationships and decide on your readiness for a new union.

If you are wondering about someone’s feelings about you, it indicates their engagement in introspection. It’s the time to self-reflect and analyze their journey so there is no space to think about others. Perhaps, you imagine your relationships or are attracted to your crush in a sexual way. If you’re ready to give them time to finish their process of inner work, it may work with time. However, there’s another interpretation of someone’s feelings. They may be attracted to you, but afraid to get hurt.

The Hermit tarot as feelings of your ex-partner upright interprets as their wish to stay alone and dig deeper into their true desires. It’s not a good time to get in touch with them as they seek isolation.

For those who already have a partner, the Hermit indicates that you can strengthen your relationship by being open and honest with each other. You or your significant other require spiritual work that will help them recognize their true values. Give them time and space to support their search.

The Hermit Reversed as Feelings Meaning Explained

In reverse the Hermit is a symbol of anti-social behavior and isolation. Hence, the interpretation of the Hermit reversed as feelings of someone to you is that they might have sympathy for you, but are not ready to express it. They feel lonely and isolated, and tend to reflect and introspect a lot. It’s the feeling of being trapped without seeing a way out of isolation. They are afraid that someone will discover their true intentions.

The Hermit as feelings for someone in reverse indicates that you feel disconnected and distant from your partner. If you’re in a relationship that doesn’t lack commitment, explain your concerns to your significant other. Perhaps, you can discuss everything and find out the ways to rebuild trust and connection. Being honest about your feelings will work the best.

The Hermit indicates that your ex-partner still commits to you. Perhaps they aren’t ready to let you go and want reconciliation. After you parted ways they were doing spiritual work that changed their perspectives. It seems that your ex doesn’t want to be lonely anymore. If you want to know how your relationship will evolve and what dynamics you can expect, there is a chance that you will get back together soon. If you’re ready to start over again, then give your ex-partner some space to complete their inner work and let them realize that they can feel comfortable by your side.

Final Words on the Hermit as Feelings

The main meaning of the Hermit tarot card is introspection, inner work, self-reflection, and solidity. In reverse, the card signifies depression, isolation, feeling trapped, and the need to get clarification on your next steps in life.

The Hermit card as feelings is an embodiment of inner work and deep introspection. If you are considering starting a new relationship, your crush might be on their spiritual journey right now. Perhaps, they want to take time alone and then get back to social life with powerful insights.

In reverse the Hermit indicates loneliness and isolation. It may also signal depression and feeling trapped. If you want to attract someone you have a crush on, it’s possible that they aren’t in that kind of headspace. Probably, they want to reflect on their feelings or are afraid to open their heart.

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